Boeckman Bulletin
March 22, 2024
Mar. 25-29 Spring Break - No School
April 1 School Begins
April 9 PTA Meeting 6:30pm
April 10 Professional Growth Wednesday - School Dismissed at 12:10
April 15 Spring Enrichment Classes Begin
April 24 Professional Growth Wednesday - School Dismissed at 12:10
April 25 World Culture Night 5:30pm
Follow this link to view the District Primary school calendar for the 2023-24 year.
Follow this link to view the Boeckman Creek School calendar.
Professional Growth Wednesday - Early Release Dates for the 2023-24 School Year
April 10
April 24
May 8
Boeckman Creek Primary School will be closed over Spring Break.
We will see everyone on Monday, April 1st.
Spring Enrichment Classes
Spring Enrichment Classes will begin the week of April 15th. Registration is open until Thursday, April 4th through ParentVue. An email will be sent by April 10th letting families know which Enrichment Class their student got into. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school office at (503) 673-7750.
Save the Date for the BCPS International Culture Night and Art Walk!
Save the Date for the BCPS International Culture Night and Art Walk!
Thursday, April 25th 5:30pm--7:30pm
We are so excited to be holding our International Culture Night and Art Walk again this year! For those of you not familiar with this event, this night is a vibrant and lively celebration of the many cultures within Boeckman Creek. In previous years, we have had over 40 different countries and cultures represented, all in one spectacular evening! We invite Boeckman students and their families to host a table to decorate and display artifacts representing the chosen culture. Families are also invited to come dressed in the native ceremonial dress. Participation in the event is free and there is no cost to attend.
We end this festive night with our Art Walk. Families have the opportunity to walk the halls of our school admiring the beautiful art work of our students.
If you are interested in hosting a table please email Debbie Pritchett (pritched@wlwv.k12.or.us) or Sandi Laschober (laschobs@wlwv.k12.or.us), or fill out this Google Form. If you have any questions about how you might be a part of this special night, you can also contact the school office at (503) 673-7750.
Kindergarten and Preschool Registration is Open
Kindergarten and Preschool registration for the 2024-25 school year opened on Wednesday, January 31, 2023. Families may register online by following this link or request paper registration through the school office. If you have any difficulty registering, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Incoming kindergarten parents, please save the date of May 23rd from 3:00-3:45 for Boeckman's 2024-25 Kindergarten Parent Information Afternoon and the date of May 31st for Kindergarten Visitation Day. More information to follow.
Information for 5th Grade Parents
Hello Future Meridian Creek Families!
We are so excited to welcome you and your incoming 6th graders for the 2024-25 School Year! Please join us on Thursday April 4th from 6-7pm in the MCMS Commons for a brief presentation from our school team, time for Q and A, and a chance to tour the school. This evening is geared towards parents and caregivers but students are always welcome to attend. Questions? Please reach out to MCMS Principal Kenny Ewbank (ewbankk@wlwv.k12.or.us).
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please read the information below from Meridian Creek Middle School regarding the transition from 5th to 6th grade.
MCMS offers a grade level Google Classroom which has information for students. The join code is: s6x2eye and the link to access that classroom can be found here
The Google Classroom will include a virtual tour of MCMS and information on different course options. Coming soon to the Google Classroom are videos to teach about different Related Arts options and a video to teach how to fill out the forecasting form.
Students with other considerations (IEP/504) will have the same transition process with specific meetings as needed this will be facilitated by counselors and Learning Specialists.
There will be a Parent information night on Thursday, April 4th @ MCMS Commons from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. The evening will include a brief presentation, a question and answer session and a school tour.
If parents have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Meridian Creek Middle School office at (503)673-7450.
5th Grade
Our yearbook has a section titled “Boeckman Babies” each year, where we publish a photo of each of our fifth graders when they were younger, with a personal message from their family.
Here is what we need to ensure your child’s submission is included:
1 Baby or Childhood Picture - This will be a square photo, so please plan accordingly.
1 Written Message - Maximum length 225 characters.
Please send to boeckmanbabies@gmail.com by March 31st, in order to be included in the yearbook.