March 2025 Newsletter

School of Extended Educational Options
2211 N. Orange Grove Ave., Pomona CA 91767
Main Office (909) 397-4900, x33300
Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Principal: Deena Ashford, Deena.ashford@pusd.org
Website: seeo@pusd.org
SEEO Classic, High School Program
Program Administrator: Dr. Jessica Jordan
Counselor: Emily Yanes emily.yanes@pusd.org
It is our goal to prepare all of our high school students to be college and/or career ready. Our high school courses are A - G and NCAA approved. We offer college prep and honors courses.
Innovations Learning Academy
Assistant Principal: Tom Vogt thomas.vogt@pusd.org
Program Lead: Diane Jaramillo diane.jaramillo@pusd.org
School Counselor: Leila McFarlin leila.mcfarlin@pusd.org
Elite Sports Institute
Assistant Principal: Eric Negron eric.negron@pusd.org
Program Lead: Frank Bustos frank.bustos@pusd.org
School Counselor: Kassandra Perales kassandra.perales@pusd.org
SEEO Sports
Assistant Principal: Eric Negron eric.negron@pusd.org
Program Lead: Jason Romero jason.romero@pusd.org
School Counselor: Juanita Barnes juanita.barnes@pusd.org
SEEO Sport! is the answer to student athletes seeking to excel both academically and on the playing field. Whether the sport is baseball, softball, soccer, football, basketball, or something else, SEEO has developed a program designed to develop the skills, discipline, and strong character necessary for students to reach their highest level of academic and athletic growth. Our caring teachers guide our students through California standards-based curriculum on their path to being college/career ready. SEEO is WASC accredited and our courses are A - G and NCAA approved. Through our athletic partnerships we are able to deliver high-quality training to enhance athletic performance and help our student athletes reach their full potential.
March Madness
National Women's History Month in March annually encourages us to honor the women who came before us and fought for equality among all races and genders.
March is Red Cross Month on the National Day Calendar to honor the people who dedicate their lives to the American Red Cross. For the entire month, we celebrate those who make lifesaving missions possible in times of crisis. In addition, we are raising awareness and support the Red Cross Month as they unite, encourage, and assist with providing peace among all people.
Emily Yanes
Otniel Hernandez
SEEO Career Tech
Kassandra Perales
Juanita Barnes
EM Rancho, EM Long Beach, EM San Juan Capistrano
Leila McFarlin
2025 has been a year of incredible learning and growth!!!
Senior Information
College Applications for Seniors
College Presentations
Scholarship Opportunities
Junior and Senior Activities
Prom Night!
Grad Night!
Chaffey Dual Enrollment
ROP (Regional Occupational Programs) and CTE (Career Technical Education) Classes
Talk to your teacher and school counselor to sign up for vocational classes. These classes will provide hands on experience and provide students knowledge of a new skill. If interested in ROP courses contact your school counselor. If interested in CTEC classes, sign up online today.
CTEC Classes-download the application or go directly to the website to enroll https://fairplex.com/tlcfairplex/ctec.
Intro to Automotive
Systems, Service & Repair A (Prerequisite Intro to Automotive)
Intro to Manufacturing and Product Development (Welding)
Intro to Plant & Soil Science (Urban Agriculture)