The end of the school year is approaching fast! This has been one of the fastest school years that I can remember. It has also been one of the best! We have an amazing group of students, staff and families. Each day is a joy to be here and watch as the teachers engage with the children and the children become more confident and excited learners!
Thank you for all your support during testing. We had only a few make up tests. The students did an amazing job and really took their time. We are proud of them! We also have to acknowledge our K-2 who were so quiet and supportive to their older peers during testing. We hope they all enjoyed their special celebration after testing. They earned it!
May is a busy month! On May 17th, the students in grades K-5 will be performing our annual Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory play. The play will begin at 2:00 PM. Immediately following the play we will have some treats. We hope you will be able to join us and support the students. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends...everyone is invited!
The last week of school is all half days and there will be no after school program that last week. We will have our annual Field/Water Day, WonkaPalooza, Movie day and last day of school the 5th Graders will be doing their speeches. It is always a bitter sweet time!
We are working hard to increase our enrollment. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please encourage friends and family to check out the school for their children entering into grades K-5. We also have the summer school program that is open to all students. Writing a Google Review is another quick and easy way to help support our school.
Thank you for your continued support.
APRIL 15 - MAY 15, 2024
Our Fundraiser is still in full swing! It will end on May 15, 2024. So far we have only sold 2 kits, which brings in $12 to the school! We get $6 for every kit sold! Our goal is $200.
The pizza and crazy break are delicious! It really does taste like you stopped at your local Little Caesars and picked it up, but much better because it is still fresh and hot! It only takes about 8 minutes for the crazy bread and 7 minutes for the pizza! A quick and yummy meal for the family in under 20 minutes!
You can scan the QR Code or go to:
You will have to set up an account. You can have the pizza shipped directly to you or pick from one of the deals that you pick up at your local Little Caesars. They even have cookies! Lots of great products to choose from.
We appreciate your support!
We have had an increase in students who bring breakfast, lunch and/or snack from home. As a reminder, Academy Adventures Midtown is part of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. Students are permitted to bring in food for breakfast, lunch or snack, however, per our handbook there are guidelines. As part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) we are required to abide by very specific guidelines. Students may bring water but no other beverages are permitted. Students who bring food that is not within the guidelines will not be able to eat it on school grounds. They will be offered a school provided meal.
These restrictions are put into place by NSLP to ensure your child is getting the proper nutrition that supports your child's growth and development. The proper nutrition helps your child have the proper energy level, alertness and concentration needed to be a successful student.
Below is the list that is included in the Handbook, which can be found on our website. If you have any questions, please speak with your child's teacher. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that the school is in compliance and your child is getting the best possible nutrition during the school day.
Our Summer Enrichment Program registration went home! All students entering grades K-5 are eligible to attend. We have changed our attendance policy to make it more flexible for families, but please understand this is an education program, not a babysitting service. Students who attend will be required to participate and there are high behavioral expectations.
The program will run June 10-July 12, 2024 (Closed July 4-5). The hours will be the same as the school hours: 7:30 AM (open for Breakfast); 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Instructional Day; and 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM FREE After School Program.
We will continue to work on building on your child's strengths and set SMART Goals for them. This is not a mandatory program, but we strongly recommend that your child attends! It is a great opportunity for them to continue to bridge any learning gaps they may have, as well as spend time with their friends!
If you have any questions, please speak with Mrs. Angela or your child's teacher.
Deadline to send in registration is May 10, 2024! Don't miss out on this great opportunity!
We have had several inquiries about next school year! Thank you to all the families who are referring friends and family! We are hoping to enroll at least another 10-15 students. We have openings in grades K-5, so please continue to refer families to us. We do have an incentive program!
You can also help by submitting a Google Review for the school. The link is below. Many families take these reviews into consideration when they are looking for a new school. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
Any questions on registration for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact Mrs. Angela.
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024 @ 2:00 PM
Join us for our annual End of Year Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Play! The students have been working so hard at memorizing their lines and mastering their performances and songs. You won't want to miss out!
We will have snacks immediately following. Invite family and friends! Come support your children!
The Family Movie Night on April 26th was a huge success! We had several families attend and watch Wonka with us! It is always so much fun to have our families come together for fun events. We hope you had as much fun as we did!
We are always open to new ideas! If you have a fun idea for a family event, please let Mrs. Angela know. We are starting to plan for next year and this would be a great time to get your input! We want to make sure the activities we provide are fun for everyone to attend.
Congratulations to all of our 3rd-5th Grade students for the great job they did on their annual state testing. The students took their time and did their best. We are very proud of them. We cannot wait to see the results in the next month or so.
This was the first year we only had a couple of make-up tests. Thank you parents for making sure that your child was at school and ready to test. We appreciate your support.
The Friday after testing we did a school celebration for all students. The K-2 for being such great classmates and keeping their noise level down to a minimum and the 3-5 for their great work on their tests. Students spent the morning doing a fun field day and art projects then in the afternoon they had popcorn, brownies and a movie. They definitely earned the celebration!
Please make sure that you have notifications enabled on your Class Dojo app. This is the primary way to communicate with you at a school level. All events, emergency information and other information are published in the School Story. Please make sure that you have notifications set up so that if there is an update or emergency you will get the information in a timely manner. We will do our best to keep notifications to a minimum so that you are not getting a lot of repetitive notifications.
We will continue to use Class Dojo over the summer to communicate with families. Please make sure if your children are returning in the Fall that you continue to keep your notifications turned on. We will be sending out notices on the Summer Events and Registration and we don't want you to miss out.
