Miller Elementary Weekly Update
Week of October 27th, 2024!
Hello Miller Families!
We had a wonderful week connecting with so many families for parent-teacher conferences! We have a few more scheduled for the week ahead and look forward to this time with each of you. We hope that your conference time provided a glimpse into your child's day here at Miller Elementary along with some information about how they are adjusting as a learner here at school!
Next week we will be gearing up for our Fall Party on Thursday, October 31st! Please make sure you read the important details below about party times for those who are volunteering, and the weather permitting parade that can be viewed by all! We sent home a flyer to indicate if you would like to take your child home after the parade in the afternoon only or if you would like them to ride the bus as usual. Please send this back so that we can ensure all students are safely getting home and we can plan for a busy dismissal time.
Our school pictures also arrived this week and teachers have sent them home. We have secured Monday, November 18th for picture retake day. If your child was absent on our original picture day, please ask your child's teacher for an order form to be sent home. If you want retakes, you will send back the original pictures on retake day and Ripcho will reprint the same picture package that you ordered. As a reminder, all picture packages included a class composite and will arrive in a few months.
I can't believe we will be entering the last week of October and flipping the calendar to November this upcoming week! We also would like to wish all our families that celebrate Diwali happiness, prosperity and joy to you and all your family during this holiday season. We hope this time with your family is filled with many special moments and memories. Happy Diwali!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary Principal
Rice Crispy Treat Food Label for our Fall Festival
Important Fall Festival Information
This year, we want to celebrate the fall season with our students as well as enjoy the traditions of dressing up in costumes at school. We want to share some of the guidelines that we will be implementing for our Fall Parties so you can plan accordingly.
Preschool Fall Festival Party: Thursday, October 31st, 10:15 AM Classes & 2:00 PM Classes
Kindergarten Fall Festival Party: Thursday, October 31st, 10:15 AM (AM Kindergarten) & 2:00 PM (Full Day Kindergarten)
- At Miller, we are asking that your child brings their costume to school in a bag and they will change before our party times. If your child needs to wear a portion of their costume (specific pants, leggings, or shirt) throughout the day, that is perfectly OK. Please advise that costumes need to be functional, school safe, no weapons can accompany a costume, and no full face coverings.
- We will be working with our PTO headroom parents to plan fun games or activities, and specific visitors will be allowed into our school for the Fall Festival Party. All visitors will be checking in and no other siblings or guests will be able to attend. Thank you for your cooperation.
- We will have a weather-permitting outdoor costume parade where you can come up to the school and view all your wonderful children! A specific map can be found below and you can expect it to start at 10:15 for AM Preschool/AM Kindergarten classes and 2:45 for PM Preschool and Full Day Kindergarten classes. If the weather conditions are poor, the outdoor parade will be canceled and we will not hold an indoor event.
- The PTO will be supplying a treat for our party and more information about the snack will be forthcoming.
Please advise that our costume guidelines may be different from the other buildings. Our children will not be wearing their costumes all day due to some challenges with restroom breaks throughout the day. We have learned from past experience that many costumes zip and snap in the back and children cannot manage this in the restroom independently. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Miller Elementary Fall Festival Parade
AM Preschool & 1/2 Day AM Kindergarten Parade will Start at 10:15
PM Preschool & Full Day Kindergarten Parade will Start at 2:45
Illness Update
We have been experiencing an uptick in illnesses at Miller and many of your little ones have not been feeling their best. We will continue to clean, sanitize, wash hands and help your child learn cough and sneeze etiquette.
Currently we have many children and staff developing upper respiratory illnesses including multiple confirmed cases of pneumonia. It's important to monitor your child for worsening symptoms since this appears to be something on the rise. Additionally, we have a stomach bug that is causing children to have a fever, nausea, upset stomach and body aches. We will continue to communicate if this begins to increase.
Please be reminded that students who become ill at school will be sent to the clinic, or office, for evaluation by the nurse. Parents will be called for students in the event of a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, pink eye or other highly contagious conditions. Students without a fever will be permitted to rest in the clinic for a short time. Students will either return to class if conditions improve; or school personnel will contact a parent or authorized pick-up person listed on the Emergency Medical Form.
