EMES School Newsletter
September 8th, 2023

EMES Newsletter September 6, 2024
What's Happening at EMES
We've had a wonderful start to the new school year. The weather has cooperated beautifully so that we have been able to enjoy lots of time outside. We've practiced our beginning of year routines and procedures like hallway, lunch, and recess expectations and processes. This morning we had our first fire drill and all students did an exceptional job of having zero voices and listening to the adult directions. I've spent time each day in classrooms and have enjoyed learning new faces as well as seeing all of those who have returned. It's truly been a smooth start to the year, and though it's only been just over a week, it feels like we're right back into our groove!
Thank you for returning the first day packets to us. It's important to get this information to us as quickly as possible so all students can have a full school experience.
Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to seeing your students back on Monday!
Mark Your Calendars!
Wednesday, September 18: WCUUSD Board Meeting 6pm U-32
Friday, September 27: All School Hike (rain date Friday, October 4)
Wednesday, October 2: Open House for students and families
Wednesday, October 9: Lifetouch Picture Day
October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day - no school
A New Face in the Health Office
We are thrilled to introduce Nurse Lydia Faesy, RN, to the EMES community! Lydia is an East Montpelier resident and her own two kids went through EMES. She most recently served the Doty community as their RN and has extensive nursing experience. Please join me in welcoming Nurse Lydia when you see her and take a look at the important updates from Nurse Lydia below.
Hello from the Health Office. I am your new school nurse, Lydia Faesy, RN, and I’m happy to be here at EMES. Slowly, I will get to know your children, and please introduce yourself as well.
I have several pieces of information for you. First, please return those blue Annual Student Health Update forms so I have the information to help your child when they don’t feel well. Also, Vermont Department of Health is still collecting information on COVID illness. If and when your child is home sick with COVID, please notify me so I can report back to the Dept of Health.
As you may have seen, Chittenden County is experiencing a mosquito borne illness called EEE, Triple E, or Eastern Equine Encephalitis. The Department of Health states symptoms include flu-like illness with fever, chills, body aches, and joint pain. I am attaching a link so you can read more. Info on EEE
Thank you, and I hope early September is going well.
Scout visits classrooms for bucket-filling celebrations!
EMES staff enjoy smoothie treats during inservice
Students eating lunch outside in the beautiful sunshine
Hike Day Information and Chaperone Details
It is time for the East Montpelier all-school hike! Each year the entire school goes to various hikes in Vermont to enjoy the great outdoors. This event is a great opportunity to foster a sense of community in our school. Students can hike with others in various grade levels and spend time with teachers they may not know. Along with the obvious health benefits, hiking and walking are the number one lifelong fitness activities reported by adults. For some of our students, this is their first experience hiking, and all of them report having a great time!
The hike committee forms mixed age groups in the hope that students will meet others from different classes and grades they may not normally interact with. We encourage students to pick a hike that might not include all their friends but suits their fitness and interests. The hike committee will consider individual hiking abilities when making final hike assignments.
Thank you for helping your child choose a hike. Hike forms will be coming home early next week. Please return the hike choice form by Friday, Sept 13. We will send information home about final hike assignments by Friday, Sept 20.
If you are considering chaperoning you must have the current forms on file. If you filled out the forms:
Level 1 (be with the group) - prior to August 2023
Level 2 (be alone with students or drive a group alone) - prior to August 2022
you must submit new forms as soon as possible (no later than Friday Sept 13). If you have never filled out volunteer forms please come to EMES and pick up a copy.
Please note that volunteer forms are mandatory to chaperone. There will be a mandatory chaperone Google meeting on Tuesday, Sept 24 at 6:30 pm. The link for this meeting will be along soon.