Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Great Things
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” – Mother Teresa
Week of July 12th - Recovery Phase 4!
CCPHC recommends > age 12 get vaccinated; No masks/social distancing if vaccinated.
Monday, 4:00 PM - CIP; 4PM - Safe Streets & Sidewalks Grant Application deadline
Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 AM - Free Blood Pressure Checks @ ESCC;
3PM - Community Center Advisory Committee
Wednesday, 7AM - Noon - Farmer's Market @ ESCC
Friday, 7:30 AM - Council Work Session & Budget Review; 6PM - Splash Park Piccadilly
- Capital Improvement Authority - Consider allocation to Blight Fund to cover emergency demolition of Royal Hotel & related costs.
- Community Center - Review preliminary parking & site layouts, stormwater management, aquatic layouts & features, architectural review of staff spaces (admissions, guards, first aid, concessions), guests (showers and changing rooms), pool mechanical.
- Council Work Session & Budget Review (Water, Sewer, Refuse)
- Council Special Meeting - Meet with Police Chief Recruiter (Baker Tilly) to discuss what council considers are important attributes for prospective candidates
- Council Meeting - Issues under development for meeting include approval of emergency purchase with Trane for repairs to the Community Center from lightening strike and with Dehn Demolition for demolition of the Royal Hotel (East); amendment to the Schedule of Fees to include Splash Park rental rates, 3rd party inspection fees, eliminate Court's Sheriff Retirement Fee and add court automation fee to court costs; accept donation of land adjacent to Luna Park; consider amendment to 353 Overlay District boundaries to include neighborhood around Elms Blvd.; consider temporary special use permit to allow large equipment storage @ 300 Milwaukee & renewal of special use permit @ 512 Elms Blvd. for short term rental.
To Enhance the Quality for All...
Celebrating Work Anniversaries this week: Debby Willimetz, Water Administrative Secretary - 28 years; Nate Conyers, Storm Water Coordinator - 17 years, Kathy Twitchell, PC Utility Administrator - 14 years; Mike Britt, Yard Waste Attendant - 12 years; John Donat, Chief Water Plant Operator - 11 years; Randy Ussery, Street MW3 - 6 years; Lisa Morgan, Administrative Assistant, CD - 2 years
Key Project Updates
- Deadline next week for Safe Streets & Sidewalks Project funding application. If approved, funding will enable reconstruction of 2 miles of existing streets with open ditch shoulders to include curb, gutter, storm drainage, & sidewalks, addition of 2.3 miles of sidewalk along existing streets, addition of 2.5 miles of trail, improvements to 8 intersections to protect pedestrians from vehicular traffic with signal modifications, round-abouts or a pedestrian overpass to connect schools, community center & business district with neighborhoods divided by US-69.
- This week demolition of the Royal Hotel was the big event, lots of comment about bricks & stained glass, public & private responsibility, loss of history & possibilities for our economic future. Next week, site cleanup begins.
- Private investments in downtown include: Casa de Vite construction is moving forward @ the former Gowing-Hope Funeral Home @ Thompson & Spring Street; IOOF building @ Spring/Thompson has begun tuckpointing; building east of HOW under construction for a small coffee shop; Mook building at corner of Main & Broadway will contain the expansion of New Age Skincare, Ventana is having repair work completed while they have been closed, several other positive discussion wth a number of building owners about improvements that are coming.
- Public improvements underway include the design phase of the HOW for Save America's Treasures Grant, next week weather permitting Dunbar striping will begin, excavation at Digester site is complete, working on structure drain & pipes.
Choose Your Attitude!
Facebook's Thankful Thursday - Thankful for Jim & Daphne @ Willow Springs Mercantile's generousity & neighborly; for Chamber of Commerce & DEP, business owners, volunteers that work hard to bring the many festivals & events to town; Courtney Cole & passion to serving ES & the human race; for Public Works for taking care of our town through two weather disasters in a short time frame, for Ameren during power outages; Public Works & Parks Maintenance going above & beyond to clean up after the storms; Love my town & won't ever leave here again; for beautiful Community Center & all of the instructors who are so helpful & motivating; for ES SAFE caring about resilience of our kids during trying times.
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752