Betz Buzz
November 2024
Bond Information
Daylight Savings Ends
November 3rd
It's time to "Fall Back"!
Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3rd. It is also a good time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Generation Alive
Whole School Packing Event November 14th
Betz students are holding a coin drive again for the Generation Alive Something 2 Eat program. On November 14th, students in kindergarten through 5th grade will participate in a school-wide packing event where they will pack one meal for every $.25 raised. Last year we raised $3,642.67, providing 14,571 meals! Let's see if we can raise even more this year!
Donations can be made online HERE or sent to school with students every Tuesday through November 14th. Together, we can tackle food insecurity!
Picture Retakes
November 5th
If you are wanting retakes, please return the original picture packet.
If your student was absent on the original picture day, please order online or send your student with a picture packet that day.
Ordering online is fast, easy, and available NOW!
Order online at www.leosphotography.com using Class Code FAL225776
To pay with cash, check or money order
Return picture packet with your student on or before picture day.
- Cash must be in the exact amount; we are unable to make change
- Checks and money orders should be made out to "Leo's Photography"
Veteran's Day
Assembly on November 8th
We will be holding our annual Veteran's Day Assembly on Friday, October 8th.
- Grades K-2 Assembly will be at 10:10 am
- Grades 3-5 Assembly will be at 1:30 pm
We would love for families to share artifacts, photos, plaques, awards, etc., of family members who served in the past or the present. We will have a table set up for you to place your items on.
No School on November 11th
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day
ASB Dress-up Day
Decades Day
November 15th
Betz Night with the Spokane Chiefs
November 16th
Spokane Chiefs is hosting Betz Night on Saturday, November 16th.
Benefits of going on Betz Night
- You and your family get discounted tickets ($20 SEATS FOR JUST $11!)
- Reserved seating so that your kids can sit with their friends from Betz
- A portion of the ticket sales go back to the PTA!
PLUS - It's Coca-Cola Family Feast Night and Rally Towel Giveaway!
Concessions will feature discounted food options courtesy of Shriners Children's Spokane and the first 5,000 fans through the gates will receive a Spokane Chiefs Rally Towel.
Scholastic Book Fair
November 19-27
The Book Fair is Coming!
Our library will be hosting the Book Fair November 19th-27th.
Consider using the eWallet feature for your student to shop – Instead of sending your student to school with cash that could get lost, you can prepay online in advance. Your student can shop the book fair, spending up to the amount you have chosen. More information about the Book Fair will be sent out soon.
You can set up your e-wallet and check out the flyer on the website now; online shopping will begin on November 19th.
If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact our PTA.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 26-27
Please plan to attend Fall conferences to discuss your student's progress. Your child's teacher will contact your to set up your conference time.
Tuesday , November 26
11:30 - 7:00
Wednesday, November 27
8:00 - 3:30
There is no school for students on these days.
Thanksgiving Break
November 28-29
There will be no school following conferences so that our families can enjoy Thanksgiving Break.
School will resume on Monday, December 2nd.
ASB Student Sales
Wednesdays 8:30-8:45
As a fundraiser for our ASB, we will have Student Sales in the Viking Room EVERY Wednesday during breakfast. Items will sell for $1, $2, and $5. This is a cash-only sale. The items available to purchase will vary throughout the year. In the past we sold items like Smencils (scented pencils), Backpack Buddies, bookmarks, and Model Magic.
Community Resources & Events
Cheney Library
Free After-School Snacks
School Days
17th Annual Cheney Turkey Trot
Thanksgiving Day
Communities in Schools Resource Night
November 14
PACE Character Trait
The PACE Character Trait for November is CITIZENSHIP.
Citizenship is positively contributing to society and community as well as dutifully respecting authority and the law.
Throughout the month of November we will look for examples of students demonstrating citizenship. If you have an example of your child being a good citizen at home, we'd love to share it on the morning announcements! Click on the button below to submit a shout out!
To learn more about respect and for additional resources, visit the PACE website:
November Lunch Menu
Important Dates
November Events
3: Daylight Savings Ends
5: Election Day
5: Picture Retake Day
10: Veteran's Day Assembly
11: Veteran's Day, No School
12: PTA Meeting, 3:30 pm
13: School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm, Cheney High School
14: Generation Alive Food Packing Event
15: ASB Dress-up: Decades Day
16: Betz Night @ Spokane Chiefs
19-27: Scholastic Book Fair
26-27: Parent-Teacher Conferences
28-29: Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
Looking Ahead to December
9: Toothsavers
10: PTA Meeting, 3:30 pm
11: School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm, Cheney High School
19: Toothsavers
23: Winter Break BeginsBetz Elementary
Email: betzoffice@cheneysd.org
Website: https://betz.cheneysd.org/
Location: 317 N 7th St, Cheney, WA 99004
Phone: (509) 559 - 4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057570664379