District 622 e-news
March 26, 2024

May 21, 2024
District 622 e-News available in accessible format
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Scene Around 622
District 622 Multicultural Fair
On Monday, May 13, ISD 622 held the second annual Multicultural Fair at North. Students from across the district performed, and guests enjoyed a night of food and fun!
Eagle Point Cultural Parade
Students at Eagle Point showed off their cultural heritage at their Cultural Parade last week!
Castle Fun Run
Last Friday, Castle students participated in their Fun Run fundraiser. Students surpassed their goal and were able to win various prizes. Way to go!
Leadership Day at Weaver
Weaver students were excited to host civic, district, and local business leaders for their annual Leadership Day on Friday, May 17! Guests enjoyed a student talent show while waiting for student-led tours to begin. Tours included the following stops: fourth grade buddies supporting a first grade classroom, news crew action team panelists, a third grade class mission statement set to music, and a game of "switch" led by 4th and 5th grade junior coaches. Great work, students, showcasing your leadership in action!
Native American Summer Games
Our American Indian Traditional Summer Games Event was held Saturday, May 18 at the Oakdale Nature Center. Many different tribal games were played: Hoop & Spear (Ojibwe), Run & Scream (blackfeet), Shuttlecocks (Zuni), and Deer toe Game (Dakota).
Our Special guest was Dan Ninham from the Oneida Nation and his wife Susan Ninham, Ojibwe of the Red Lake Nation. Together they shared the history of Lacrosse (Haudenosaune) also known as Baagaadowe (the Creators game) along with a variety of other games that help teach skill, endurance and teamwork.
Other guests included dance performances by the Mexica Dance Group Kapulli Yaocenoxtli from Indigenous Roots. Our ISD 622 and other Native Youth gave explanations of their regalia and history of the dance style they were dancing.
Points of Pride
Tartan BPA Results
Tartan Business Professionals of America (BPA) returned from Chicago last week after competing in the BPA National Leadership Conference. Fourteen Tartan students attended. About 5000 BPA students from around the nation plus China, Canada and South Korea competed.
Tartan had two on-stage finalists - Mackenzie Vang was 7th in Fundamental Word Processing and Regan Kapaun was 7th in Health Administration Procedures. Faith Yang, Beverly Yang and Ramla Sharif served as voting delegates for MN to help elect next year's National Officers.
Tartan was a recipient of the National Community Service award for our participation in the past year in Red Cross blood drives, a Leukemia & Lymphoma fundraiser, Holiday Helping Hands and many more projects. We also had 11 students win the Ambassador Torch Award, which honors students who are involved at a high level in their community and in leadership positions.
Our students were sponsored this year by Oakdale Area Chamber of Commerce, City & County Credit Union, Warrior Nutrition, and Cub Foods.
CORRECTION - Adapted Bowling results
Both North and Tartan had great showings at the State Adapted Bowling Tournament last weekend! Full results can be found on the MSHSL website.
North and Tartan bowlers shine at the State Adapted Bowling Tournament
Bowlers from North and Tartan found success across all three divisions at last week's Minnesota High School League State Adapted Bowling Tournament. The tournament was held last Friday, May 10, 2024, at Bowlero in Brooklyn Park. Here are the results for our District 622 participants.
ASD Division
5th place - Singles - Tartan High junior Vince Hickenbottom
2nd place - Doubles - North High senior John Odddaiwi and sophomore Leo Yang
1st place - Team - North High sophomore Leo Yang, junior Dylan Vue, senior John Oddaiwi, and senior Nathan Sveen
2nd place - Team - Tartan High junior Gabe Donald, junior Vince Hickenbottom, junior Jackson Meulemans, and 9th-grader Garrett Methner
CI Division
1st place - Singles - North High senior Travion Johnson
9th place - Singles - Tartan High junior Jameer Patterson
2nd place - Doubles - Tartan High senior Joshua Thompson and junior Jameer Patterson
PI Division
1st place - Singles - North High 9th-grader Rosaria Valles
1st place - Doubles - North High senior Lucas Eide and 9th-grader Rosaria Valles
4th place - Doubles - North High senior Nardin Izaola and senior Victoria Kulstad
1st place - Team - Tartan High senior Ali Milan, junior Louie Romero, sophomore Charlotte Chitwood, and 9th-grade
3rd place - Team - North High senior Nardin Izaola, senior Victoria Kulstad, sophomore Addison Cuffe, and junior Tashayanna Collins
Community Education
Rotary Club Peace Pole
The Rotary club held a celebration unveiling a Peace Pole that they donated and erected at the Rotary Park in North St. Paul on Saturday, May 18. The NSP Show Choir sang a few songs and ended the celebration with "Let There be Peace on Earth" and invited all to join in. World Citizen Peace was there as well to help unveil the new Peace Pole which says "May Peace Prevail On Earth" in four different languages.
