September 27, 2024
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Lagimoniere
Mrs. Lagimoniere is one of our super second grade teachers. Her favorite ice cream is Dirty Water.
Be sure to wave hello to Custodian Matt as he works to keep our school looking good. His favorite ice cream is Cookies and Cream.
Miss Amy
Miss Amy is one of our amazing secretaries. She enjoys eating Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.
Ware School Committee Meeting
Our Administrators
Our administrators, Mrs. Iwasinski, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Malin and Mr. Morrison hand out awards to teachers and staff at the recent school committee meeting.
Faculty Achievements
Faculty members received deserving awards for showing an increase in iReady and MCAS scores in their classrooms.
Packed Meeting
It is always great to see such a great showing of support when celebrating our students and staff.
A big thank you to the following groups who gave us generous donations!
Thank you to all!
Thank you for supporting our school with your generosity!!
More Donations!
Mrs. Iwasinski gladly accepts a check for needed supplies for our SMK students from Car Club Director Jamie Dupuis and Car Club Vice President Kevin Malloy.
Look at All Those Supplies!
Car Club Director Jamie Dupuis poses for a picture with Principal Iwasinski and Assistant Principal Malin after dropping off boxes and boxes of school supplies that were donated with proceeds from the Fall Car Show at the Chicopee Family Moose Lodge.
SMK would like to send a big heartfelt thank you to the Car Club New England Inc who donated 100% of their proceeds from their fall car show at the Chicopee Moose Family Lodge on August 24, 2024 to SMK. Seen in the picture below, speaking into the microphone is Car Club Director, Jamie Dupuis and awarding the check to Principal Iwasinski was the Car Club Vice President, Kevin Malloy. The New England Car Club, along with the District Manager of Dollar Tree, Tucker Owens used the donated funds to purchase over $2,000 worth of school supplies.
While at the event, there were more surprises in store. The Moose Family Lodge Car Show Staff and members from Da Click Car Club donated additional boxes of school supplies! We are grateful for the generosity of the New England Car Club Inc, Dollar Tree, the Moose Family Lodge Car Show Staff and Da Click Car Club.
Registration for SMK's 21st Century After School Program is open!
Parents remember: you can fill this form out to let us know your child is interested. However, students are selected using the program attendance guidelines. You will be notified if your child has been selected on or before October 1, 2024.
If you are interested in sending your student, please click on the yellow picture to the right that says "Attention...", fill out the online form & submit.
Our First All-School Assembly
Look at Those Smiling Faces
SMK celebrated our first assembly of the year. These faculty members show off their school spirit!
September Assembly
Mrs. Hill discusses the topic of bullying with the students which is what our students will be focusing on for the month of October.
First Assembly of the Year
We love to gather the entire faculty and students every month to celebrate and learn about the 6 Pillars of Character that we will practice all year long.
Thank you North Brookfield Savings Bank!
Thank you, Jamie Hubacz and Audrey Moulton, from North Brookfield Savings Bank for dropping off some needed school supplies. They will certainly be put to good use this year!