Liberty Times

March 21, 2025
Upcoming Dates that Would be Helpful to Know
Week of March 24th - No School - Spring Break
Wednesday, April 2nd - Late Start - School begins at 9:15 am (doors open at 8:50 am)
Thursday, April 3rd - Open House @ 5:30-6:30 pm - Come and let your child show you around their school!
Week of April 7th - Ms. Crow's 1st Grade Class will be Swimming!
Monday, April 7th - Kinder field trip to the Air Museum
Wednesday, April 9th - Spring Pictures!
Thursday, April 10th - Wayfinder for Families K-6 @ 5:30-6:30 pm - East School - Come and learn all about the social emotional learning that your child participates in weekly - a fun evening for the entire family!
Friday, April 18th - 1/2 day of School for students - No lunch is served. Official dismissal time is 11:30 am.
Spring Break is Next Week!
There is No School March 24-28th
School will be closed for the entire week to provide both students and staff a break from the daily demands of life at school. Classes will resume March 31st @ 7:45 am.
During this week, encourage your child to read, create, and enjoy extra time outside. Hopefully the weather supports lots of opportunities to spend time outside playing and using their imagination.
Trimester 3 - Reading Challenge!
Let's Make this Read-A-Pillar Grow!
This week we had 5 days of school.
1st grade added 5 sections to the Read-A-Pillar.
Kinder added 4 sections to the Read-A-Pillar.
Reading at home = being read to, reading with or reading independently.
Please help all of our Little Leopards strengthen the neural pathways in their brain by practicing this critical skill at home.
It doesn't have a to be a huge time committment - but every extra minute spent practicing reading really does matter! š
Check out our Read-A-Pillar. Students are so excited to see the growth every day!
Leprechaun on the Loose!
A Number Minded Leprechaun Visited Liberty and Hid 120 Coins All Around the School . . .
Our challenge as a school family was to find and collect all 120 coins. When we started the day on Friday, we still had 16 coins left to find. But as little Leopards do, we worked together and accomplished our goal!
Ask your child to explain how the coins were placed on our grid.
Word of the Week
We studied two meanings of our word of the week this week that was selected by Maestra De Quesada's 1st grade classroom:
- To do what is right even when no one is looking
- To remain whole or undivided
Every day during our morning meaning, we considered what integrity means in our lives.
Mrs. Camberg's class demonstrated their understanding of one of the meanings of integrity - check out our little Leopards hard at work!
Keeping It Safe Before and After School
We Recognize that there is Limited Parking at Liberty both Before and After School
And it is equally as important to avoid parking in the crosswalks as students are being walked into and out of the building.
Safety of our students is a top priority so thank you for helping us keep it safer for everyone.
Shout Out to the PTC Committee!
Our PTC is a Small but Mighty Group - the work they do makes such a difference for students!
In the past two years, our K-6 PTC has funded the following projects for our students:
- Climbing walls at Liberty, South Prairie and East
- New incubators to hatch chicks at Liberty
- PE equipment (including their awesome scooters) at South Prairie
- OMSI field trip for 3rd graders
- Updating playground play structures at East
And currently, the PTC is working on funding some very important long term projects including:
- Additional playground upgrades at East
- Digital signs at Liberty, South Prairie and East
It is a fun and inspiring group to be a part of. Please consider attending the next meeting on April 15th at 5:00 pm @ Liberty. We are looking for more great ideas to continue helping enhance the experience of our students in TSD9!
Pokemon Cards and Other Toys Stay at Home
Reminder - Toys Only Come to School for Classroom Based Sharing
We are noticing an increase in the number of toys from home that are making their way to school. This is especially true before and after school. Experience has taught us that bringing specials items from home can create a lot of heartache and frustration for students.
Pokemon cards may seem innocent enough, however, they are becoming the source of angst and conflict among our students. As staff do not know where the cards originated from, it is difficult to navigate situations where one student is claiming another student has something that belongs to them. It would be most helpful if family would do everything they can to ensure that additional toys (including POKEMON cards) do not come to school.
If your child's teacher is offering the opportunity to share a special item, they will share this information via email or Remind.
Swim Lessons for 1st Grade
Three 1st Grade Classes Still Need to Attend Swim Lessons
Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
April 7-11 - Crow
April 28-May 2 - Gerlt
May 12-16 - De Quesada
For each class, we will need parents willing to attend these sessions to help supervise the locker room both before and after swim lessons. Chaperones must be on the district approved list to provide this supervision.
Students leave school at 12:45 and return about 2:30 pm. Communicate with the classroom teacher if you are able to attend.
Want to Serve as a Chaperone or Classroom Volunteer?
All adults who want to support Liberty as a classroom volunteer or as a chaperone must be on the district's approved volunteer list. There is a background check form to complete (linked below) and submit to the main office. Volunteers will receive an official letter to inform them of their approved status, or an individual can check with the main office. Designation as an approved volunteer is good for 3 years and once an individual is an approved volunteer, this is good for all schools in the district.
Check Out These Events Happening in Our Community
Monthly Meal Menu
What is being offered for breakfast and/or lunch?
Click the link provided below to find out!
Liberty Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide School
Liberty Elementary receives federal funding through Title I to support providing a well-rounded education for all students. The eligibility for funding is determined by the community wide poverty rate. And any school with a community poverty rate of 40% or higher is able to offer supports to all students in the school. Therefore, Liberty Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide School. All students receive access to the different supports offered from this federal funding source.
Our School Family Values
At Liberty, we consistently teach and model:
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Always Do Your Best!
Contact Us - We are Here to Help!
Address: 1700 Ninth Street
Phone: (503) 842-7501
Fax: (541) 635-2033
Email: libertyschool@tillamook.k12.or.us
Website: https://tillamooklibertyelementary.org/en-US
Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tillamooklibertyschool