Nolan News
April 2022
Principal's Desk
Greetings Nolan Families,
Spring break is upon us! While our scholars are out next week, there is an opportunity for our 3-5 graders to LEVEL UP and prepare for the Georgia Milestones assessment. During spring break, scholars can complete online lessons in Nearpod to review grade level content. They will also have access to FEV tutors who will be able to assist anyone who needs some extra support. While we want everyone to take some time to rest and relax over the break, we also want to continue exercising our brain power so we are recharged and ready to return to learning! Be sure to check your teachers dojo story for information on exciting prizes and surprises that are planned for scholars who complete the Nearpod lessons!! You don’t want to miss out!
News You Can Use:
Georgia Milestones testing begins Wednesday, May 4th. The test measures knowledge and skills in language arts, mathematics, and science and provides critical information about achievement and readiness for next level of learning. With the absence of significant testing data from the last two years, this year’s scores will be used to establish a new baseline for schools and the district. Participation is crucial. The district expects all students in grades 3-5 to participate. Thank you for partnering with Nolan to ensure we have a high rate of student participation.
- Elementary Schools
May 4th-12th
Ms.Harper, Assistant Principal
What do you think of when you think about Assessment?
Please join us Thursday, April 14th at 6:00pm for Understanding Assessment meeting.Also, for parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, information pertaining to GA. Milestones Assessment will be provided. The link is below.
Parents will be able to…
- Understand the purpose of assessment
- Understand the different types of assessment and their uses
- Distinguish between the various assessments used in Fulton County Schools
- Access additional resources
Student assessments measure student mastery of the state-adopted content standard and inform teaching and learning efforts. The purpose of the meeting will be to:
- Inform parents and students about student learning progress
- Provide teachers with feedback about instructional practice
- Identify students who are working above grade level standards
- Identify students failing to achieve mastery of content
- Inform the district about how students compare nationally
- Assist school districts in identifying strengths and weaknesses to establish priorities in planning educational programs
Curriculum Corner
As we move closer to the end of the year, it is the perfect time to do a check-in with your scholar and his/her teacher to determine if they are on track to successfully meet their grade level requirements. Each grade level has a set of standards that students are required to master in order to move to the next grade level. These standards include the content areas of reading, math, science, and social studies. Please click on the links below to review the learning requirements for your child by grade level:
Kindergarten (English) Kindergarten (Spanish)
First Grade (English) First Grade (Spanish)
Second Grade (English) Second Grade (Spanish)
Third Grade (English) Third Grade (Spanish)
Fourth Grade (English) Fourth Grade (Spanish)
Fifth Grade (English) Fifth Grade (Spanish)
If you have concerns regarding your scholar’s progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to the teacher.
Ms.Darden, Math Coach
Different Ways Parents Can Help with Math!!
Are you noticing that your child becomes frustrated when doing their math work? If the answer is yes, then have no fear, the mathematicians are here! Below you will find tips that will help students learn math at home:
Remain positive and encouraging when discussing Math.
Remember that math is not a race so take your time to get the answer correct.
Find ways to make math and learning fun.
Ensure that the students log on to IReady so that they can get additional support.
Always reach out to the teacher for support when it is needed.
Mrs.Dawson, Literacy Coach
During the months of March and April, teachers and students start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the time of year teachers reflect on current instructional practices and think about changes to make for the following school year. Students are putting together everything they have learned throughout the year and are showing their academic skills. To adequately prepare for end-of-year assessments, teachers will spend time reviewing previously learned standards and teaching test-taking strategies.
As the K-2 Literacy Coach, I am monitoring the reading progress of all scholars in grades K-2. Those scholars that are becoming proficient readers, will continue our current course of action. However, some scholars are still learning to learn to read. It is those scholars that need some additional support. Students in first and second grade are eligible to attend summer school to continue the learning process. Please be on the lookout for information coming from your child’s teacher about summer school, how you can help your child over the summer and what skills your child should have as they prepare for the next grade. If you need any additional support before then, feel free to contact me at dawsonp1@fultonschools.org.
Ms.Densley, Counselor
This month, we would like to encourage our families to help their kids focus on having good test taking skills as we prepare for the Georgia Milestones.
Students & Parents can learn more ways to cope with testing anxiety here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDYx9qM_ygg
Ms.Newell, Parent Liaison
Support your scholars in every way possible. Have you taken the time to prepare your child for testing? This article has a few key concepts that you and your scholar will need to prepare for the test.
April 4-8: Spring Break
April 14: Assessment Workshop
April 20: Community Meeting @ Gullatt ES, 6:30pm
April 21: FCS Board Meeting
Technology Workshop
Week of April 24: Milestones Spirit Week
April 27: Career Day
Love T. Nolan Elementary
Email: newell@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/lovetnolanes
Location: 2725 Creel Road
Phone: 4702547950