Counseling NewsFlash
Announcements 02.27.23
Summer School!
Summer School enrollment is right around the corner! Summer School session will be held from June 5th to June 29th. Enrollment will open up on March 1st and end April 30th. Information regarding classes and enrollment can be found HERE. See your counselor if you have questions about course recommendations.
ASVAB Test (Rescheduled) -- Thursday, March. 2nd!
Are you interested in joining the military? LHS will be providing the ASVAB for interested students on Thursday, March 2nd @8:30am. Limited to the first 15 students. Click here to register.
Join us for a special screening of Angst. On Monday, Feb. 27th and Tuesday, Feb. 28th LHS will be hosting a film series focusing on raising awareness around anxiety during Freshmen flex in the Black Box Theatre. This mandatory event will include watching a section of a film and discussion after with LHS social workers. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to the Counseling and Social Work Department. If you wish to have your student OPT OUT of this activity please call the guidance office at 816-736-7046 or email your student's counselor/social worker.
Sophomores and Juniors - You can still apply if you would like to be in the Northland CAPS (NCAPS) program! Please apply by using their late registration QR code found on the graphic. This information was also send to students via their school email on 2/24/23.
Kansas City College Fair
Save the date! KC AREA COLLEGE FAIR - FREE FOR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES! Thursday, April 6, 2023 - 6:00-7:30pm
Blue Valley Schools' Hilltop Learning Center
7700 W 143rd St - Overland Park, KS 66223
GPACAC College Fairs are free and open to the public. College fairs provide an opportunity for you to connect with colleges and universities from all over in one convenient location STUDENTS:
Register in advance with StriveScan by filling out a quick form on your phone or computer. You may sign up in advance or at the door on the day of the college fair. After you sign up, StriveScan will send a barcode via text message and email. At the college fair, present your barcode to college representatives to receive more information about that college. After the college fair, students will receive an email with a report on all of the colleges and representatives you met along with contact information and social media profiles.
Blue Valley Schools' Hilltop Learning Center
7700 W 143rd St - Overland Park, KS 66223
GPACAC College Fairs are free and open to the public. College fairs provide an opportunity for you to connect with colleges and universities from all over in one convenient location STUDENTS:
Register in advance with StriveScan by filling out a quick form on your phone or computer. You may sign up in advance or at the door on the day of the college fair. After you sign up, StriveScan will send a barcode via text message and email. At the college fair, present your barcode to college representatives to receive more information about that college. After the college fair, students will receive an email with a report on all of the colleges and representatives you met along with contact information and social media profiles.
Free Prom Dresses!
Go HERE to find out about the free prom dress boutique held in Lee Summit! Go to @PromDressGiveawayExchange on Facebook or @promdressgiveaway on Instagram to find out about the free prom dress event to be held in Grandview!
Local & Regional Scholarships Available
Local & Regional Scholarships continue to come in! Check your Naviance Account under the College Tab and select Scholarship Search to see what is available. You might set a reminder to check back each week! Remember Scholarships are available for many different reasons, not just merit based. New Additions include: Missouri Bankers Foundation Scholarship, Central Bank of Missouri Scholarship, Assistance League Scholarships, Women's Legislators Scholarship & MORE!
Planning Ahead for Juniors!
Juniors---Now is the time to explore your options for after high school! Consider exploring options now so you are ready for your senior year! A few ideas to explore; QuestBridge --Go HERE to see the details! Selective College Event; Learn how to start your college search as a high school junior, featuring admissions leaders from Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams. Go HERE for more details!
Don't forget to keep up to date on college events by visiting our College Visits and Events page!
Event Information
Fort Hays State University
Monday, Feb 27, 2023, 01:30 PM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, Mar 2, 2023, 10:00 AM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
Missouri State University-Springfield
Monday, Mar 6, 2023, 10:30 AM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
U.S. Air Force
Tuesday, Mar 7, 2023, 11:30 AM
Event Information
Oklahoma Christian University
Thursday, Mar 9, 2023, 08:30 AM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
U.S. Army
Thursday, Mar 9, 2023, 11:30 AM
Event Information
U.S. Coast Guard
Friday, Mar 10, 2023, 11:30 AM
Event Information
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Monday, Mar 13, 2023, 10:30 AM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
U.S. Marines
Monday, Mar 13, 2023, 11:30 AM
Event Information
U.S. Navy
Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023, 11:30 AM
Event Information
Missouri Southern State University
Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023, 01:30 PM
Counseling Conference Room
Event Information
U.S. National Guard
Monday, Mar 27, 2023, 11:30 AM