Faust Newsletter
Marking Period 4
Mrs. Barrale
Dear Faust School Families,
As the school year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to send my families and students a heartfelt message filled with warm wishes for a truly magnificent summer break. May the summer break bring you closer together and create memories that will be forever treasured. I hope you are able to make time to have fun, relax, and enjoy shared activities that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
To my students who have worked diligently throughout the year, you deserve this break to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge. You have shown determination, dedication, and a thirst for knowledge. It has been a journey of growth, learning, and hard work, and now it is time to celebrate your accomplishments and embrace the summer season. Whether you excelled in your academics, arts, sports, or any other endeavor, be proud of your achievements and take pride in your progress.
To the parents, guardians, and families, I thank you for your support and partnership. The faculty and staff always want an open line of communication between home and school. By working together, we can continue to be instrumental in your child’s success.
To our amazing PTA, we are grateful for all your efforts throughout the school year to raise funds and bring educational programs, assemblies, special treats, and festivities to our students and staff throughout the year. We appreciate your time and commitment to the East Rutherford School Community. A sincere thanks also to our 8th Grade PTA Committee, who helped make our graduates’ last year special and memorable by providing fun activities and events before moving on to high school.
To our graduates, congratulations on your achievement! All of the teachers and professional support staff at Faust School wish you the best as you take on the next four years of high school. We know you are well prepared and have gained a firm educational foundation while attending the East Rutherford School District.
Lastly, please visit our website at www.erboe.net for updates and related information about the 2024-2025 academic school year. Over the summer, all students have required reading and math assignments, which will be on the website under Faust School. If you need a paper copy, you can come to the school between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on any weekday. It is important that your child strengthens their educational skills and keep their mind stimulated over the summer. You will also find a supply list for grades six through 8 for the 2024-2025 school year.
All of the faculty and staff at Faust School wish our families a healthy, safe, and enjoyable summer.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions or concerns over the summer.
Best regards,
Regina Barrale
English Department
6th Grade ELA ~ Mr. Tunnell
During the 4th marking period, our 6th grade Language Arts students completed a Research Paper unit focused on careers. This comprehensive project not only honed their writing skills but also introduced them to critical research methodologies and the intricacies of the MLA format.
Students explored a variety of careers, diving into the specifics of professions that captured their interest. They compared and contrasted different jobs, examining aspects such as job responsibilities, educational requirements, and potential career paths. This comparative analysis gave them a deeper understanding of the diverse opportunities available in the workforce.
A significant part of the unit was dedicated to learning how to conduct thorough and effective research. Students were taught to distinguish credible sources from unreliable ones and gathered information from books, articles, and reputable websites. This process not only expanded their knowledge but also emphasized the importance of accuracy and reliability in academic work.
In addition to research skills, students mastered the MLA format, learning how to properly cite sources, create a works cited page, and format their papers according to MLA guidelines. These skills are foundational for future academic writing and research projects.
The culmination of this unit was the submission of well-researched, thoughtfully written papers. Each paper reflected the students' dedication, growth, and newly acquired skills in research and writing.
Congratulations to our 6th graders on their outstanding work!
7th Grade ELA ~ Mrs. Petraitis
Students in the seventh grade ELA have been engrossed in novel studies this marking period. ELA 7 just finished A Long Walk to Water, while the Honors class recently completed their reading of The Outsiders. Through these novels, we have reviewed literary terms like conflict, characterization, figurative language, and of course, using text evidence in writing. Students were able to pick up on and relate to the theme of perseverance, struggle, and identity in these novels. Great job this year and have a wonderful summer!
8th Grade ELA Consider Climate Change and Endangered Species~ Ms. Bayeux & Mr. Colavito
Science Department
6th Grade Science ~ Mrs. Rosales
As we wrap up the school year in science class, our 6th grade students have had a fantastic time learning about the phases of the moon. They used Oreo cookies to sculpt the different phases, carefully carving the cream filling to represent new moons, crescents, quarters, and full moons. This deliciously fun activity helped them visualize and understand the lunar cycle in a memorable way.
In our final unit, we focused on weather and climate. Students explored the different types of air masses and fronts that influence our weather patterns. To bring the water cycle to life, they created a "water cycle in a bag," a project that demonstrated the continuous journey of water through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Additionally, as part of a STEAM activity, students worked together to create the longest paper chain possible using just one sheet of paper. This project fostered teamwork and creativity.
It's been an incredible year, and I'm so proud of the enthusiasm and progress our students have shown. Here's to a happy, healthy, and restful summer break!
