Arbor Park Weekly Update

Dear Arbor Park Families,
I want to warmly welcome you to another wonderful week at Arbor Park! We are committed to making sure every student feels safe, valued, and at home here. Our staff works hard to create an environment where your child can grow, learn, and belong. Thank you for being a part of our community – together, we make Arbor Park a great place to be!
This week, the BCS building and district leadership team met for our quarterly school safety meeting alongside the leaders of Blair Police Department, Washington County Sheriff's Office, the City of Blair, and Blair Fire and Rescue. Arbor Park is thankful for these strong community partnerships that help keep our students safe. If you ever have a safety concern, please reach out right away.
I'd also like to say a special thank you to Mallory Saunders and our PTO! Mallory has been here almost every day the last two weeks, passing out prizes for the Fun Run, spending all day at the track passing out water, setting up a caramel apple bar for teachers, and helping at the book fair this week. Thank you, Mallory!
We have lots to celebrate this week! Through the Fun Run, we've exceeded our school goal of $30,000! This money will go towards upgrading our playground at Arbor. I'll start pricing out different options but we may need to accrue further funds from other sources before construction can begin. Thank you so much for those of you that contributed!
The Arbor Park 4th graders will get to tour the state capital building this week! We're excited for them to experience such a cool opportunity.
Odds and Ends
- Our location, enrollment, and surrounding streets create a challenging carline situation at dismissal. Our solution, while unconventional, has helped mitigate risk to student safety. Cars start lining up around 2:15 at North School and once buses arrive at Arbor, cars start their procession. I keep the entrance to Arbor closed until the first car arrives from North. Students are outside by 3:12 and by 3:20 Adams/College View are clear almost every day. I understand most people aren't able to start lining up as early as others. If you don't want to or are unable to wait in line, I'd ask that you join car line closer to 3:20, rather than finding ways to try to cut in line--possibly creating an unsafe situation. If you have any questions concerns, please let me know.
- There is not supervision at school before 7:55. We've had lots of students on campus early the last couple days which can also create an unsafe situation. Please arrive as close to 7:55 as possible.
- If you may qualify for Free and Reduced lunch, make sure you reapply each year. Please call the office if you have any questions,
Important Dates
September 19th - Family Night at the Book Fair
September 26th - PBIS Assembly
September 27th - No School
September 30th - No School
October 4th - Homecoming Parade
October 9th and 10th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (teachers will be contacting you next week)
October 11th - No School
October 18th - Picture Retakes
October 18th - 1st Quarter Report Cards come home