Pack News
May 13, 2024
Important Information:
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
*Bike Parade, Tuesday, May 14th
*4th grade Ag Safety Day. Tuesday, May 14th
*No School, Friday, May, 17th
*5th grade Ag Safety Day, Tuesday, May 21st
School Hours:
· School doors open for breakfast at 7:30.
· Instruction begins at 7:50 and ends at 3:20.
· Students are tardy after 8:00.
· School doors are locked at 3:00.
Student Transportation:
· School Bus route information: 325-248-2277
· Transportation changes must be made before 2:30.
· Student dismissals are not allowed after 3:00.
Parents, don't forget the buckle zone is at the top of the hill outside the curbed area.
Attendance Policy:
· Excessive absences, tardies or early dismissals could result in truancy.
· A note is required to excuse absences within two days of the student returning to school.
· Absences are only excused for student illness or medical appointments, but a note should be turned in for all absences.
· Parents are permitted to write (10) parent notes to excuse an absence, a medical note will be required to excuse any additional absences.
· Absence notes can be turned in to the teacher, office or emailed to lhicks@llanoisd.org.
· 90% Rule: State attendance laws require that students must attend class 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit and be promoted to the next grade level. All absences, regardless of excused or unexcused, including leaving early and coming in late, count toward the 90% Rule. This means a student cannot miss more than 18 days or parts of days.
· We offer free lunch and free breakfast for all students.
· Visitors are allowed to eat in the Courtyard with students on the student’s birthday and Fridays, during their lunch period only (weather permitting).
· Students may bring a healthy lunch or snack, but food cannot be shared.
** Meals are $4.75 and the cafeteria can only accept cash or check.
Gym Notes
Please be sure that your child chooses the proper shoes on PE days. Whether our workout involves running, walking, sports or gym equipment, a decent athletic shoe is a must! Proper shoes can help to prevent foot and ankle damage and make our games and workouts a more pleasant and comfortable experience. We ask that all shoes have a flat bottom, cover the toes and heels, and stay securely on the feet when moving forward, sideways, and backwards.
Thank you!
Tracy Lord
Physical Education Teacher
Packsaddle Elementary
Mental Health Resources
Phoenix Center's Walk-in Mental Health Clinic provides in-person single session counseling services for children up to age 18 and their parents or guardians.
Licensed mental health professionals help address issues such as anxiety, depression, parenting, or challenging behaviors in a 50-minute session. For more information, visit https://www.phoenixtx.org/walkinclinic.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 1.800.841.1255
Bluebonnet Trails Mental Health Services (Local): 1.830.798.2902
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1.800.442.4673 (HOPE)
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” or “HELLO” to 741-741
Vicki Jackson
School Counselor
Packsaddle Elementary
Llano I.S.D.
325-388-8129 ext. 2302
Lost & Found
We have an abundance of lost and found items. Have your child check it if they are missing a jacket, sweater, hoodie, lunchbox, or hat/gloves.