Stonybrook School Weekly Update #25
March 17th, 2024
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Thank you to Mr. O'Mango for visiting our students on Friday! This was such a great surprise for our students. Wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Family Engineering Design Night
Thank you to KEHSA for sponsoring our first ever Family Engineering Design Night. Thank you to all of our students and families who participated in a variety of engineering challenges. It was a great evening!
4th Grade Sweetheart Dance
On Friday, March 15th we held our first ever 4th Grade Sweetheart Dance. Thank you to KEHSA for sponsoring this wonderful event and Thank you to all of our families for attending. It was a beautiful evening!
Stonybrook Student Council Fundraiser - Pennies For Patients
On Monday, February 26th, our Stonybrook Student Council began working on their Pennies For Patients program, which is now called Light The Night. There is an on-line component which is identified in the letter that was given to all students. Letters were handed out to your child last Monday. The letter is also attached below for you.
The dates of the fundraiser are February 26th to March 22nd. Out Student Council has set a goal of raising $4500.00. Thank you to those who have already donated.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
Please see the flyer below for our end of the year events for our 5th-grade students. Please know that the PRM Move Up Day is for the students only. There will be an evening orientation for all 5th grade families. Our barbecue is also only for our 5th grade students. More information will be sent home as the dates become closer. Thank you.
Important Upcoming Dates
March 22nd: Delayed Opening for students/School begins at 11:00 a.m./Professional Development for Staff
March 22nd: Trimester 2 Report Cards available to families
March 26th: Board of Ed Meeting at KHS @ 7:00 p.m.
March 29th to April 5th: School Closed for Spring Break
April 8th: School Reopens for staff and students.
April 17th: K-5 Skate Night at Florham Park Roller Rink
Important Reminders
As the weather continues to remain cold, please make sure that your child has a coat/heavy sweatshirt to wear while outside at recess.
Please make sure to label your child's coat or sweatshirt with their name/grade.
As long as the temperature outdoors remains at 32 degrees and above, students will have outdoor recess.
Please label your child's water bottle with their name/grade.
Please make sure that your child has their Chromebook with them when they come to school each day and that it is fully charged.
Thank you.
Lost and Found
If your child/ren has misplaced a coat or sweatshirt, please remind them to check the lost and found in the cafeteria. There are several coats and sweatshirts that have yet to be claimed. Thank you.