Important Dates
Important Dates and Events
- Tuesday 10/29 - Parent Teacher Conferences by Sign-up with Your Child's Homeroom Teacher
- Thursday 10/31- Fall Festival & Costume Parade - See Information on our Newsletter
- Week of 11/4 - 11/8 - Scholastic Book Fair - Preview During Library & Shopping Days & Family Shopping Night
- Monday, 11/04 - Erin's Law Presentations for Kindergarten (Information was sent via Final Forms to our Kindergarten Families)
- Friday, 11/08 - End of Trimester One
- Monday, 11/11 - Honoring Veterans Day - Miller Children will make Cards & Pictures for Local Veterans and Family Members
- Wednesday, 11/13 - AEPTO Meeting at 6:30 Conference Center
- Wednesday, 11/27 - Sunday, 12/01 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
School Lunch Tasty Bite on 10/29
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming to Miller Elementary
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Miller during the week of November 4th-8th! Your child will get to preview books with a special shopper and have the opportunity to purchase books on another day. Please use the link below to view information about our upcoming book fair and payment options instead of sending in cash or check! Thank you to all the volunteers for organizing such a wonderful opportunity to bring books to our students!
We will be hosting a Family Shopping Night on Tuesday, November 4th from 5:00-7:00PM.
Counseling Updates
Hello Miller! Part of my role as a school counselor consists of connecting families with varying resources. You will note a link to a list of Community Resources should you wish to explore resources for your child outside of the school setting. During the school year, Miller offers a variety of opportunities to assist families with financial needs through partnering with our PTO. By reaching out to me via completing this form, phone, email or in-person, I can assist your student with funds for upcoming Book Fairs or the Holiday Shop, holiday gifts, Thanksgiving “baskets,” winter clothing including jackets, pants and boots; purchase of the class T-shirt, purchase of a yearbook, school supplies and any other need brought to my attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me with the slightest concern. Feel free to simply let me know what you need, and I’ll connect with you to ensure this need is fulfilled!
Mrs. Lindsey Ambrosia
(330) 562-6199, ext. 5414
PBIS - Teaching School Expectations
Nursing Updates
We have a school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, on staff during school hours. She is here each day to assist students at a time of need or illness. Here are some important reminders to ensure the safety of our school community each day:
- Please make sure your Final Forms medical information is up to date. We will closely read the health sections to address any medical concerns. If your child requires medication (over the counter or prescription) during the school day, we must have a signed medication form on file. You can find this attached below.
- It is important to check your child each day for symptoms of illness as you know them best. If they become I'll during the day, or are injured, we will reach out to you and let you know if their symptoms are worsening. We call home for injuries, fevers, and continued sickness. We do not call home for every trip to the nurse for a band-aid, ice pack or upset tummy. We certainly will call if symptoms worsen. We sometimes use our School Nurse Cell Phone
- Students sent home with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea may not return to school until they are free of these symptoms or without medication for at least 24 hours. This means if your child was sent home on Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. with a fever, he/she may not return to school until 24 hours later. If your child does return the next day, our school will be calling for you to come pick him/her up. Please help to support our efforts in this area.
- We are required to report to families if there is a confirmed communicable disease in your child's class. This could include strep, pink eye, COVID, RSV, hand-foot and mouth or other illnesses.
Finally, please make sure your child has extra clothes in his/her backpack. Accidents and spills happen all the time and it's safe to always have their own clothes in their book bag instead of wearing our spare clothes.
Miller Lost and Found
Miller Attendance & Transportation Reporting Form
In all our Elementary Buildings, we utilize a Google Form to report attendance, late arrival, early dismissal, and change of transportation such as switching from a bus rider to office pick-up!
To report an absence or change, please scan the QR code below or click the button to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Toler.
Also, if your child is absent, instead of calling us, you can also use this code to report the absence and the reason for the absence. We are working really hard to reduce the amount of phone calls, emails, or notes that we receive. We ask that you reserve those modes of communication for emergencies only. Thank you in advance for your help and let us know if you have any questions at all!
Updates From Superintendent Mike Roberto
Important PTO Information
Hello Miller Families,
My name is Tasha Romo. I will be the Miller VP for AEPTO this year. I have a student in Miller and a student at Craddock. I am looking forward to sharing and growing with all of our wonderful families! We have a lot of fun activities and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please reach out with any questions.
Miller Book Fair sign ups will be going out on Friday, October 11th.
Fall Festival Sign-Ups have gone live.
Please Follow These Important Directions to Access Your PTO Account
Aurora T-shirt Orders Have Arrived! Missed the Order? Use the Link Below!
Update Final Forms Below
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Miller Elementary Principal
Erin Toler : etoler@aurora-schools.org
Miller Elementary Secretary
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199