BSES Newsletter
October 2024
Dr. Danielle Curzi, Principal - dcurzii@bermudian.org
Mr. Ryan Murphy, Assistant Principal - rmurphy@bermudian.org
Mrs. Tanya Gelb, Counselor - tgelb@bermudian.org
UPDATES 10/25/24
2nd Grade Pumpkin Decorating
On 10/25/24, the Bermudian Springs High School National Honor Society volunteered their time and decorated pumpkins with our second grade. Thank you to Peters Orchard for donating all of the pumpkins!
Parent Techer Conferences Reminder
Today on Sapphire a message was shared with all families about Parent/Teacher Conferences on Nov. 7th and Nov. 8th. Please review the following information:
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 7th from 2:00 to 7:30 pm and on Friday, November 8th from 1:00 to 3:30 pm. For Fall Conferences, we will be offering in-person conferences and only a Zoom option by request due to emergencies. If you would like a zoom or telephone conference, please indicate “phone” or “zoom” when signing up in My Conference Time Sign up after specifically checking with your child’s teacher under the Optional Comments section. Conferences will be live at 3:00 PM on Friday, October 25th. Parents will sign up for conferences using this link: https://www.myconferencetime.com/bse Conference time slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
UPDATES 10/18/24
Thank you to our BSES PTO for organizing an amazing event for our students! Today was filled with laughter, fun, and very tired legs from all who participated! At this time our school has raised over $22,000.00 and we are SO CLOSE to meeting our goal of $23,500.00! I know we can do it, so if you are still interested in donating, let us know!
* MENU CHANGE FOR 10/25/24
We will not be having General Tso's next Friday. Our new menu will be:
Galaxy Pizza
Steamed Broccoli
Celery Sticks
Alt: Chef Salad with Dinner Roll
UPDATES 10/11/24:
East Berlin VFW and the Ladies Auxiliary sharing the significance of the America Flag
On Wednesday October 9, 2024 members of the East Berlin VFW and the Ladies Auxiliary once again visited the 4th grade classes to teach the students about the rich history and significance behind the American flag.
The veterans began by walking the students through the evolution of the American Flag. From its first design in 1777 to the stars and stripes we recognize today. It was fascinating to learn how the flag has come to symbolize our values of freedom and unity.
One of the most touching parts of the presentation is always when the veterans explain the meaning behind the 13 folds of the American flag. Each fold has a special significance, honoring different aspects of our nation and its ideals.
As the students and staff listened to the veterans speak you could feel the respect all around the flagpole. Many students had questions, eager to learn more about what the hero’s had to say.
Thank you so much for this amazing experience!
For large events, such as assemblies in the building, we will provide the invited guests with a registration form to preregister. That way we will have a visitor badge ready for you upon entering the school and you will not need to utilize the Raptor system that day. If you have any questions please reach out to Dr. Curzi or Mr. Murphy.
Race for Education Reminder:
If you are interested in walking with your student, you must be a registered volunteer OR you may complete this pre registration form for your students assigned walking time. 2024 Race for Education Preregistration Form The due date for pre registering is Monday, October 14, 2024. Every person walking must complete this form and if you are walking with more than one student on this day, the form must be filled out for all students you plan to walk with. Once you submit the first time, you can submit again to register for another student.If you do not pre register, you will not be permitted on the field to walk with your student. Anyone who is not pre registered will be able to watch the event from the bleachers.
Upon arrival, you will check in and a name tag will be given to you to wear during your scheduled time. You will be asked to leave the field after your scheduled time, but you are welcome to enjoy the rest of the day from the bleachers. If you are walking multiple times, you will have to change your name tag and reenter at the check in tables. We are so excited to host this event once again and we are looking forward to spending the day with our community and students for a wonderful cause!
Principal's Message
It is hard to believe that we have completed the first 7 weeks of school. To kick off our school year we engaged all students in a school wide positive behavior activity that reviewed how to SOAR in all locations of our school. We concluded the week of learning at the School Wide PBIS assembly, which may have included a lot of student and staff games and pies in the face! We also held the first of our monthly assemblies where we celebrated our growth as a school and SOAR behavior, but most importantly we recognized our first students of the month that represented the September character trait of staying safe at school. This type of recognition will continue to occur monthly and the October focus character trait is, ownership and accountability. At this assembly we also had the chance to celebrate some of our Kindergarten students who completed the Summer Reading Challenge created by our building Reading Specialists. Students were recognized and received prizes for participating…one student even won an iPad!
