MES Weekly Scoop
It's a great day to be a Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
The beautiful thing about learning is, no one can take it away.
Fourth and Fifth graders performed their music program this week this week. They played several instruments. Some were traditional and some were improvised. All sounded very good. The students did great and Mrs. Olmsted had another great concert.
Family Advocate
Moriah Dobrovolny, MES Family Advocate, recently was trained to become a Presumptive Eligibility Representative through KanCare. Presumptive eligibility (PE) is a program that offers short-term medical coverage to Kansans, with limited income, who are not currently receiving Medicaid. The goal of PE is to provide consumers with immediate and temporary medical coverage while a KanCare application is processed. Applications must be completed with Moriah. If you are interested in applying, please call or text Moriah at 785-562-6818 to schedule an appointment.
Counselor's Connection
This week we celebrated Kindness Week! The classrooms participated in activities throughout the week including creating kindness banners to hang throughout the school, kindness missions within their classrooms, as well as a food drive for the MS County Food Pantry and our Student Snack Closet. Educating our students about the importance of kindness and how we can show eachother kindness through small acts throughout our day, will make our school a better place to be. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Students Had Fun Celebrating Valentines Day
Parent Teacher Conferences
Don't forget we have PT conferences next week Monday, February 19, and Wednesday, February 21, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Staff Highlight
Megan Zierlein has taught at MES for the past seven years. She spent four years as a first grade teacher and is in year three as one of our MTSS teachers. Megan enjoys working with small groups of students from all different grade levels. She likes to help students experience success. Megan is a caring and passionate teacher. Thank you Megan for making MES a great place to learn.
Kathy Huerter has been our district nurse for ten years. She is very busy taking care of all of us everyday. Kathy is caring and passionate. She says she most enjoys caring for others. Thank you Kathy for keeping us all safe.
Whitney Niehues is our counselor at MES. Whitney does a great job of supporting our students and staff. She is kind and caring to us all. She is also a very hard worker. She is in her third year as counselor here at MES. Thank you Whitney for all your support in making MES a great place for us all.
Nurse Kathy
hard at work keeping us healthy
Megan Zierlein
MTSS teacher
Whitney Niehues
Mrs. Niehues with the Principal of the day Gavin Hawkins
Bulldog Skill of the Week
1. Look at the person
2. Use a serious sincere voice tone, but don't pout.
3. Begin by saying "I wanted to apologize for..." or "I'm Sorry for"
4. Do not make excuses or try to rationalize your behavior.
5. Sincerely say you will try not to repeat the same behavior in the future.
6. Offer to compensate or pay restitution
7. Thank the other person for listening.
Principal at Marysville Elementary School