Davis A&M Family Newsletter
November 22, 2021
Thank you, Davis Families
- Attending Student-Parent-Advisor Conferences
- Communicating absences and requesting student work
- Participating in "Bring Your Parent to Clubs" Week
- Monitoring student grades and schoolwork on Schoology
- Participating in Parent Advisory meetings
- Celebrating student success at certificate ceremonies
"Bring Your Parent to Clubs" - Fab Lab Club
Parent Advisory Meeting
Families at Flight Lesson Orientation
If you have questions about any of the announcements, please call the school at 216.838.2500
In this Newsletter, you will find information about:
- Counseling Corner - SEMESTER ENDS IN 16 SCHOOL DAYS
- OST Testing Coming Soon
- Classroom Corner
- Spanish Class Collaborates in the FAB LAB
- FAFSA DAY & College Now Update: SENIOR PARENTS
- After-School Academic Support
- Class of 2022 Update: Cap & Gown Orders
- Captain's Log: PHASTAR Update
- Community Resources & Announcements
- Update Contact Information with Davis A&M
- Year-Round School Calendar Dates
Counseling Corner
If you have any questions concerning your child's progress, schedule, or grades, please contact Mr. McCain at 216.838.2500 or through email at RMcCain@DavisAM.org
OST Testing Coming Soon!
Test Dates are:
Nov 30th - Dec. 3rd: US History, Algebra, ELA OST RETAKES
Dec 7th - Dec 9th: Geometry, Biology, and Government OSTs
Classroom Corner
Right now in class...
- 9th graders are preparing for the first ever Short Story & Film Festival at Davis, which will be on 12/14 from 10AM-12PM. What is your student creating?
- 10th graders are reading The Crucible in English. Who does your student think is the most reasonable character? Why?
- 11th graders just designed a habitat for Mars in Engineering class. How did your student design theirs? How did it do when bad weather struck?
- 12th graders are writing a research paper in English. What topic has your student chosen? What have they learned?
Spanish Class Calaveras (skulls)
Students from Ms. Corey's Spanish class used their creative talents to design calaveras using image editing software. After saving the artwork to a thumb drive, they came down in groups to the Fabrication Laboratory. In the Fab Lab, they were giving a brief description of the LASER engraver/cutting. With support from PHASTAR'S Mr. Redding, they were then able to engrave and cut out their skulls in a piece of 6X8 plywood to take with them.
College Now Update from Mr. Markusic
Join us for FAFSA DAY on December 8th, from 11AM - 6PM at Davis in-person or virtually by appointment. Please contact Mr. McCain or Mr. Markusic or use this link to schedule an appointment.
To submit the FAFSA, you will need your 2020 taxes and an FSA ID, which you can create at fsaid.ed.gov.
You can submit the FAFSA on your own or provide your taxes and login information to your student to submit it with Mr. Markusic. We will also be having a FAFSA Day when you will be able to schedule a time to complete your FAFSA, either in-person or virtually. More information is on the attached flyer.
If you have any questions about the FAFSA process, please reach out to Mr. Markusic, our College Now advisor, by email (mmarkusic@collegenowgc.org) or text (216-507-1768).
**ALSO: Students who submit their FAFSA before 1/1 will not have to pay SENIOR DUES!!**
After-School Academic Support
Support is available MONDAY - FRIDAY 3:15 - 4:15 in the 5th floor atrium.
Class of 2022 Update: Order Graduation Cap & Gown
Family Survey - Let Us Know How We're Doing
Please take a moment to let PHASTAR know how we're doing. Complete this quick survey to provide input concerning communication about clubs and student opportunities.
B'LASTER Walleye Fall Brawl
Robotics Club
Breakfast with Santa
Where: Discover Aviation Center at Lorain County Airport
44050 Russia Road, Unit 6 Elyria, OH 44035
When: Sunday, December 5, 2021 from 9AM - 12PM
For more information: visit WAICLEVELAND.ORG or email WAI.Cleveland@gmail.com
Community Resources & Announcements
Thanksgiving Dinner Locations
Tri-C Access Centers - Adult Educational Programs at NO COST
The purpose of the Access Centers is to support individuals and families on their path to success by providing affordable as well as no-cost community-based educational and workforce programming.
Workforce Success Course - Sharpen your job skills to succeed in the workplace. Identify academic pathways and resources to achieve your career goals. Develop your resume. Earn one college credit. Completed Tri-C application required.
Basic Computer Skills - Learn basic computer skills like using email, file sharing, navigating websites and more. Includes Microsoft Office.
To start your application process for these courses, preregister here or call 216.862.7350
Stay Connected With Davis
A lot of important messages from the district and the school are being announced. Make sure your contact information is updated so that you receive the latest information.
*To update your address or phone number, please call the school. 216.838.2500
*To receive our school texts, please email LBowen@DavisAM.org with your cell # and your student's name
Year-Round School Calendar Dates:
- 24th - 26th: Thanksgiving Break
- 30th - Dec 9th: Ohio State Tests (see more details above)
- 17th: End of Second Marking Period
- 20th: Winter Break Begins (CMSD Schools Closed)
- 10th: Year-Round School Classes Resume
Quick Links
Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School
Email: info@DavisAM.org
Website: DavisAM.org
Location: 1440 Lakeside Avenue East, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: 216-838-2500