On September 17th, BSES recognized and celebrated Constitution Day with a number of activities. Students were excited to learn about this important moment in history and activities were dispersed throughout the day. Staff are also trying to incorporate National Hispanic American Month with a variety of activities and read alouds to help recognize and celebrate the achievements that represent a significant portion of our school population. The students also enjoyed a visit from the high school football team and cheerleaders at lunch and recess time and all classrooms enjoyed their first monthly motivator! Stay tuned for information to come home as we begin to plan for some fun Fall activities!
For the month of October we are looking forward to many more amazing events at BSES, but one of the most exciting events is our PTO’s Race for Education day! On Friday, October 18, all BSES students will take part in their grade’s fun run at the high school track! They’ll run or walk to lively music and will receive a free water bottle, colorful bracelets to track their laps, and a snack. If you are interested in walking with your student, you must be a registered volunteer OR you may complete this pre registration form for your students assigned walking time. 2024 Race for Education Preregistration Form The due date for pre registering is Monday, October 14, 2024. Every person walking must complete this form and if you are walking with more than one student on this day, the form must be filled out for all students you plan to walk with. Once you submit the first time, you can submit again to register for another student.If you do not pre register, you will not be permitted on the field to walk with your student. Anyone who is not pre registered will be able to watch the event from the bleachers.
Upon arrival, you will check in and a name tag will be given to you to wear during your scheduled time. You will be asked to leave the field after your scheduled time, but you are welcome to enjoy the rest of the day from the bleachers. If you are walking multiple times, you will have to change your name tag and reenter at the check in tables. We are so excited to host this event once again and we are looking forward to spending the day with our community and students for a wonderful cause!
Dr. Danielle Curzi and Mr. Ryan Murphy
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 - PTO Meeting @ 9:30 am
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 - Race for Education (Rain Date Monday, October 21)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 - End of 1st Marking Period
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - 1/2 Day Early Dismissal (12:15 pm) - Teacher Professional Development
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 - Daylight Savings Ends - Change Clocks
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 - Election Day
WEDNESDAY, N0VEMBER 6 - Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - Two Hour Early Dismissal (1:35 pm) - Parent Teacher Conferences
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 - NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences
Our Race for Education fundraiser is off to a fantastic start! We’ve sent out nearly 3,250 letters, and we’ve already received heartwarming messages from BSES families and friends cheering on our student runners. These messages will be displayed around the school through fall conferences. To submit a message for your child, simply add a note when you donate $20 or more online at bsespto.com/donate!
On Friday, October 18, all BSES students will take part in their grade’s fun run at the high school track! They’ll run or walk to lively music and will receive a free water bottle, colorful bracelets to track their laps, and a snack apple generously donated by Peters Orchards. Please remind your child to wear proper running shoes and layered clothing to stay comfortable and avoid injury!
Race Day Schedule: Visit ttsu.me/race-day-2024 to see when your child races! Parents and families are welcome to cheer from the stands, but only preregistered and approved volunteers are permitted on the track to assist students. Visit timetosignup.com/bsespto to sign up to help with Donation Counting (10/9), Race Day (10/18), or our Rain Date (10/21)!
This year we are asking for all family members that would like to walk with their student to pre register. To walk with your student on the day event you must complete all parts to this form: RACE FOR EDUCATION:2024 pre registering form by October 14, 2024 to ensure your ability to walk with your student on October 18th during their assigned class time. Every person walking must complete this form and if you are walking with more than one student on this day, the form must be filled out for ALL students you plan to walk with. Once you submit one time, you can submit again.
Upon arrival, you will check in and a name tag will be given to you to wear during your scheduled time. You will be asked to leave the field after your scheduled time, but you are welcome to enjoy the rest of the day from the bleachers. If you are walking at multiple times, you will have to change your name tag and reenter at the the check in tables. Again, If you do not preregister, you will not be permitted on the in field to walk with your student. Anyone who is not preregistered will be able to watch the event from the bleachers.
