CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
January 20, 2023
A Message from Ms. Santa
Teacher Professional Development
Both TBD and CDW staff members donated food for the Food/Supply Pantry in Old Tappan! Thank you to everyone who donated.
Monday, January 23rd~ There will be a Board of Education meeting at 8:00 PM in the BOE Conference Room.
Thursday, January 26th~ Marking Period 2 ends.
Tuesday, January 31st~ Marking Period 2 Report Cards available in the Genesis Parent Portal at 12:00 PM
Monday, January 30th-Friday, February 9th~ Grade 8 Scheduling Conferences with NVOT
Thursday, February 9th~ PTO Casino Night
Monday, February 13th~ There will be a Board of Education meeting at 8:00 PM in the BOE Conference Room.
Monday, February 20th-Friday, February 24th~ School is closed for February Recess.
Monday, February 27th~ There will be a Board of Education meeting at 8:00 PM in the BOE Conference Room.
CDW Band and Choir Winter Concerts
Assembly on Internet Safety
In addition to the Grade 8 students assembly, on the night of Tuesday, January 17th, the Detective/Sergeant Calaski from Bergen County's Prosecutor's Office presented important information to CDW parents about Internet Safety. If you could not attend, please see a snippet of information that Det./Sgt. Calaski shared that is helpful for all parents/guardians to know.
- Communication with your child(ren) is key! Follow your child(ren) on the social media apps they use.
- Your child(ren)'s social media accounts should be private, and you should go through the privacy settings with him/her.
- Remind your child(ren) that their online life and their offline life should be the same.
- Remind your child(ren) to never give anyone (even a friend) their password, or any other personal information.
- If your child(ren) bring a "threat" to your attention, contact the police ASAP!
If your child(ren) is being cyberbullied, he/she should:
- not respond
- block the bully
- set up new accounts and delete the current account
- make a report (screenshots)
- talk to an adult
How can your child help someone getting cyberbullied:
- document what you see and when
- don't encourage the bully behavior
- don't participate to "fit in"
- stand up for the victim
- talk to an adult
Additional Resources Shared:
*The infographic below shows apps that parents/guardians should understand before allowing their child(ren) to download them.
Assembly on Pathways to Addiction
- Gateway Drugs include alcohol and marijuana, and 80% of children who start using them by the age of 14 will try other drugs later in life.
- Tik Tok increases a "lack of appreciation" among students, which causes depression. Depression can often lead to drug use.
Detective Gilmore also gave the students strategies on how to say, "NO" to drugs. He explained to the students how to make a plan to say, "NO!" Students can make excuses such as, "It's against my religion," "I have asthma so I can't," "My parents randomly drug test me," or just saying, "NO!" He also reviewed with the students that there are many people all around them each day that they can go to for help and guidance.
*Please be on the lookout for a future parent assembly that we hope to work out with Detective Gilmore's schedule.
Grade 8 Scheduling Conferences with NVOT
If you have not yet scheduled your child(ren)'s Scheduling Conference with NVOT, please see the information below that was emailed to you on January 3rd from Ms. Santa and Ms. Adamo.
Link to schedule your child’s high school conference:
Art: Grade 5
Math Lab: Grade 5
CDW Brain Busters
CDW Debate Team
On Thursday January 19th, the CDW Debate Team participated in its second Novice Debate Tournament at NVOT with students from Tenafly, Northvale, Cresskill, Harrington Park, and Haworth. After extensive preparation, teammates Madeline Iacono and Neha Anoo presented cases for and against the United States federal government increasing its cooperation with NATO in the areas of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology. Madeline and Neha placed first for the negative case that they presented. Their accomplishment is tremendous! Congratulations!
Ms. Fischer, the Debate Team advisor, assisted the students in preparing for the tournament.
Mr. L's Corner
Reminders and Updates from CDW's Student Manager
CDW Intramurals Club
*All physicals must be up-to-date in the CDW Health Office in order for your child(ren) to participate. You can contact Mrs. McCarthy at for more information.
CDW Basketball
The girls' basketball team improved its record to 9-1 with a 44-8 win over Haworth on Tuesday. Lexi Caneudo led all scorers with 18 points. Maiumi Quiros scored 8. The dynamic duo of Alivia Badurina and Olivia Richards each chipped in 4.
The girls' basketball team improved its record to 10-1 with a 46-40 win over Northvale on Wednesday. Lexi Caneudo led the Lady Knights with 15 points. Christina D'Andrea scored 9, and Lyla Murphy chipped in 6.
In the third game of the week, the Lady Knights fell short to Closter. Lexi Caneudo led all scorers with 15 points. Alivia Badurina scored 7, and Lea Savino chipped in 5. They finished the regular season with a record of 10-2. Good Luck in the playoffs!