7th Grade Science ~ Mrs. O'Connor
8th Grade Science ~ Mrs. Yang
Mrs. Yang's 8th-grade science class developed and used a model to describe how waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. When light shines on an object, it can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted, depending on the object's material and the frequency (color) of the light. The path that light travels can be traced as straight lines, except at surfaces between different transparent materials (e.g., air and water, air and glass) where the light path bends. Lenses and prisms are applications of this effect.
A wave model of light is useful for explaining brightness, color, and the frequency-dependent bending of light at a surface between media (prisms). However, because light can travel through space, it cannot be a matter wave, like sound or water waves.
The class also engaged in PhET simulation practices, including Bending Light, Beer’s Law Lab, Color Vision, and Molecules and Light, to deepen their understanding of these concepts.
Mrs. Lahullier
In Language Arts, students continued to work on IXL daily to reinforce their reading and writing skills. They studied autobiographies and biographies, wrote their own autobiographies, and drew pictures to describe their lives, which they then presented to the class.
In Science, students studied the planets and the Earth-Sun-Moon model. They used Nearpod and EdPuzzle to master each topic and completed a flipbook on each planet, which included a picture and five facts about each.
In Mathematics, students have been learning about ratios. They completed classwork using real-world scenarios to understand ratios, represented ratios using different manipulatives, and read and annotated a story on ReadWorks about ratios.
In Social Studies, students studied Andrew Jackson and the growth of democracy. They researched Jackson and wrote paragraphs to explain his life. Additionally, they had class discussions about democracy and what it means to them.
Caribbean American Heritage Month
Our students learned about Caribbean American Heritage Month! During an extended homeroom session, they watched an informational video about this month-long celebration. Caribbean American Heritage Month celebrates the rich cultural contributions and achievements of Caribbean Americans to American society. This observance recognizes the diverse Caribbean cultures, traditions, music, literature, cuisine, and history that have significantly influenced the fabric of the United States.
Throughout the month, various events, festivals, educational programs, and exhibitions showcase the Caribbean American community’s impact and highlight their ongoing contributions to arts, business, politics, and many other fields. It’s a time to honor Caribbean heritage and the vital role it plays in shaping the cultural mosaic of America. This month-long observance was signed into Proclamation in 2006.
The Caribbean is a region situated southeast of the North American mainland and the Gulf of Mexico, north of South America, and east of Central America. The Caribbean region comprises 13 sovereign countries and many territories or dependencies that are part of other nations. The entire Caribbean region showcases rich cultural diversity, blending different ethnic groups, religions, languages, cuisines, popular music, and customs. The unique Caribbean culture has been deeply influenced by its long history of colonization and the socio-cultural experiences of each Caribbean country.
In the 19th century, the U.S. attracted many Caribbean people who excelled in various professions such as scholars, teachers, preachers, doctors, inventors, comedians, politicians, poets, songwriters, and activists. Some of the most notable Caribbean Americans include Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury; Colin Powell, the first person of color appointed as Secretary of State; James Weldon Johnson, the writer of the Black National Anthem; Celia Cruz, the world-renowned "Queen of Salsa" music; and Shirley Chisholm, the first African American Congresswoman and the first African American woman candidate for President.
Pride Month
At Faust School, we continually strive to make respect and inclusivity the norm. It is important to recognize and acknowledge Pride Month in June, as many of our students, families, faculty members, and community members identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Our goal is to always create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone and to remind everyone that there is strength in embracing our differences.
Bridge Day
We welcomed our incoming 6th-grade students on Bridge Day, Thursday, June 13th! The students enjoyed a tour around Faust School to acquaint themselves with the building. Following the tour, they participated in an hour-long orientation session covering topics such as adjusting to the transition, responsibilities of a middle school student, navigating the social scene, scheduling, extra-curricular activities, and more. They then engaged with our middle school student panel, where they had the opportunity to freely ask questions or request pieces of advice from current Faust Wildcats. We are eagerly looking forward to officially welcoming our new 6th-graders in the fall!
Secondary School Planning with Ms. Muse
Dear 7th Grade Families,
If you're eager to start thinking about secondary school planning, now is the perfect time to begin. We are fortunate to be part of the East Rutherford School District, where our local high school, Becton Regional High School, offers an outstanding education that will serve our students well. Additionally, school choice provides various alternative programs that can enhance educational outcomes by broadening opportunities and access for all students.
Our goal is to find the best fit for each student, and there are many factors to consider when planning your child's educational future. Starting early allows you to explore all options and make informed decisions that will benefit your child in the long run. This is a highly collaborative process, so feel free to reach out to me, Ms. Muse, at smuse@erboe.net.
Warm regards,
Ms. Muse
Summer Learning ~ Mrs. Romaglia
As we approach summer, it's crucial to prioritize ongoing learning for our students to prevent the "summer slide." This term refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge that can occur during extended breaks from school. Encouraging your children to engage in educational activities such as reading books, exploring science projects at home, or practicing math skills can make a significant difference. Simple, enjoyable activities like visiting museums, participating in educational camps, or cooking together can also help reinforce their learning. By incorporating these activities into your summer plans, you can ensure that your children return to school in the fall ready to succeed! Here are some community-based options to consider.
Summer Support ~ Mrs. Romaglia & Ms. Muse
Summer is upon us, but support for your children doesn't end when school is out. If you need assistance, Bergen County, NJ offers a range of community-based organizations ready to help. Whether you're looking for academic, social, or emotional support, there are numerous resources available. If you need to consult with the school counselor, feel free to reach out to Shanelle Muse at smuse@erboe.net. Wishing you a wonderful and safe summer!
Summer Safety Tips
Just a friendly reminder about a few important things:
Sun Protection: Remember to wear sunscreen! Apply it at least 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
- Asthma and Allergy Action Plans: These need to be renewed every school year (from September to June). Please be aware that even over-the-counter medications require a doctor's order before being brought to school. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact BMcCabe@erboe.net or visit the nursing websites.
Medication Pickup: If you didn't pick up your child's medication before the last day of school, please call the main office over the summer to arrange a day and time to pick it up. Medications that are not picked up will be discarded.
Important Immunizations for 6th-grade Students: Remember that one dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) and one dose of MCV (meningococcal vaccine) are required by age 11 at their annual physical. Documentation needs to be sent to the nurse by the start of the school year.
Have a happy and safe summer!
World Language
Mrs. Fox & Ms. Cuello
Dear Families,
During marking period 4, students have had numerous opportunities to engage in various modes of communication, including speaking, listening, reading, and short writing tasks. They actively participated in classroom activities through platforms like Edpuzzle, Pear Deck, Formative, and more.
6th Grade Highlights: In 6th grade, students delved into the topic of mealtimes (desayuno, almuerzo, y cena), explored different types of food (comida saludable y chatarra/rápida), and engaged in discussions about various types of tacos. They also gave presentations showcasing their favorite and least favorite tacos using the verbs "gustar" and "preferir". Additionally, students conducted research on different snacks, learning to differentiate between dulce and salado, practiced using expressions with "Qué + adjectives", and familiarized themselves with the items needed for various Latin American recipes.
7th Grade Updates: Our 7th graders created a nutritional brochure, discussing healthy habits, identifying nutritious food choices, and explaining how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They also imagined that they won a trip to Spain, where they researched and shopped online in Spanish stores to prepare for a meeting with a celebrity. Students identified different articles of clothing, calculated prices using the current exchange rate, and compared the value of clothing between U.S. and Spanish stores. These tasks not only honed their language skills but also demonstrated their proficiency in real-life situations.
8th Grade Achievements: In 8th grade, students explored Hispanic family traditions, different types of homes, and shared responsibilities for house chores. As a concluding unit, they learned about natural disasters resulting from climate change that impact our world and local community. They also promoted recycling practices and brainstormed ideas on how to contribute to environmental protection. Additionally, please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of the graduating 2023-2024 8th-grade class.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child's education. Together, we can continue to create a positive and enriching learning environment for our students.
¡FELIZ VERANO! (Happy Summer!)
Math Department
6th Grade Math ~ Mrs. Alberta
Our sixth-grade mathematicians concluded the 2023-2024 school year with remarkable achievements. The students demonstrated exceptional dedication, particularly during the NJSLA assessments, and they should take pride in their accomplishments. Following state testing, they engaged in two exciting projects: one involved planning and budgeting their own vacation, while the other saw them running their own restaurant, designing menus, taking food orders from classmates, and calculating taxes, tips, and change received.
Mrs. Alberta commends all sixth-grade students for their hard work and commitment throughout the entire school year and extends her gratitude for making it a wonderful year. As preparation for seventh grade, students are encouraged to complete the Math packet over the summer. Mrs. Alberta wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable summer!
7th Grade Math ~ Mrs. Gentry
As the Pre-Algebra class gears up for Algebra next year, delving into rational and irrational numbers, linear equations, transformations, as well as cylinders and cones, the Math classes have been actively applying their geometry skills to construct Mathville. This engaging project allowed students to showcase their creativity while utilizing their geometry knowledge. Through various phases, they measured, calculated, cut, colored, built, pasted, and applied their problem-solving skills.
Wishing you all a safe and rejuvenating summer!
8th Grade Math ~ Mrs. Gerity
English Language Learners ~ Mrs. Fidurska
I can’t believe that we have just wrapped up the 2023-2024 school year. Time has flown by so quickly! The last marking period was especially busy for our language learners. We covered the Exploration Unit, where students learned about various discoveries and groundbreaking advances that have contributed to technological improvements. We finished the year with an engaging unit on Immigration, a topic that captivated our students.
I was truly impressed by the personal stories students shared about their immigration to the USA and their experiences settling down here. These stories highlighted the significant impact these experiences have had on their lives, making them more mature and appreciative.
I am incredibly proud of all my students. They have grown immensely, both linguistically and personally. It has been a joy to work with such amazing individuals, and their progress in language skills throughout the year has been remarkable.
I wish them all a happy, healthy, and restful summer break.
Physical Education & Health
Mr. Cocozzo & Ms. Ravettine
The school year for Faust students concluded with the highly anticipated "Corner Strike," a beloved team game known for its fast pace. This thrilling competition had participants fiercely guarding their pins while contending against three other teams. Our Physical Education course reached its pinnacle with the annual Field Day at Riggin Field. With picture-perfect weather and great participation, the event was once again memorable and exciting.
In Health class, our students concluded the year with enlightening lessons on Substance Abuse Prevention and Family Life. Equipped with crucial knowledge, they are now empowered to make informed decisions and navigate important aspects of their lives. As our 8th graders prepare to embark on their high school journey, we acknowledge their remarkable growth and maturity throughout the school year. They will be dearly missed, and we are confident they are well-prepared for the challenges and successes that lie ahead.
Financial Literacy ~ Mr. Ling
As we wrap up the school year, we're thrilled to celebrate the success of our students in Financial Literacy! Over the past months, our class has delved deep into the practicalities of navigating the financial landscape, equipping students with essential life skills. Here are some of the key topics our students explored:
Exploring Potential Careers: Students researched various occupations, gaining an understanding of the educational requirements, responsibilities, and potential earnings associated with different career paths.
Navigating College Financing: Recognizing the importance of higher education, we explored avenues to finance college. From scholarships and grants to student loans, students gained insight into budgeting for tuition fees.
Venturing into Investment: Our class ventured into the world of investing, exploring real estate and stocks as means of wealth building. Students grasped the fundamentals of real estate investment and learned how to research and analyze stocks in the market.
Understanding Banking: Understanding personal finance management, students explored the significance of having a checking account. They learned practical skills such as writing checks, using debit cards, and maintaining a bank account responsibly.
Maximizing Financial Potential: Students worked on strategies to optimize their income and savings for the future. From budgeting techniques to smart financial decision-making, they gained insights into maximizing their financial well-being.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our students for their outstanding efforts on their final Financial Literacy projects. Their demonstration of a solid understanding of core concepts and practical applications reflects their hard work and dedication. We're immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to their continued success. Have a fantastic summer!
Dance ~ Mrs. Francica
I'm thrilled to share updates from our dynamic halls, where students in grades 6-8 are delving into a world of movement, dance history, the art of choreography, and a plethora of other captivating dance experiences. From the expressive twirls of contemporary dance to the rhythmic footwork of jazz, our young dancers are discovering the exhilaration of self-expression through movement. Each class represents a unique journey, fostering creativity and laying a solid foundation in diverse dance styles.
To deepen their understanding and appreciation for the art of dance, students are immersing themselves in the fascinating realm of dance history. Exploring the evolution of various dance forms and the cultural influences shaping them, our students are gaining profound insights into the traditions and innovations that render dance a timeless and continuously evolving art form.
Creativity takes center stage as our students embark on the thrilling voyage of choreography. They are mastering the art of crafting their own dance routines, selecting movements, and weaving them into seamless and visually striking performances. The dance classroom hums with creativity as these budding choreographers breathe life into their visions, fostering teamwork and individual expression.
I'm immensely proud of the progress our Cycle 4 students have achieved, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing their ongoing growth and success in the years ahead.
Theatre ~ Ms. Romero
In Theatre class during our last marking period, our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders explored the intricacies of different types of theater stages, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each. They embraced creativity by crafting original characters and writing their own monologues.
Our 6th graders delved into sound design, honing their skills in this area, while our 7th and 8th graders focused on set and costume design, as well as explored various technical theater careers.