* If you are preregistered to walk with your student, please arrive at least 20 minutes before the scheduled walk time to ensure we can check you in.
Don't forget to tun your clocks back one hour on
Sunday, November 3.
Parent Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 7 from 2:00 to 7:30 pm and on Friday, November 8 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Conferences this year will be face to face. More information will be communicated closer to conference time.
Families of Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Students please be reminded that students are required to keep a complete change of clothing (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks) in their book bags at all times. There are many reasons for students needing to change clothing outside of having bathroom accidents. Some examples would be spilling their water bottle, food, milk, glue or paint onto their clothing or getting into mud and rain puddles on the playground. The nurse's office is very limited on the sizes available for students to change into.
Picture retake day will be Wednesday, November 6. Students who were absent will automatically receive a new picture form. If your child was absent but you would like him/her to have their picture retaken, please notify the office and be sure to turn in your unwanted pictures on retake day.
Students may miss school from time to time due to appointments and/or illnesses. However, we hope you will make it your goal to have your child(ren) at school, on time, every day that they are physically able. Children who miss school frequently experience great difficulty in achieving the maximum benefits of schooling.
We understand that some appointments may be unavoidable, but if possible, try to make appointments either early in the day or towards the end of the day to limit the time your child needs to be away from school. When possible, please provide medical documents for all doctor, dental, or eye appointments.
- To avoid unexcused absences, School District policy states that within 5 days of an absence, a note must be received to verify why your child was not in school. There are numerous options for providing an excuse/note for your student's absence(s). Any of the following are acceptable methods to submit this documentation:
- Complete the electronic form at this link BSES Attendance Excuse Form and hit submit.
- Email a note/excuse to Mrs. Laughman at tlaughman@bermudian.org the elementary school.
- Send in a written note/excuse directly to the office with the student.
If your child has an appointment and needs to be picked up early from school, please make sure to send in a note with your student. This note should have your student's first and last name, teacher, and the time and date you will need to pick them up.
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) of Adams County is sponsoring an after school Good News Club on Tuesday's from Tuesday, October 8 through the end of the school year. If you would like additional information and/or to sign your child(ren) up for this club, please click on this link.
We are excited to continue the Ruth's Harvest Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Local churches in the area team up and fill bags with non-perishable food once a month during the school year. If your family can benefit from this program, your child will come home with a bag filled with food each month! Please contact the school counselor, Mrs. Gelb, for more information at 717-528-4113, extension 4730, or by email at tgelb@bermudian.org. Requests will be filled on a first come, first serve basis due to the supply we receive for the program.
Back to School Vision Voucher Program
October Programs at Trone Memorial Library
October Breakfast Menu
October Lunch Menu
Thanks to Our Custodians & Bus Drivers
Wednesday, October 2 is National Custodial Recognition Day, and October 21-25 is National School Bus Safety Week! Let’s take a moment to thank our incredible Custodial Staff for keeping our school clean and running smoothly, and our Drivers for safely transporting our kids every day! Families are invited to show their appreciation by sending a note of thanks or a small gift. You can use our Staff Favorites List linked at bsespto.com/appreciation to personalize your gifts!
Next Meeting
We'll meet at 9:30am in Mr. Morning's Room next to the Media Center. Agendas & minutes from past meetings can be viewed at bsespto.com/minutes.
If you have questions about the PTO or want to get more involved but aren’t sure how, reach out to Andrea Everhart (President), Jason Mleczko (VP), Katie Stehr (Treasurer), Nate Biles (Interim Secretary), or Julie Williams (Appreciation Committee Chair). We'd love to get you plugged in at BSES!
Email: bsespto@bermudian.org • Website: bsespto.com
Facebook: fb.com/BSESPTO
Sign-Up Sheets: timetosignup.com/bsespto
Volunteer Clearances
Up-to-date clearances, a valid ID, and a negative TB test result must be on file with the school office prior to volunteering in the building & at events! You may call the school office at 717-528-5147 to check the status of your clearances and you can download instructions & necessary forms at bsespto.com/volunteer.