November Weekly Update #11
November 24th, 2024

Our Schedule This Week
What's Happening This Week:
- Monday, November 25 - REC SWIMS π Remember to bring those swimsuits!
- Gr. 1 & 2 - 9am - 10am
- Gr. 3 & 4 -10am - 11am
- Gr. 5 & 6 - 11am - 12pm
- Monday 25 - Growing Smiles Christmas Greenery Fundraiser Due
- Thursday 28 - Plaid/Flannel Day
- Friday 29 - Pizza Hut Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
- Friday 29- Report Cards go live online at 3pm
News from Friends of A.L.Horton
Winter Fundraiser Orders Due Tomorrow
Growing Smiles poinsettia's and holiday arrangements are due tomorrow.
Here is the link for their website and online order form.
Pick up will be at the school on December 10 and payments can be made online or by cheque. Please ensure cheques are made payable to Friends of AL Horton Fundraising Society.
Please contact friendsofalhortonscool@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Upcoming Events
"A Vegreville Christmas"
Tuesday, December 17
Concert times will be posted soon
Vegreville Christmas Bureau
Donation Box is also available at the school!
They accept new unwrapped toys and games. New hats, scarves, mitts or gloves. Non perishable food, Christmas candles and treats. They can not accept home baking or preserves, perishable items, bulks foods or pop.
Cash Donations can be sent to Box 31, Vegreville, AB, T9C 1R1
School Council and Friends Meeting Reminder
The next meeting was pushed ahead a week and will be held on Wednesday December 4 at 6pm. Agenda will be posted next week
π Weekly Shout-Outs
Indigenous Family and Community Evening
A.L. Horton Elementary School, Mundare School, and Vegreville Composite Jr/Sr High School put on an Indigenous Community Night on Wednesday, November 20 in the A.L. Horton gym.
We celebrated indigenous culture through food (soup and bannock), painting with Metis elder Connie Kulhavy, smudging, and exploring and learning about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit groups and their languages who have been on Turtle Island for time immemorial on our Giant Floor Map.
We had a great turnout of about 65 people who really enjoyed the evening of connection and celebration.
Ms Morgana, FNMI Lead teacher, A.L. Horton
It's getting colder...
Please remember to bring and wear your winter gear!
Check those report cards
Remember to check your students report card on Friday @ 3pm on your parent portal!
School Fees are now due
Please check your parent portal to keep current
π Coming Up!
Monday, November 25 - Grade 1-6 Rec Swims
Thursday, November 27 β Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Thursday, November 28 - Plaid/Flannel Day
Friday, November 29 - Pizza Hut Hot Lunch (if purchased)
Friday, November 29 - Report Cards live on Parent Portal @ 3pm
Wednesday, December 4 - Early Dismissal and Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Wednesday, December 4 - School Council and Friends Mtg @ 6pm
Friday, December 6 - Alberts Hot Lunch (if purchased)
Wednesday, December 11 - Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Friday, December 13 - VCHS Hot Lunch (if purchased)
Tuesday, December 17 - Christmas Concert (times to come)
Wednesday, December 18 - Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Friday, December 20 - Boston Pizza Hot Lunch (if purchased)
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break
Monday, January 6 - Classes Resume
π‘ Reminders
Bus Lane Changes
The bus lane has been expanded at the front of the school to meet the space requirements for the extra buses we now have. The bus lane now extends all the way to the crosswalk past the A.L. Horton Elementary sign. We do not want anyone to have any issues with law enforcement, so please avoid parking in front of the school between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
AMA Patrollers on Duty!
School Fees Due
- Fees for the 2024-2025 school year have been assessed. Please log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account to view and pay these fees. Fees are due within 30 days of being assessed. Fee payments can be made online via the PowerSchool Parent Portal using Visa or MasterCard, or in person at your childβs school. If you require assistance accessing your Parent Portal account, contact the school. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.