The boys' basketball team improved their record to 8 and 1 with a 67-46 win over Haworth on Tuesday. All 12 players scored led by Matt Kosmark with 10, Jake Totten 9, and Chace Totten with 8. Carmine Porcelli and Andreas Antonopolous chipped in with 7 each.
The boys' basketball team lost to Northvale 59-43 on Wednesday, but they played hard. Zach Miceli and Leo Etter led the team in scoring with 15 points each. Carmine Porcelli and Scott Houba chipped in 5 points each. Thanks to statisticians Baily West, Lindsey Massaro, and Sam Bilali.
The boys' basketball team lost to Closter on Thursday, ending their season with a 9-3 record. Zach Miceli had an outstanding game with 19 points and 14 rebounds. Maximos Demaras poured in 18 points. Leo Etter added 9, and Carmine Porcelli chipped in with 5. The boys are off to the playoffs!
Playoff Schedule for Girls' and Boys' Basketball
Girls' Basketball - Playoff Rank #2
Due to a scheduling conflict and a lack of basketball officials, our girls' basketball team will play their first-round playoff game at Harrington Park on Monday, January 23, @ 3:45 PM. Should you have any questions, please email Ms. Tabasco. The winner of this game will go on to play Northvale.
Boys' Basketball - Playoff Rank #3
Our boys' basketball team will play their first-round playoff game at Charles DeWolf Middle School on Wednesday, January 25, @ 3:45 PM. Should you have any questions, please email Mr. Westervelt. The winner of this game will go on to play Northvale.
TBD - Round Two
Coaches will contact parents regarding the day, time, and location of second-round games.
Championship Games
Monday, January 30 @ Northern Valley Old Tappan High School
Girls' Basketball @ 5:15 PM
Boys' Basketball @ 6:15 PM
PTO Fundraisers
Pasta Lunch: January 27th
There will be 3 sauce options:
- Tomato
- Pink
- Butter
Lovable Labels Fundraiser
Spirit Wear!
Both stores offer different merchandise. Links are on or see below:
SHORT TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School Old Tappan Spirit Wear 2022
LONG TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School
Updated Old Tappan Traffic Ordinance- PLEASE READ!
The Borough of Old Tappan has amended Ordinance 242-17. The changes are noted below:
- Left and right turns are prohibited onto Charles Place from Old Tappan Road between the hours of 7:30 AM-8:30 AM and 2:30 PM-3:30 PM on school days.
- Left and right turns are prohibited onto Kay Street from Leonard Drive between the hours of 7:30 AM-8:30 AM and 2:30 PM-3:30 PM on school days.
Old Tappan Police Officers will be strictly enforcing the ordinance.
Important Reminders for Upcoming Delayed Openings
- Staff will be available for drop off to begin at 9:30 AM.
- Homeroom begins at 10:00 AM.
- After 10:00 AM, students need to enter through the front door for a tardy pass. Please drive around to the front to drop them off since the other doors will be closed.
Science Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment for Grade 7
Grades 7 and 8: Community Service Opportunity
Bergen County Stigma-Free Sticker Contest!
Change of Contact Information in Genesis
Please email Mrs. Rosica-Kirchner with any new contact information. If your address has changed, please provide Ms. Rosica-Kirchner with a new Lease/Deed and 3 utility bills. The school will then change the address in the Genesis system. Any correspondence sent home from CDW will not forward so we do not want you to miss any future mailings!
Please contact Mrs. Rosica-Kirchner at if assistance is needed.
Dismissal Procedure Reminders
- Please arrange a meeting area with your child(ren) so that you can locate them efficiently.
- Please do not park and/or exit your vehicle regardless of your child(ren) being at TBD or CDW.
- Please move your car up after the car in front of you exits Interschool Drive to keep the traffic flowing.
- Please do not block designated emergency lanes that connect TBD and CDW.
- Please use BOTH LANES on Interschool Drive for Pick-Up. A staff member will be available to cross your child(ren).
New Genesis Parent Portal Link
**Please note, the app we have for parents to access the Genesis Parent Portal on a mobile device is no longer supported by the Apple Store. If your app is no longer working, please log in using the link above. We are working to update our app so it is supported by the Apple Store; however, we do not have a projected date when this will be complete.
The Nex-Trex Plastic Film Recycling Program is Back!
Please see the flyer below for more information!
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Art Supplies Needed!
Chromebook Insurance Information
National Junior Honor Society Information for Current 7th Grade Students
Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at Charles DeWolf Middle School is open to any seventh grade student who meets all the membership requirements at the end of the third marking period in 2023.
During the week of April 24, 2023, eligible students will be identified and invited to apply
for admission to the NJHS by email. An email will also be sent to parents of eligible
students. The induction ceremony will be held during the week of May 15, 2023 (subject to
Old Tappan 2022-2023 School Year Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD