Byam Newsletter
September 20, 2024
Message from Principal and Assistant Principal
Mark Your Calendar
- Week of September 23-26 Scholastic Book Fair
- Thursday September 26- School Picture Day (order forms will be coming home next week)
Open House Thank You
We appreciate everyone that was able to make it to our Open House Curriculum Night yesterday. We hope you found the evening informative. If you were unable to attend, our opening presentation slides are below and you can reach out to your child's teacher for the classroom presentation materials. We'd also like to thank our BSA for generously providing our staff dinner.
Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair flyers were sent home Friday. More details are below in the BSA section. If you are interested in purchasing books at the bookfair and cost is a barrier, please contact our school counselor, Lyndsey O'Neil at oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us.
Bus Evacuations
On Thursday we practiced our bus evacuations during arrival time. Our 4th graders did a great job assisting as used the rear emergency exits.
Notes from the Nurse's Office
Please review the district's illness and injury policies. If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students healthy and safe!
Illness Policy:
We recommend children do not come to school if they appear to be ill. We advise to keep your child home if he/she has a sore throat, severe cold, rash, fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Your child needs to stay home if he/she has any of the following:
- Strep Throat: If strep throat is suspected and the child either has had a negative throat culture or has been on antibiotics and fever free for a full 24 hours.
- A fever over 100: May return to school when he/she is fever free for 24 hours without medication (e.g. Tylenol or Advil).
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea: May return to school 24 hours after his/her last vomiting and/or diarrhea episode.
- Red or pink itchy eyes with crusty and or green/yellow drainage: May return to school the day after treatment for 24 hours or has no further eye discharge.
- Head Lice or nits (eggs): The nurse will assess the student for the presence of head lice or nits. If head lice or nits are detected, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian and provide education on lice treatment. Based on the discretion of the school nurse, some situations may warrant a dismissal from school
- A rash of unknown cause: May require to MD clearance at the discretion of the school nurse.
If a child is too ill to remain in school the nurse will call parent/guardian and/or emergency contact numbers for dismissal. The student should not place the call from a school phone or mobile phone.
Parents/guardians are required to notify the school if your child contracts any contagious diseases (e.g. Chicken Pox, Strep Throat, Whooping Cough, Fifth’s Disease, Conjunctivitis, Scabies, Impetigo, Ringworm or Head Lice, etc.). If a child has been absent due to a communicable disease, a physician’s release may be required before returning to school.
Injury Policy:
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school nurse of all surgeries, injuries (i.e., concussions, fractures, sprains, stitches, etc.) When a student has sustained a concussion outside of school activities, parents shall notify the school nurse. Guidelines regarding injuries and non-participation in physical education (P.E.) classes and recess are as followed:
- Students with casts, stitches, or splints may not participate in Physical Education class or outdoor recess without written consent from both the parent/guardian and the attending physician.
*All injury notes from the doctor should include the type of injury, any limitations or allowance to participate in such activities and the date the child may return to full physical activities. Parent/guardian wishes may not supersede this medical prescription.
- Students need a subsequent doctor’s note when it is safe to resume normal activity in P.E. and/or recess.
- Some specified P.E. activities may also require non-participation for the safety of the student and others.
If a student comes to school with a cane, crutches, wheelchair or an assistive device a doctor’s note is required. If applicable, the doctor’s note needs to indicate if the student can or cannot use stairs. An example of this would be a student with the need to wear a brace that would immobilize a knee.
Additional health policies from the district can be found at : https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/health-services/health-policies/
Emma R. Pappo, BSN, RN
Byam School Nurse
Byam Weekly Announcements Vidao
BSA Information
9/23- 9/26/24 : Scholastic Book Fair
10/20/24 : Boo Bash 1pm - 4pm
10/24/24 : Quick Clicks with Farmhouse Photography
10/29/24 : Picture Day Retakes
3/29/25 : Hootenanny
5/6/25 : Byam Art Night
Byam School Picture Day 9/26 (RETAKES ARE 10/29)
If you didn't know, school photos are actually utilized as a fundraiser for our schools! Each K-8 school's PTO will receive 20% of sales. This is one of the largest fundraisers for our district.
Please contact cpsphotoinfo@gmail.com with any K-8 school photo related questions or concerns, as well as any feedback (both positive and negative) with your school photo experience.
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon!!
Join us outside in front of Byam 9/23-9/26 from 4PM-5:30PM, shop the fair and enter our raffle!!
Book fair flyers coming home soon. Online shopping will also be available, the link will be released and active the week of the Book Fair.
BOOKFAIR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please sign up for 1 or more spots (whatever you can give us, we'll take it!): https://signup.com/go/UWTDCZb
Bookfair Questions? contact the Parent Volunteer/Scholastic Chairperson, Ellen Marcsisin: ejswain@gmail.com
Scholastic Book Fair: 9/23-9/26!
Boo Bash: 10/20 1-4pm!
Curious about the BSA?
Last week we had a HOT few days back to school, BUT did you know that before the start of the 2024-2025 school year, the Byam School association (BSA) was able to purchase 37 fans for the classrooms to help keep everyone cool and ready to learn!
Additionally, Did you know that the BSA was able to spend just over 25 thousand dollars on enrichment opportunities alone last year!? This means the BSA was able to provide your children with field trips, transportation to those trips, in school events and MORE thanks to YOUR support! The Byam BSA was also able to raise additional funds for teacher appreciation and facilitates improvements too.
So, if you’re looking for more information regarding what the BSA does, looking to donate or perhaps looking to get involved feel free to refer to the graphic below or to contact us via email: BSA.Chelmsford@gmail.com
Follow the BSA on Instagram
No-cost Registration for Byam Events:
*Financial concerns should never stand in the way of families participating in school events. If you are interested in any Byam activities please contact Lyndsey O’Neil, our school counselor, to register at no cost: oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? BSA Help Needed
Here are some openings the BSA is currently seeking help on, reach out the bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com if you are interested in any of these positions!
Stay Connected...
Byam September 2024 Lunch Calendar
Breakfast and Lunch Menu Link: https://chelmsfordschools.org/chelmsford-public-schools-lunch-menus/
Please keep in mind the district School Wide Lunch calendar options are subject to change based on availability. For the most up to date lunch schedule, please keep the below link handy:
Follow Byam School Happenings on Instagram!
CPS Academic Calendar 2024-2025
2024-2025 School Wide Academic Calendar
Byam School
Office: Secretary Dossin dossina@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Clerk/Attendance: murphys@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Principal Fredette fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.usAssistant Principal Dolan dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5144