Elmdale Early Years School
February Newsletter
Principal's Message
February is I Love to Read Month! During this month we want to increase our reading at school and at home. We are very happy with our monthly home reading goals that each student completes. As a school, we have an average of 86% of our students completing their home reading goals and as a staff, we are extremely appreciative of our students' hard work. We are also aware of the hard work you as parents and caregivers do to support home reading and we thank you for your partnership.
For the month of February, I encourage all students, parents, and caregivers to take an extra moment to pick up a book and take some time to read a little extra this month, I know I will.
Below there is a link for parents and caregivers providing information on how to help your child to read. Even though this document was published in 2004, the Department of Education in Manitoba has put together a document that is still worth reading.
Lastly, there is a link in the next section of this newsletter that explains our Elmdale Music video project. We look forward to seeing all the awesome pictures of our students reading in unique places.
Happy reading!
Take Care,
Mr. Colin Campbell (B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed)
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: ccampbell@hsd.ca
Twitter: @elmdalehsd
I Love To Read Month: Elmdale Music Video
NEW Elmdale Curling Rink
3M Curling
3M Curling
PrinciPal Winners
WANTED: Book club volunteers
Elmdale Parents, Guardians and Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles!
The Elmdale Reading Club needs volunteers! Reading Club is for Elmdale students who need some extra practise reading. As a volunteer, your job will be to listen to the students read and give them some positive feedback about how they did. This happens Monday to Friday, from 1:00-1:45. You can volunteer once a week, once every two weeks, or once a month, whatever suits your schedule. We are in need of volunteers Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Elmdale Parent Council (PAC)
Family Parking
Thank you to Old Church Bakery!
"Soup's On" School Lunches
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
Please check our website for the bus pick up times and location near your house.
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Steinbach Girls Softball Association
Skills camps are taking place at the end of February. March is registration month. Please Click Here for more details.
Elmdale Early Years School
Publisher: Mr. Campbell
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd