Be the Change
Sylvan Middle School September 30-October 4

Informational Meeting
PTO Meeting
Looking for a place for your student to go after school?
Academic Resource Center
Sylvan is proud to offer our Academic Resource Center (ARC) to assist students everyday after school. Some of the services available are: retaking tests, completing homework, use of Chromebooks, readily available project supplies, tutoring, and more. The ARC is open five days a week and it is FREE. Please let your student know they have a place for more assistance if needed with four adults waiting to help.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 2:40-3:30
Thursday - 1:20-2:30
CSU Sacramento Offering Free Math Tutoring
Math Tutoring Buddies Program
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
California State University, Sacramento
(Tutoring starts from September 11 to December 06, 2024)
FREE Online Tutoring is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Zoom Link for Drop-in Sessions: https://csus.zoom.us/j/84942010881
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Sacramento State is offering a free tutoring program for middle and high school students. The mission of the Math Tutoring Buddies (MTB) Program is to provide free, high-quality one-on-one tutoring to middle and high school students in the local community that will enrich the learning opportunities for both university and middle/high school students.
For Parents: Math Tutoring Buddies is a free tutoring service provided by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, at Sacramento State. This program relies on multiple sources of funding, such as ASI Student Employment Grant, Instructionally Related Activities. The program appreciates any donations. Donation Page Link
Note for Parents/ Guardians: Parents/ Guardians are required to supervise their children during the tutoring sessions. Parents/ Guardians please complete the Release of Liability form before the first tutoring session.
Online Free Tutoring Schedule for September 11 - December 06, 2024
Zoom Link for Drop-in Sessions: https://csus.zoom.us/j/84942010881
Math Tutoring Topics
Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Geometry, Statistics
In-person Tutoring
We also provide in-person tutoring at nearby school locations. This semester, we are offering free tutoring at Miwok Middle School and Hiram Johnson High School. If you would like to have MTB at your school, please contact us.
Program Goals
The following are the program goals for the Math Tutoring Buddies Program:
- Support middle and high school students in mathematics learning through one-to-one interaction,
- Strengthen Sac State students’ mathematical communication skills,
- Provide mentoring opportunities for local middle and high school students to gain access to higher
The objective of the Math Tutoring Buddies Program is to improve the mathematics literacy for middle and high school students and provide a window to higher education through a positive mentoring experience from Sac State tutors and faculty.
Middle and High school students will benefit from this program, specifically by:
- Learning and expanding mathematical vocabularies and concepts in a one-to-one setting,
- Imagining, practicing, and testing solutions to problems,
- Improving confidence in mathematics literacy and practices,
- Learning and gaining awareness of higher education.
Program Outcomes
- Increase middle and high school students’ proficiency, knowledge, and skills in mathematics,
- Enhance middle and high school students’ study and learning skills that can be applied broadly,
- Increase middle and high school student’s awareness of STEM higher education,
- Expand Sac State student’s mathematical knowledge, interest, and skills, and
- Strengthen Sac State student’s pedagogical knowledge, interest, and skills.
Meet the Math Tutoring Buddies Mentors
Math Block-Round Two
What is Math Block?
You may have heard from your student that we had our first Math Block rotation on Friday. Math Block is an embedded support time that we use to provide targeted support in Math for our students. Math Block occurs everyday except for Thursday and each cycle is 5 weeks long. The Math Block is scheduled after 3rd period, but the class itself rotates, so that students will have an opportunity to be with each of their scheduled teachers for a Math Block rotation. We also have some students being pulled into other Math Blocks where the teacher is targeting a specific math skill. The rotation seems confusing at first, but the students get the hang of it quickly and we have staff members out during passing period, helping to remind them where they go as well as announcements over the intercom and on our school news. This next Math Block class is your child’s 2nd period teacher. This second Math Block will run until November 1st.
The schedule is as follows:
1st period
2nd period
3rd period
Math Block (with 2nd period teacher)
1st lunch/4th period
4th period/2nd lunch
5th period
6th period
Order School Pictures
Hello Parents,
Your pictures are posted online to access your child's private gallery and 72-hour shipping is now available. You can easily access your pictures by clicking on the direct link that was sent to your email/text.
You may also visit our website below. This will require an "ONLINE CODE".
This will be unique to each student and is their (Student ID Number)
Direct Link: https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001140255
Go to http://www.campuscolorstudios.com/
Select Order School Pictures
Select or search SYLVAN FALL 2024-2025
Select your package
Order Questions? Call (916)749-1026 and select Option 1 or email services@billsmithphoto.com
Pictures Around Sylvan
Lions Captain, Mr. Brown
Mrs. Brown leading the Owls
Ms. Marcketti directing the Bears.
Mrs Dark assisting the Dragons.
Competing in games.
Cheering on the students!
Gearing up for an event.
Team preparations.
The students ready for action.
A dizzy event!
Ms. Pena and Mrs. Taylor working the snack bar.
Ms. VP and Mrs. Albrecht worked the front door.
The Bears dancing.
Mr. Blaylock leading the Bears.
All teams competing against each other.
Our PE Team who prepared all the students for Sports-O-Rama!!
Girls Volleyball
Sylvan Cross Country
The Scientific Power of Kindness
Upcoming Events
10.3.24: Tr-ack Meet
10.4.24: School Holiday - NO SCHOOL
10.8.24: Exploratorium Field Trip
10.10.24: Track Meet
10.17.24: Track Meet
10.18.24: End of 1st Quarter
10.22.24: Parent Teacher Meeting (6:30-7:30 PM) in the Sylvan Library
10.24.24: Track Meet
10.25.24: Field Day
10.30.24: School Dance @ Sylvan (6-7:30 PM)
11.1.24: EPIC Event Challenge