If you have any issues with Class Dojo, please contact your child's teacher for help. Please note, you are NOT required to pay for Class Dojo. We only use the free portion. The paid version is optional and not required.
There are many illnesses in the air. The constant fluctuation in our temperatures does not help. If your child shows any signs of feeling ill, please keep them home so they do not spread illnesses at the school. We want to keep students and staff healthy!
We continue to be diligent by sanitizing frequently touched areas throughout the day. Children are reminded regularly to wash their hands before and after meals and being outside. The school is deep cleaned in the evenings with wiping down all frequently touched areas including desks, tables, doors, door knobs, chairs, etc. Health and safety continues to be a high priority.
We appreciate your cooperation and help in keeping everyone healthy!
Academy Adventures Midtown is passionate about supporting academic and emotional growth in each child. Cloud9 World provides many skills to help our students deal with every day situations occurring in their lives at school or at home.
In May, students will be focusing on excellence. According to CloudWorld9, excellence is a commitment to being the best at something. Excellence is a result of caring about what you do.
People who exhibit excellence rise above mediocrity to make a difference.
We hope you will engage with your child at home and discuss the character traits with them each month. To help, below are parent sheets to help you discuss the current monthly trait with your child. If you would like more information or how you can log into Cloud9 at home, please contact your child's teacher.
Parents can also access Cloud9 World online! Talk to your child's teacher for more information on how you can access the information at home.
We continue to provide Positive Learning Behavior Parent SEL Sessions. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and receive some guidance from Mrs. Gilbert on how to best support and encourage your child's learning. As a reminder, these are not parenting classes! We are not here to tell you how to parent your child. We are here to help support your child's learning in a positive manner.
Join us every week on Friday mornings at 7:30 AM. Come learn ways you can positively help and encourage your child to do their best on their school work, at home and at school.
Captain Jack Sparrow once told us, “The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem”. This quote is something to be considered, as any ‘problem’ Early Elementary has encountered, they have done with the right, positive attitude. May it be math, reading, writing, or learning each other and ourselves, each Early Elementary student has embraced each ‘problem’ with love and support; and that is something to be proud of!
Over the past month, Early Elementary has shown school support and pride for our Upper Elementary, as they completed their State Testing.
Early Elementary has shown amazing growth in their abilities to understand math concepts, apply them in their individualized work, and increased their abilities to work independently. The students have demonstrated great progress in addition and subtraction. Over the past month, students have also learned to tell time on digital and analog clocks. They will continue to reference telling time and addition/subtraction fluency, as we move into a deeper understanding of shapes and money concepts over the next month.
Throughout April, Early Elementary focused on nouns, verbs and phonics. We also learned tricks to increasing our ability to look at words and break them down into chunks; in turn building confidence and fluency. Some examples are: ‘The Bossy e’, when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking, and consonant blends. Along with reading, students have learned various nouns and verbs when reading, writing and speaking. Moving forward, we will continue to focus on reading fluency and comprehension.
To not be impressed with all the students, their progress, their growth and their hearts is impossible. Each student demonstrates a love for learning while keeping their beautiful and magical individuality. That is something to foster, daily. We will work our best to ensure that this is a constant for each student’s learning. Thank you for choosing Academy Adventures Midtown!
It is time for celebration! The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students did their best and truly brought their all for State Testing throughout the month of April. I am beyond proud of how hard they worked and am so thankful that you have been there to support your amazing students throughout.
With it being the last month of the school year, we have a lot of fun things planned. We have a full schedule these last few weeks because, before we know it, it’ll be summer! The students will be practicing their Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Play for their performance Friday, May 17th at 2:00 PM. Students are doing a fantastic job practicing their lines, singing their songs and adding movements to their acting. I am so excited to see what their final performance will be. I know it will be loads of fun, not only for the audience, but for them as well!
ELA this month is focused on genres and having fun exploring what different genres have to offer readers. The students will even be completing a book of their own in the genre of their choice. Math will focused on geometry and coordinate planes. The students will be creating art projects using their knowledge of lines, angles and shapes and will take that information to put on a grid and graph their image. The goal these last few weeks is to keep the activities fun and light, but also something they will remember going into the next school year. Having students create their own story and be able to add pictures and take it home as a memory is something I think the students will enjoy making and will love looking back on. Creating art and putting a different spin on math helps open the opportunity for students to see the beauty of math and what all the possibilities are when we apply math to the real world.
This has genuinely been one of my favorite years at Academy Adventures Midtown. Seeing how much growth your students have made during their time here has made my heart extremely happy, words cannot express how proud I am of your phenomenal students! As always if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out on Class Dojo or send me an email!
Academy Adventures Midtown has the GREATEST students! Check out the pictures below. One of the benefits of a small school is that it allows all students in all grades to work together. Learning does not have to be sitting behind a desk working out of a book and/or being lectured by the teacher. Our teachers strive (and succeed!) to make learning fun and interactive for our students. Allowing the Upper Elementary students to work with the Early Elementary students allows collaboration, teaching, and builds supportive relationships.
Some of the fun activities in April included: students celebrating the end of testing with some fun Field Day events in their pajamas! Students also made their own bags of ice cream!
Check Out Our Online Calendar by Clicking Below
Don't forget to thank your child's teacher and let them know how much you appreciate all they do for your children!
SPRING PLAY --> FRIDAY, May 17, 2024 @ 2:00 PM
The last day the after school program will be available is Friday, May 17. 2024.
Students have early dismissal every day the last week of school. Students must be picked up at 11:30 AM. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL program available.
Our last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year is Thursday, May 23, 2024. School will be released at 11:30 AM.
Location: 3025 North Winstel Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-777-3757
Schedule A School Tour: