Gladiator News
Week of September 9, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Calendar of Events
Monday, September 9
-AFSC begins, only children who have turned in paperwork and $50 registration fee can attend.
Thursday, September 19
-1:30 Dismissal
Friday, September 20
- $1.00 Dress Down for Students!
Sunday, September 22
-Parish Clambake 1-5pm
Friday, September 27, 2024
-Pizza Lunch, $12
A Note From The Principals
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year!
It’s fantastic to see our students back in the halls of St. Jerome School, ready to dive into a year of learning, service, leadership, and success. We’re excited to embrace this year’s theme: Learn, Serve, Lead, Succeed!
A big thank you to all the parents for their continued support and dedication. Your commitment to sending your children to St. Jerome School truly makes a difference, and we’re grateful for your partnership in fostering a thriving educational environment. Let’s make this year memorable and full of growth!
Mrs. Lyndsey Byrne and Mrs. Katie Coan, Co-Principals
Important Reminders
- Students arriving by car are not permitted in the building until 7:00 a.m.
- Make sure your child is ready to leave your car before you stop. If you need to take some time with him or her, park in the parking lot and walk your child over to the school. No child is permitted to walk across the parking lot on his/her own.
- Remember when children are exiting your car, all should exit on the passenger side for safety reasons.
- If there will be a change in your child's dismissal procedure, please either call the office or reach out to your child's teacher by 2pm.
- Please try and limit picking your children up early. Many children are getting picked up before dismissal. Not only are the children missing out on crucial instruction time, it is also a distraction to the other children in the classroom.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. As always, your child's safety is our top priority.
Pizza Lunch
This year, we will be partnering with Congin's Pizza on the last Friday of every month. Children will have the opportunity to purchase 1 personal pan cheese pizza with chips and a drink for $12.
We will send home the ordering sheet each month the week before. Your order will only be submitted if it is turned in with $12 cash. No late orders will be accepted.
St. Jerome After School Care
A friendly reminder that if you would like your child to attend after school care, you must complete the proper paperwork along with the $50 registration fee per family.
Meet Our New Staff Members!
Ms. Brittany Ioffe, Kindergarten
I graduated from John Carroll University and this is my 6th year teaching early elementary, second year as the kindergarten teacher at St. Jerome. I spent the past year teaching first and second grade in the Dominican Republic. I love all things Cleveland, especially the browns. I'm excited to be back here at St. Jerome surrounded by the best staff and students!
Mrs. Jo Dancy, First Grade
I graduated from Notre Dame College of Ohio. My degree is Pre-K through third grade. I also hold a Reading Endorsement and a grades 4 & 5 Endorsement. This is my first year teaching 1st grade. I have taught Title I, Pre K, Kindergarten, 2nd grade before.
Mr. David Ballew, Fifth Grade
Coaches Needed!
CYO is starting to open their registration for Basketball. We are still in need of coaches. If you or someone you know is interested, please e-mail Marco Young, myoung@stjeromecleveland.org