Bulldog Bulletin
September 3rd, 2024
509 Widefield Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80911
719-391-3335 (Office)
719-391-9416 (Fax)
Office Information
Office hours: 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
To report an absence, please call 719-391-3336
Please notify the office immediately for any changes in student contact information.
Student hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:25 p.m. Tardy bell: 8:20 a.m.
Students are not allowed on school grounds before 8:00 a.m. No early check-out after 3:10 p.m.
School Website: https://widefield.wsd3.org/
School Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/WidefieldSchooloftheArts/
School Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/wesabulldogs/
Link to Parent/Student Handbook: 24-25 Parent/Student Handbook
Before & After School Care: Leading Edge 1-800-341-5791
Important Dates to Remember September
- September 2nd ~ Labor Day, No School
- September 5th ~ Picture Day, Individual
- September 10th ~ PTO Mtg., 3:45 p.m.
- September 12th ~ Q1 BAAC Mtg., 8:30 a.m.
- September 13th ~ Dot Day, Wear Orange
- September 16th ~ Culver's Night, 5-8 p.m.
- September 18th ~ PTO Back To School Dance, 5 p.m. (details below)
- September 19th ~ WESA Innovation Day, No Students
- September 20th ~ Professional Learning Day, No Students
- September 23rd ~ Mid Terms Go Home
- September 30th-October 11th ~ Read-A-Thon
- October 1st ~ Student Count Day (please have your child at school)
- October 1st ~ Skate City Night, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
- October 5th ~ Community Parade
Fall Clubs & Activities
Sign up is soon for all of our clubs & activities that will be offered in the 1st semester (September-December). On Tuesday, September 3rd at 12 p.m. a Remind message will go out with the link to view club/activity opportunities and includes a digital sign up. We will be on a first come first serve basis for enrollment. Please read through the information that will be located in the Remind message for the details of each club/activity. The digital form will be for ONE student/form. Thank you for your interest in before & after school clubs/activities.
Artist of the Month
WESA's Artist of the Month study is the Ancient Greeks. In Drama, students will be exploring tableau, which is a "frozen" composition of people in action to capture or recreate a moment in time to tell a story. Tableau was developed as theatre technique by the ancient Greeks, who are widely considered to be the "first" actors in Western theatre history. Students will explore storytelling the way these ancient Greek performers did through tableau.
WESA Specials Staff
At WESA we offer more art opportunities than any other elementary in the district. Our Specials team includes Art, Music, Drama, Design Studio (STEAM), PE and Library. We also offer Orchestra and Band for our 4th and 5th graders. Our team collaborates to integrate the arts and content standards for all grade levels. Check out the slide show to learn more about each of our staff members who work with your children. WESA Specials Staff
Picture Day
Picture Day is coming up on 09/05/2024! Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/89519ZF.
We will be hosting our annual Read-A-Thon September 30-October 11th. We are using a different platform this year. It offers a bigger percentage of funds to stay at WESA! Please be on the lookout for more information coming soon.
Culver's Night, 9/16
WESA will be hosting restaurant nights throughout the year, providing us with a small kick back from sales. Our first night is on September 16th from 5-8 p.m. at Culver's on Fountain Mesa Road. Please join us for dinner and/or a treat! Thank you!
Student T-Shirts
In the month of September your child will come home with a Bulldog t-shirt for them to wear on WESA Wednesdays! We encourage our students to wear their Bulldog swag with pride! T-shirts are being purchased with funds raised during our 2023-24 Read-a-Thon! Thank you Parents & Families!
Be on the look out for an order form to order Bulldog Swag for the whole family!
Widefield School District Documents
Each school year Widefield District 3 shares documents with parents of information that may be of significance to you and your family. Please take the time to read through these documents and let us know if you have any questions. You can access the documents by clicking on the link: WSD3 Docs
September PTO Mtg.
The WESA Parent Teacher Organization is open to all. We do not collect fees/dues to be a member. We are all members. Come join us on September 12th at 3:45 p.m.
We will also be discussing events to support our families and staff. We hope to see you there!
Counseling Corner
Building Accountability Advisory Committee (BAAC)
The Building Accountability and Advisory Committee (BAAC) provides parents, staff, students and interested citizens an opportunity to participate in the planning and accountability process. The committee is asked to act in an advisory role to the administration, serving primarily as a representative group for the community between and within the school, the school community, and the district. Persons interested in serving on the committee are asked to email the principal at ruizshelley@wsd3.org.
Title I Compliance ~ Parents Right To Know
Your child participates in a program in Widefield School District which receives funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. You have the right to know what professional qualifications are held by the teachers who instruct your child. The Act gives you the right to the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
Whether the teacher is licensed or qualified for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency permit or other provisional status under which state licensing criteria have been waived.
The college major of the teacher, any advanced degrees held by the teacher, and the subject matter of those degrees.
What instructional aides or similar paraprofessionals, if any, provide instructional services to your child, and if so, what qualifications they possess.
If you are interested in receiving information of this sort, please contact the Human Resources office at 391-3015.
Community Parade
A group of parents, students and staff are coming together to build our community parade float this year. The theme is "March Through Time - Celebrating 150 Years". They will be creating a float that not only represents the theme, but also ties into our All School Musical, Finding Nemo Kids. If you are able to contribute any of the needed supplies below, please drop them off at the WESA office by Friday, September 13th. Most of the props created for the float will also be used for the musical! Thank you for your support and be sure to come out to the parade on Saturday, October 5th to see the finished product!
-colorful pool noodles
-colorful pipe cleaners
-tissue paper (all colors)
-big gray paper (bulletin board paper)
-big blue paper (bulletin board paper)
-big brown paper (bulletin board paper)
-paints/paint brushes
-clear umbrellas
-streamers (all colors)
-clear beach balls (big and small- no balloons)
-clear plastic water bottles (used but clean)
-blue plastic/disposable tablecloths (all different shades)
-coin wraps
-wreath ribbon (all colors)
-foam spray
-large clear trash bags
-hula hoops
-shipping peanuts
-hot glue sticks and stick Elmer's glue
-masking tape and duct tape
Thank you for your support! If you and your family want to walk in the parade, please print and fill out the form below. You must hand that into the WESA office to participate. Thank you!
Meal Application - ALL NEED TO FILL OUT
Meal applications are still required and are now available. We need all of our families to fill out an application. This helps our school maximize federal reimbursement to ensure sustainability of the free meals program. No matter the outcome of the application results, all meals will still be free of charge for all students. The funding this provides our school keeps teachers, programs, meals and more...available to our school community. PLEASE fill out an application for your family. (one/family)
Applications can be completed online. The link is located on our website at wsd3ns.com, click on the Meal Application button. Thank you for helping us keep our funding!
This program makes a huge impact. John Roche, Operations Manager of Nutrition Services, gave an overview of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program and the Summer Food Service Program for the 2023-2024 school year in WSD3. Pretty impressive...please fill out the form so we can continue to fund this program. Thank you!
National School Lunch & Breakfast totals:
Breakfasts served: 305,748
Lunches served: 856,592
Summer Food Service totals:
Breakfasts served: over 3600
Lunches served: over 8200
2024-25 WESA Events Calendar
We do our best to plan ahead and give our families plenty of time to plan for events. Attached you will find a calendar of this school year's events. Most of these dates are set, however, they can be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. In the top right corner you will see a date of when it was last updated so you can keep track of any changes that may occur. We hope this is helpful in your planning. 2024-25 WESA Events Calendar