CB West High School
West Times Newsletter August 30, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Central Bucks High School West! We are thrilled to have you with us and extend a special welcome to the Class of 2027. The first day of school is September 3rd, and we cannot wait to see everyone. Students (including late arrival students) should report directly to their advisory at 7:25 AM. Those attending MBIT will report to MBIT during their scheduled time on September 3rd.
Since 2022, CB West has proudly earned the “No Place for Hate” designation from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Last year, a group of about 25 students, many of whom are members of our West United club, received a half-day training from the ADL. Following their training, the students developed “The West Pledge", which you can see below. This pledge serves as guiding principles for the CB West community.
We acknowledge that no community is perfect, and there may be times when the pledge statements are not upheld. However, we hope to use these moments as opportunities to learn and grow together. It is CB West United’s hope that by the end of this school year, all members of the CB West community will feel comfortable enough to sign this pledge.
Any students interested in helping West United’s efforts to build a stronger, more welcoming community should contact Mrs. Stone (B205) to be added to the West United Remind and Canvas page.
Picture Day
Picture day for students will be held on Wednesday, September 11th. Packet information will be distributed during Advisory.
Back to School Night
West's Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, September 12th, at 6:30pm.
West Paren Council
We look forward to continuing our partnership with parents through the 2024-2025 Central Bucks
West Parent Council. Membership to the council is open to all interested CB West parents.
Some of the goals of the group will be:
- To foster a dialogue between the home and school through sharing of ideas and concerns.
- To undertake project(s) as developed by the group.
- To support the school in the community by information sharing.
Meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays in the Tower Room off of the Main Lobby,
beginning at 9:00am and concluding at 10:30am:
September 18, 2024
November 13, 2024
January 15, 2025
April 9, 2025
We hope you will be able to participate in our 2024-2025 Parent Council.
Updating Student Information Required to View Bus Assignments and Schedules
To remind families, you will not be able to access your student's bus assignments or schedules until updating your information at www.cbsd.org/parentportal. To begin, navigate to the menu, select “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update.” Completing the update will allow you to access student bus assignments when they are released on Monday, August 19 and 7-12 student schedules when they are released on Friday, August 23. Elementary information was made available in early August.
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Meal Pricing Now Available
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Breakfast is available at no charge to students, and lunch costs vary depending on grade level. Your child(ren) may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Learn more and apply by visiting the full informational webpage on CBSD.org here.
Payment System Open for 1-to-1 Device Fee for Grades 3-12
The 1-to-1 fee payment system opened on August 14 for families of students in grades 3-12. There is no fee for families of K-2 students as devices for these grades stay at school. All CB students will either receive a device this year or continue to use the device that was issued last year. Even if your child has their own device, we ask that you participate in our program to allow for a consistent learning platform for our students. Read more about the plan, the fee amounts, and next steps here.
West Baseball Interest Meeting
Are you interested in playing baseball in Spring 2025?
Please join Remind for the Full Fall Schedule and daily updates on West Baseball 25.
Text the message @gbk79f to the number 81010 to join CB West Baseball 2025 Remind.
First Player Meeting will be held Wednesday, 9/4, immediately after school in the CB West Cafeteria. Come out and meet the new coach and learn all about CB West Baseball. It will last about an hour.
Laptop Breakage Information
Laptop Breakage
We have seen a rise in the amount of screen breaks for student laptops. Our policy covers for 2 broken screens per device. If your child’s laptop screen breaks 3 times, we will be required to send you an invoice for the repair and labor. The current cost for this is $150. Please remind your child to care for their laptops. Some simple steps to assist are:
- Use two hands when holding or moving the device.
- Use clean hands while using the laptop or iPad.
- Use only the provided digital pen or finger on the screen.
- Use only the power adapter that came with the device.
- Use a microfiber cloth to clean the screen.
- Keep device stored in the provided case. This includes traveling through the hallways, on buses, or anytime the device is not being utilized.
- Make sure nothing is on the keyboard, close the lid, and remove all cables if any are plugged into the laptop. Place laptop in your bag carefully.
- Be careful when placing your case on the floor. Keep the device off the floor so screens do not get stepped on by others.
Parents of Student Drivers
Our goal each day is make sure that all students, faculty, buses, and drivers exit our school campus safely. To ensure that safety, we are requesting that you please reinforce safe driving habits with your student driver. There have been several vehicle accidents that may have been prevented through safer driving practices.
- Drivers should maintain a speed of 15 MPH or less while driving on MacFarlane and in the school zone area.
- Drivers are to stop for pedestrians entering the crossing areas.
- Drivers are not to change lanes on MacFarlane
- Drivers should not be using electronic devices while driving.
- Drivers/Students should not be yelling from one vehicle to the next or getting out of one vehicle to get in another.
- Please try to limit the number of passengers in the car with your student. This will assist in being more attentive while driving.
Thank you for your assistance !
From the Attendance Office
* ANYTIME you come or go from CB West during the school day you MUST check in with attendance.
- ANYTIME you leave school for early dismissal we MUST hear from a PARENT or GUARDIAN via phone or the portal.
- PARENTS or GUARDIANS can put early dismissals, late arrivals, absences, and vacation time in the portal.
- Absences and tardies can be excused for valid reasons with a note, a phone call, or through the portal by PARENTS or GUARDIANS ONLY.
- PARENTS or GUARDIANS have three days to excuse absences or tardies. (Exceptions may be made)
- Students are NOT PERMITTED to leave for lunch during Lunch & Learn.