Holliman Hornets Family Newsletter
Volume 2.35 May 7, 2023
Principal's Message
Dear Holliman Families,
I would like to give a huge thank you to our Holliman PTA Teacher Appreciation committee led by Mrs. Wright, and to all families and members of the school community who truly made our teachers and staff feel special for Teacher Appreciation Week! You certainly out did yourselves this year! I am beyond grateful for your generosity. Our Holliman teachers work hard each day to ensure that each child's individual academic and social emotional needs are met. It made me so happy to see the smiles on their faces each day!
I am equally as grateful for the parents and teachers who participated or showed up in support of our 5th grade basketball game! It was a blast!
Last week I had several families and neighbors reach out to me regarding safety in our parking lot, drop loop and surrounding streets. There have been reports of cars speeding down Deborah and Mullen Roads leading into Holliman. Please be sure to follow all speed limits, traffic signs and no parking areas.
Please know that can make myself available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have within a timely manner. Please continue to reach out via email and/or phone call/text at 401-871-4145.
Mrs. Cabana, Principal
Teacher Professional Development Day May 10th
Save the Date!
Holliman School Safety Forum for Families
We will meet in the Holliman All Purpose Room!
Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 06:30 PM
Holliman Elementary School, Deborah Road, Warwick, RI, USA
5th Grade Basketball Game!
4th Grade Field Trip to Save the Bay!
5th Grade Field Trip to Gillette!
Retired American Flags
Bus Notifications
Everyone is included in these updates as there are some Holliman families who are responsible for providing care for bus students after school.
Student COVID Guidelines Effective February 27, 2023
Holliman Lunch Menus
PTA Updates
After School Basketball!
Feinstein Updates from Mrs. Bonneau
Lots of Updates!
Kindness Tree Good Deeds Collection
Keep your eye out for our next good deeds ornaments, they will be coming home the week of 5/15-5/20 and we will be collecting and decorating the week of 5/23-5/27. All good deeds should be handed in on or before 5/27! Start helping your students think about good deeds they've done or things they can do! We recently had Teacher Appreciation week, if your child(ren) helped out that counts! There's also been various Earth Day and Arbor Day cleanups and planting events, those are all good deeds!! They don't have to be huge, just helpful!! Thank you!
Field Day is Upon Us
Field day will be held on Wednesday June 7th with rain date the following Wednesday June 14th!
Field Day Tshirts
We will be wearing our field day TShirts from last year!
It is time to dig it out and make sure it still fits! If you have an issue with your child's TShirt please reach out to Mrs. Bonneau jessica.bonneau@warwickschools.org or Mrs. Burgess mary.burgess@warwickschools.org.
Thank you to Express Embroidery for making these awesome shirts!
Field Day Volunteers
If you would like to help out please fill in this volunteer form and make plans to get your BCI check if you don't have one yet!!
Volunteer TShirts
This year we'd like to offer our volunteers an opportunity to purchase a field day shirt if they'd like to. This is not required! Our field day theme this year is "A day at the beach" so our shirts will be lifeguard shirts! They will be red with white lettering. The cost is $6.75 per shirt. Please send field day volunteer shirt money to school in an enclosed envelope or bag clearly labeled Field Day Volunteer Shirt $$$ C/O Mrs. Bonneau & Mrs. Burgess. You can also stop at my exit door at dismissal time if you don't want it to get lost in a backpack! There is a space on the volunteer form for you to fill out if you'd like one. Please indicate ASAP if you'd like one I will be placing the order within the next week. Thank you again to Express Embroidery!!
Thank you everyone for all your participation in Feinstein activities throughout the year! We've collected hundreds of good deeds, tons of canned goods and food, and lots of personal care items for the sharing locker!! We appreciate you! If you have ideas for school community service projects that we could add next year, please reach out!!
Remember your golden tickets are here, we'll contact you if you're a winner!
Golden Ticket Winners: Feinstein Facebook Page
Virtual Journal
Keep an eye out for our next good deeds collection, we need to redecorate the tree!!
Visit the Feinstein website to learn more about this wonderful foundation and how they help so many schools and people in need!!
Feinstein Foundation
Don't forget to use your Feinstein Jr. Scholar Card to have free fun with your family!!
School and District Wide Routines and Policies
Districtwide Polices
during, and after school hours while on school grounds or at any school-sponsored event.
Committee Policies JEA and JEDA for those students who have not reached their eighteenth
employees and students.
Important Arrival Updates
- At morning arrival please use the drop off loop via Mullen Rd. The traffic pattern goes VERY quickly and a staff member can assist your child exit the passenger side of your vehicle.
- If you are dropping off your child after 9am, please pull into the back parking lot near the trees.
- Please avoid pulling into the main parking lot.
- Please do not go down any "one ways."
- Thank you for your cooperation!
Upcoming Events and Days Off
Wednesday, May 10th
Professional Day for Teachers - No in person learning for students
Wednesday, May 24th
KIDS Day for Incoming Kindergarten Students
Monday, May 29th
No School in Observance of Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31st
Holliman Family Safety Forum w/ Officer Maggiacomo
Wednesday, June 7th/June 14th Rain Date
Holliman Field Day
Friday, June 16th
Kindergarten Graduation 10am
Wednesday, June 21st
5th Grade Graduation 10am
2023-2024 WPS District Calendar
Community Flyers
Check out the districts new page for community flyers!
Contact & Social Media
Ann Palumbo, Secretary
Alison Razza, Nurse
Email: kimberly.cabana@warwickschools.org
Website: https://holliman.warwickschools.org/
Location: 70 Deborah Road, Warwick, RI, USA
Phone: 401-734-3170
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082896548282
Twitter: @PrincipalCaban1