Youth Enrichment
Do you need something for your child to do the week of June 10-June 15? We have something for everyone including sports camps such as baseball, football and track, a Spanish summer Camp, a Red Cross babysitter’s training certification, and some STEAM Engineering courses. Check out the youth enrichment classes here.
After School Community Learning Grant
The Community Ed. Dept. has been awarded a 3 year grant of $1.5 million dollars by the MDE to create new afterschool programming options for middle school students. The result of this grant will be the creation of the afterschool program F.L.I.G.H.T. (Future Leaders Inspiring Growth, Honor and Talent).
F.L.I.G.H.T will be implemented at both John Glenn and Skyview Middle School as a 5-day week afterschool program, with a daily operating schedule of 2-6 p.m. F.L.I.G.H.T. will be a completely free program, and will be open to all students attending either John Glenn or Skyview.
The main purpose of F.L.I.G.H.T. will be to provide students with a wide variety of enrichment clubs, academic support, leadership opportunities and culturally affirming clubs. Students will be able to participate in clubs with focuses on art, science, financial literacy, athletics, cultural appreciation, theater, debate, music and much more. Many clubs will also contain an academic focus that will qualify them as Targeted Services classes and that will allow students to improve vital academic skills while enrolled in the club. Clubs will be run by a combination of licensed teachers, paraprofessionals, outside vendors and student leaders from within ISD 622.
Special thanks goes out to the committee who designed and wrote the grant proposal that created this wonderful opportunity; Kurt New, Laura Green-Lee Karp, and Rebekah Doyle.
Water Aerobics class
Do you like meeting people while working out and listening to music? Then you are in luck! Join us for our new and improved Water Aerobics class.
ECFE enrollment
Enrollment for ECFE Summer and 2024-2025 school year is open! There are two new classes that are being offered which begin in the fall of 2024.
Community Education Learning For All
We are excited to announce our new catalog containing many opportunities to fill your upcoming summer days!
Special mention goes out to Tartan High School senior Simone Chounlamontry for her beautiful watercolor print that won 1st place in our catalog cover contest. And to 8th grade Skyview student Drayton Carter whose colored pencil drawing won second place in the contest! Happy browsing!
Transportation Needs Survey
2024-2025 Student Transportation Needs Survey
To improve the efficiency of our bus routes, please complete this survey regarding your student's transportation needs for next school year, 2024-25.
Please submit a separate response for each student in your household. Once the form has been submitted, it will prompt you to fill out the form again for another student.
Note: If your transportation needs change prior to the start of next school year, or if you have questions about transportation, please contact the ISD 622 Transportation Department at 651-621-1980 or by email transportation@isd622.org.
Please complete and submit this survey no later than May 31st.
COVID-19 Guidelines Updated
Following Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updates, ISD 622 has updated its COVID-19 protocol. See attached for more information:
Alumni News
Alumni news form
We would like to highlight/give a shoutout to alumni of District 622 in upcoming editions of our e-News. Please complete the alumni news form if you have interesting news to share regarding alumni of District 622.
Enrollment 2024-2025
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.
Find more information at www.isd622.org/enroll
Dual immersion programs now enrolling!
Find information about the programs at isd622.org/language-immersion
Community Resources
Measles and the MMR vaccine
Minnesota has identified cases of measles in children who recently returned to the U.S. after traveling internationally. The decline in measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine coverage, coupled with the increase in measles disease nationally and internationally, puts Minnesota at risk of additional measles cases and a measles outbreak.
MDH has information about measles and the MMR vaccine: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/measles/measlesfacts.html
If your child has any symptoms, please contact your medical provider and school nurse.
Washington County Vaccination Clinics
Washington County is offering monthly vaccination clinics. Appointments can be scheduled on the Washington County website.
View the attachment below for more information.
Peachjar electronic flyers
Visit the Peachjar electronic flyer page and click on your school's name to see what's happening at your school and in our community.
Join the 622 team!
We're Hiring! Join ISD 622!
We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. Join our team and become a Paraeducator, Substitute Teacher, or School Bus Driver (we'll help you get your CDL)!
Please visit our careers site for a list of open positions.
For more information please contact Human Resources at (651) 748-7421.
Email: communications@isd622.org
Website: www.isd622.org
Location: 2520 12th Avenue East, North St. Paul, MN
Facebook: facebook.com/isd622
Twitter: @isd622
Instagram: @isd622
Please direct your questions or comments to communications@isd622.org