First Presbyterian Church of EJ
February 2, 2025
Announcements and Quick Reminders
*February 2nd, please join us for "Service Sunday" following Worship to make Valentine's for our snowbirds and homebound friends! There will be plenty of materials for all skill levels! Everyone is invited!
*February 10th: Meet and Eat; 5:30 pm.
Prayer Concerns
Please pray for:
Boden Vrondran; Vic Patrick who fell and is in rehab at Boulder Park; Tracy Malpass who had a knee replacement; Zila Healey; Lisa Gandelot; Bill Olstrom; Denny Jesiek; Ken Visser; Bob Visser; Cathy Stark Hawley; Donna Kline; Lou Thumser; Jeff Cook; Tom Reid; Jeff Olstrom; Leslie (Sally Lilak's friend from Florida); Josh Fizer (Paul and Liz's nephew); Josh Spears; Rich and Wava Dietrich's sister-in-law, Lynda, who is struggling with Dementia; Artie Jones; Stephanie Saad; Kristine Olstrom; Mary Jason; Bonnie Grover; Ken Kline; Our Nursing Home Residents: Jim and Marie Shepard, Nancy LaCroix.
**Please let us know if you need someone added to or removed from the list! Thank you!**
Lay Leaders for February 2, 2025
Tech: Bristol Skop
Jr. Church: Rhonda Brennan
Liturgist: Susan Kinloch
Ushers: Dee Hawley and Brenda Malpass
Fellowship: The Vissers
Flowers: Need Volunteer
Communion Servers: Brenda Malpass, Anne Olstrom and Dee Hawley; HB: Liz and Ralph
Lay Leaders for February 9, 2025
Tech: Whit Armstrong
Jr. Church: Abbie Hawley
Liturgist: Donna Kline
Ushers: Amanda and Elaine Spence
Fellowship: Jen Wilson
Flowers: Need Volunteer
Lay Leaders for February 16, 2025
Tech: Paul and Liz Nachazel
Jr. Church: Kathryn Bell
Liturgist: Need Volunteer
Ushers: Ken and Nancy Visser
Fellowship: Toni Jeffery
Flowers: Tad Malpass
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Happy Birthday!
February 5th: Laken Skop
February 7th: Ray Kuiper and Sandy Eaton
February 8th: Denny Jesiek
Happy Anniversary!
Need to Get The APP? Here's How!
1. Click on this link: https://mobile.myamplify.io/landing/vmmE
2. Download either by clicking on the Apple App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices).
3. Click on Get
4. Click on Open
5. It will ask if you would like to set First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan as your church. Click YES.
6. Click Allow for notifications if you would like to get notifications.
7. Once you go into a section, to get back to the main page, you will need to click the four box icon in the top right corner.
9. Need help? Check in with Trent after worship or stop into the office and we can help!
Next Meet and Eat Is February 10th!
Our next Meet and Eat is February 10th. Dinner is at 5:30 pm. Please come, and bring a friend or two! It would be helpful if you could sign up so we know how much food to prepare. The sign-up will be in the Sanctuary Hallway and Fellowship Hall, or you may email Stacey at StaceyChipman317@gmail.com.
If you forget to sign up and want to come, PLEASE COME anyway! We will have plenty! It's all about the Loaves and Fishes!
2025 Volunteer Sign Ups
We are always in need of lots of volunteers! Sign ups are in the Sanctuary hallway! Below are schedules for Tech Support, Fellowship, Jr. Church, and Flowers. They all have openings, so if you feel called, please sign up on the forms in the hallway (the 2025 ones) or email Sarah and let her know. Thank you for all that you do to support our church!
* If you find that you aren't able to participate in one of the things that you are signed up for, please find a replacement and let Sarah know who the replacement is! Thank you!
Gidley Scholarship Applications/Graduation Sunday Information!
Gidley Scholarship Applications are available to seniors graduating in 2025! Please email the church for an application! Applications are due March 1st, 2025!
Also, if your child is interested in participating in Graduation Sunday, let the church office know. Graduation Sunday is June 1, 2025.
Presbytery Point Volunteer Positions Open!
Presbytery Point is looking for several volunteers in 2025! Please see below:
Middle School Camp June 22-28th: Male Counselors
Elementary Camp June 29-July 2nd: Female Counselors and Male Counselors
Family Camp June 13-June 15: Spiritual Leader; Nurse or EMT/First Responder; Program Leader; Music Leader; Fishing or Boating Leader; Music Leader
Retro Camp-A-Con June 20-June 22nd: Spiritual Leader; Program Leader; Music Leader
Care and Share
Per Capita
Monthly Devotionals
Dates To Remember!
February 2nd: Service Sunday. Join us to help make Valentine Cards!
February 10th: Meet and Eat at 5:30 pm
February 16th: Session Meeting following Worship
February 19th and 20th: Bible Studies Begin; 10:30 am on Mondays or 6:00 pm on Tuesdays!
February 23rd: Service Sunday: we will make Ash Wednesday kits!
March 1st: Gidley Scholarship Due. Applications outside the church office or request one to be emailed from Church Office.
March 2nd: Communion Sunday; Communion to homebound
March 5th : Lent Begins; Ash Wednesday. Let the church know if you would like an Ash Wednesday “To Go” kit.
March 10th: Meet and Eat at 5:30 pm; Deacons Meeting 6:45 pm
March 10th and 11th: Bible Study begins!
March 12th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; First Presbyterian Church
March 16th: Session Meeting following Worship
March 19th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; TBD
March 26th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; EJ Community Church
April 2nd: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; St. Joseph's Catholic Church
April 6th: Service Sunday: We will make Easter Cards for our friends!
April 9th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; TBD
April 12th: Tom Galmore's Celebration of Life; 11 am
April 13th: Palm Sunday, 9:30 am
April 14th: Meet and Eat at 5:30 pm
April 17th: Maundy Thursday, 6pm; Communion and soup supper in Fellowship Hall
April 18th: Good Friday Service; TBD
April 20th: Easter Sunday; 9:30 am
Devotional Yoga Held on Wednesdays
Please join Pastor Jaime for Devotional Yoga on Wednesdays at 10:00 in the fellowship hall.
Online Giving for First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan
The looks of the Presbyterian Foundation giving page has changed! It is much easier to navigate than previously! Check it out! It's easy to sign up for online giving to First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan! Either scan the code or click on the following link!