HMS Weekly Update
August 30, 2024

HMS New Construction-Please Read!
We are excited to announce that the construction of our new middle school is officially starting! Work will begin on September 3rd, with the installation of fencing marking the construction zone.
Please note that, due to the fencing, students will not be able to walk across the football field or next to HES. To ensure their safety, your child will need to use alternative routes to enter HMS. The attached diagram outlines the fenced area with a blue line and alternative pathways with black arrows.
Safety remains a top priority for both HMS and APS. All emergency exits will remain accessible, and in case of an emergency, the red arrows on the diagram indicate the designated exit routes for students.
While the sudden change may present some initial challenges, we are pleased to share some exciting new additions. The blue area on the diagram will be transformed into a new outdoor recess space for HMS students. This area will feature basketball half courts, tetherball, shaded benches and chairs, and sand volleyball!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we embark on this exciting phase of our school's development.
Upcoming Events
August 28th: HMS Football vs. Cloudcroft @ AHS 5:00
September 2: No School for Labor Day
September 5th: HMS Volleyball @ Ruidoso Braves 4:40/5:30
September 16th: PTO Haunted House planning Meeting @ 4:40pm in the library
🏈September 9-13: Homecoming Week!
September 18: Board Meeting @ 6pm
September 25-27: CFA #1
September 26th-PTO General Meeting @ 4:30 in the library
October 3-4: Parent Teacher Conferences (NO school for students)
HMS Spirit Homecoming Week🏈🏐🎊
HMS PERCH IS OPEN!! 🍧🍬🍭 Open every Friday!
For Your Information!
Las Cruces Public School Events
Please be informed of two important updates regarding athletic events at Las Cruces Public Schools:
Online Ticketing Only: Las Cruces Public Schools has transitioned to GoFan for all ticket sales. Cash sales will no longer be available at any of our venues. Tickets can be purchased online through GoFan or the following link has QR codes for each school: https://www.lcps.net/page/athletics. QR codes for ticket purchase will also be available at each site.
Clear Bag Policy: We have implemented a new Clear Bag Policy at our venues. Please refer to the attached flyer for details on what is permitted.
HMS PTO Haunted House Planning Meeting
Thursday, Sep 16 @ 4:30pm in the HMS Library
The HMS PTO is in the planning stages of putting together a Haunted House to coincide with the HES FallFest. If October is your favorite month, and/or you are interested in helping us - please consider joining us at this meeting!
HMS School Menu
This week:
Monday: Mac n Cheese or Chicken Nuggets
Tuesday: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce or Turkey Pot Pie Over a Biscuit
Wednesday: Mojo Chicken and Rice or Chili Dog
Thursday: Chicken Pasta Bake or Beef Soft Taco
Friday: Italian Dunkers w/Marinara or Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich
Student of the Week!✨
Hard Work Leading to Amazing Growth
Shown amazing growth. He is working very hard in class.
Exemplifying Kindness
He helped a student that was injured to the nurse's office, showing real care and concern.
Exemplifying Kindness
He showed concern for a fellow student that got injured, even checking in with them to make sure they were ok.
Exceptional Academic Performance
"He excels in his work and leads in class. He also does more than expected and helps his classmates. His positive attitude and leadership make him stand out, and he deserves recognition for his efforts this year.
Being Kind while Succeeding
"Showed patience and kindness with a student that needed it. She always speaks kindly and is very respectful of others no matter who they are."
Faculty of the Week!
Upcoming Dress Up Days
September 27th-Wear your favorite hat day!
October 11th: Retro Day! Rock the 60's, 70's. 80's or 90's
November 8th: Dress up as your favorite character.
December 6th: Represent your favorite musician or band!
HMS PTO General Meeting
Thursday, Sep 26 @ 4:30pm in the HMS Library
Please join us for our September Holloman Middle School PTO meeting. All HMS Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions or topics to discuss at the meeting, please message us or send an email to hollomanmspto@gmail.com. We hope to see you there