The Ludwig Ledger
November 2024
Dear Ludwig Parents/Guardians,
Each November at Ludwig School, we take the opportunity to stop and reflect on what we're thankful for as we enter the holiday season. Giving thanks, expressing gratitude and appreciation to others, and recognizing the positive impact that we can have on those around us will be a common theme across all of our classrooms this month.
As part of our SEL programming, students will have the opportunity to identify something that they’re thankful for and write it on a turkey feather. Students will then add their feathers to a turkey cutout which will be posted outside of Ludwig's Learning Lab. Be sure to check out all that our students and staff are thankful for during P/T conferences, when our completed “Tom Turkey” will be on display for everyone to see!
From our Ludwig family to yours, we hope everyone has a safe, happy, and healthy start to the holiday season. As always, if you need anything from any staff member here at the school, please don't hesitate to reach out or contact our main office.
Mr. Kulik
Upcoming Dates For Your Calendar...
10/30 - 11/13 - Operation Support Our Troops
11/4 - Teacher Institute Day - NO SCHOOL
11/5 - Election Day - NO SCHOOL
11/6 - Ludwig Spirit Day - Flannel Day
11/11 - Veterans Day Ceremony @ 8:45am (Doors open for Veterans at 8:15am)
11/12 - 11/14 - 5th Grade CoGat Testing
11/12 - November D92 Board Meeting - 7pm @ Ludwig School
11/13 - World Kindness Day (Wear Blue to School)
11/15 - First Trimester Ends
11/15 - Ludwig Spirit Day - Bears vs. Packers (Wear your favorite Bears or Packers jerseys/shirts)
11/16 - PFA Event - "My Buckaroo and Me Dance" @ OP from 5pm - 7pm
11/18 - 11/22 - Book Fair Student Shopping during LMC class
11/18 - 12/11 - D92 Giving Tree
11/18 - November PFA Meeting @ OP - 6:30pm
11/21 - P/T Conference Sign Up Window Closes at 11pm
11/22 - First Trimester Report Cards Go Home
11/25 & 11/26 - P/T Conferences - NO SCHOOL
11/27 - 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL - (Classes resume Monday, 12/2)
5th Grade CogAT Testing
Ludwig's 5th grade students will take the CogAT assessment during the week of November 11th. CogAT measures learned reasoning and problem-solving skills in three different areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. Reasoning skills develop gradually throughout a person’s lifetime and at different rates for different individuals. Reasoning abilities are good predictors of success in school and are important outcomes of good schooling. CogAT does not measure such factors as effort, attention, motivation, and work habits, which also contribute importantly to school achievement. The purpose of this test is to better plan for your child’s instruction by looking at their specific strengths and weaknesses and to help identify academically gifted students for enrichment and honors programs.
This year, students will complete the online, digital version of the CogAT assessment. Please make sure that your 5th grader brings their fully charged iPad to school each day of testing. If you have questions about the administration of the CogAT, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or Ludwig's main office.
Veterans Day Assembly / Recognition
Each year, Ludwig staff and students are honored to be able to salute and honor our Nation’s Veterans at our Veterans Day Ceremony. This year's ceremony will be held on Monday, November 11th, at 8:45am. Due to space limitations in our gymnasium, only Veterans and their immediate family members are able to attend. Thank you to all of our nation’s Veterans, across all branches, for your service.
For those that submitted an RSVP for in-person attendance, please enter through Ludwig's main gym doors starting at 8:15am.
Operation Support Our Troops - America
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Each school year, the continued collaboration between home and school remains imperative for our student’s growth and success at school. This year, parent/teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th:
Monday, Nov. 25th:
1pm - 4pm - virtual conferences
5pm - 8pm - in-person conferences
Tuesday, Nov. 26th:
8am - 11am - in-person conferences
12pm - 3pm - virtual conferences
Please take the opportunity to sign up for conferences HERE, if you haven’t already done so. You will have the opportunity to sign up for in-person conferences or virtual conferences, depending on the time and the day. The portal to sign up for conferences closes at the end of the day on Thursday, November 21st at 11pm. If you have any trouble signing up for conferences, please contact your child’s teacher or Ludwig’s main office. We hope to see you there!
SAEBRS Screener
Will County School District 92 is committed to supporting every student’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioral growth. To continue supporting our students' well-being, our district will administer a Social, Academic, Emotional, and Behaviors Risk Screener (SAEBRS or mySAEBRS) in November and February. Families may opt their child out if they do NOT want them to participate.
This screener is administered in two ways based on the child’s grade level. For students in grades K-1, our teachers will evaluate their students using academic, social, and emotional data categories and complete the assessment for each student. For students in grades 2-8, the screener, mySAEBRS, is a brief rating scale that students will complete themselves.
It's important to note that the SAEBRS screener is strictly confidential, and only a few staff members can access the data. The results from these screeners will allow District 92 to identify students who may benefit from additional support to help them focus on their education and remove social and emotional barriers to learning.
At District 92, we want all our students and families to feel at ease with the SAEBRS and mySAEBRS screeners. We encourage you to contact your school psychologist for additional information if you have concerns about this screener. We are always here to give families the information they need to make the best decisions for everyone involved.
The screeners will be completed in mid-November and February. Students in grades 2-8 will complete this screener, and teachers will complete it for students in grades K-1 as part of their academic benchmark assessments.
Please click on this link to learn more about how social-emotional behavior impacts academic success and to view the questions that will be assessed.
Please complete this opt-out Google Form if you do not wish your child to participate in the Social, Academic, Emotional, Behaviors Risk Screener (SAEBRS or mySAEBRS) screening process. We assume your child can participate if we do not hear from you.
Scholastic Book Fair
Students will be able to shop at this year's Scholastic Book Fair during their LMC Classes during the week of November 18th - 22nd. Parents & Families can attend the Book Fair during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 25th & Tuesday, November 26th.
Scholastic Book Fair Parent/Family Hours:
1pm - 8pm on Monday, November 25th
8am - 3pm on Tuesday, November 26th
Here is the link to our Ludwig Book Fair Homepage too where families can set up eWallets for their students: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/ludwigschool
If you have any Scholastic Book Fair related questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Styrczula or Ludwig's Main Office.
D92 Giving Tree - 2024
AM Arrival & Recess - Weather Reminder
AM arrival takes place from 7:30am - 7:50am, daily. Bus riders generally arrive to the school between 7:30 and 7:35am, which leaves a 15 to 20 minute window where they will be outside, socializing, in their homeroom lines. Also, students will continue to have the opportunity to go outside for recess time, if the weather allows, as we enter the winter season.
Please have your child check the weather forecast and dress in layers (including hats, gloves, scarves, etc...) for comfort, as the seasons change and the weather gets colder. As always, we will continue to bring students into the building for arrival and have indoor recess when the weather is inclement.
5th Grade Musical - "Summer Camp"
Ludwig's 5th graders performed their rendition of the musical "Summer Camp" for a packed house of parents and family members. Way to go to all of our student performers and singers, as well as Mrs. Danley! It was a tremendous performance!
Click on the link HERE or on the summer camp image to the right to see photos from this year's performance! A special shout out to Mrs. Martinez for capturing these amazing photos!
Ludwig School - Halloween Costume Parade 2024
Photos From Around the School
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, for even more images and videos from around the school!
Ludwig's Celebrates Unity Day
Unity Chain on Display
Orange Ribbons for Bullying Prevention Month
4th Grade - Alan Gratz Author Visit
Fire Prevention Assembly
5th Grade Pilcher Park Field Trip
Drawing Art Club Masterpieces
Drawing Art Club Masterpieces
Ludwig's Lost and Found
Where's Waldo?
Happy Halloween from the Ludwig Staff!
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Content Entries
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Content Entries
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Content Entries
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Content Entries
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Content Entries
Character Category Winner
Congrats Jackson!
Decorated/Creative Category Winner
Congrats Anna!
Carved Category Winner
Congrats Phoebe!