At the Spring Showcase of the Arts, the Drama Club students presented a captivating scene titled "Persephone and the Four Seasons," showcasing the collaborative effort of the entire group. As we bid farewell to this memorable performance and the end of the school year, we wish everyone a fantastic summer ahead!
Artistic Expressions ~ Ms. Machere
National Junior Honor Society
Mr. Tunnell
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) members have been shining brightly this marking period. Here's a glimpse of their impactful initiatives:
Designing Spirit Weeks: With creativity and enthusiasm, NJHS members continued to design exciting spirit weeks that brought our school community together in celebration.
Monthly School Reports: Our dedicated 8th-grade representatives have upheld their responsibility of delivering monthly school reports at our Board of Education meetings with professionalism and poise. They provide valuable insights into our school's achievements, initiatives, and student accomplishments, ensuring that our voices are heard and our achievements are celebrated at the highest levels.
Creative Writing
Creative Writing Grade 6 ~ Mr. Tunnell & Ms. Cuello
During the 4th marking period, our 6th grade Creative Writing students embarked on an exciting journey through various writing forms. They explored poetry, crafted TV and movie reviews, and even created their own restaurant concepts.
The poetry unit allowed students to experiment with different styles and express their thoughts and emotions in unique ways. They explored various poetic forms, from haikus to free verse, and shared their creations with the class, gaining confidence and appreciation for this literary art.
In the TV and movie review segment, students analyzed their favorite shows and films, learning to articulate their opinions and critique various elements such as plot, character development, and cinematography. This exercise helped sharpen their analytical and descriptive writing skills.
The final project was a creative dive into the culinary world, where students designed their own restaurants. They crafted detailed descriptions of their restaurant themes, menus, and dining experiences, combining creativity with practical writing skills.
Our 6th grade writers demonstrated tremendous creativity and growth throughout these projects. Their enthusiasm and hard work have been truly inspiring. We are proud of their achievements!
7th Grade Creative Writing ~ Mr. Colavito & Mr. Majsiak
Haiku One
In seventh-grade pens,
Narrative tales and poems,
Creative minds bloom.
Haiku Two
Seventh-grade minds soar,
Narratives and verse unite,
Creativity reigns.
8th Grade Creative Writing ~ Mr. Colavito & Ms. Bayeux
Music Department
Band ~ Mr. Schweikardt
Mr. Schweikardt and the Faust School band proudly announce their achievement of the highest rating, "Superior," at the Trills and Thrills Music Festival on Friday, June 7th. This remarkable success marks the culmination of a highly successful year for the band students at Faust School, during which they showcased their talents at numerous events for their classmates and community. These included performances at the Faust School Fall and Spring Pep Rallies, the Faust School Winter Concert, the Lincoln School Winter Festival, the Faust School Spring Concert, the Teen Arts Festival, and special performances for senior citizens at the Civic Center.
The Faust School band eagerly anticipates a host of exciting activities and performances in the upcoming school year. They extend their heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and wish everyone a safe and healthy summer break.
Music ~ Mrs. Schweikardt
As the school year draws to a close, it's incredible to reflect on the remarkable progress our students have made this marking period. The 6th graders have demonstrated exceptional dedication in mastering the intricacies of reading and writing notes on the grand staff. Meanwhile, the 7th graders have immersed themselves in the captivating world of classical music, delving into the lives of renowned composers of the past.
Our 8th graders showcased their creativity by using current events as inspiration to craft soundtracks on SoundTrap, exhibiting impressive skill and innovation. A special acknowledgment goes to the Faust Band and Choir for their unwavering commitment and outstanding performances throughout the year. Their remarkable talents shone brightly at the Spring Concert and the Trills and Thrills Festival, culminating in a well-deserved day of fun at Six Flags!
Social Studies
Sixth-Grade Students Decode Bill of Rights Scenarios ~ Mrs. Benevento 6th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade Social Studies ~ Mr. Majsiak
Additionally, they also explored significant moments of the Civil War and creatively produced video clips explaining their historical importance. We are proud of their dedication, analytical skills, and innovative approach to learning. As we continue our exploration of American history, we look forward to further engaging discussions and enriching activities. Thank you for your continued support.
8th Grade ~ Mr. Barone
Our 8th-grade students recently completed an engaging activity where they created their own civilizations and prepared Google Slideshows to highlight various aspects. Utilizing the acronym GRAPES (Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy, and Society), they developed comprehensive presentations showcasing their imaginative worlds. The students demonstrated remarkable creativity and understanding in detailing each component of their civilizations. This project not only enhanced their knowledge but also honed their teamwork and presentation skills. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and eagerly anticipate more innovative projects in the future!