The Family Resource Group Sept 2022
August 12th, 2022

Happy Holidays!
Winter has begun for many parts of the state! Happy Holidays to your and yours. We hope you enjoy a break. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. To be sure that you continue to receive all future updates, or information, directly to your email address, sign up on the Family Resource Group mailing list.
Erin Campion
Family Resource Group Editor
2023 Summer Academy for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation/Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS) Summer Academy is designed to offer high school age students with visual impairments an opportunity to develop their knowledge, experiences, and awareness as it relates to their future academic and employment goals. Students will participate in a week-long program on a college campus where they will receive assessments, information, and educational experiences in various curriculum areas related to independent living, travel skills, vocational development, and assistive technology.
2023 Summer Academy for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Considerations for Educating Students With CVI: The Learning Environment
Students with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI) have unique learning needs that differ in complexity from students with an ocular visual impairment. This tool helps teams discuss and problem-solve, and offers practical ideas to use throughout the school day.
Seeing Sadie and CVI
Seeing Sadie and CVI is a website designed to share lesson ideas and other resources for teaching children with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI). Created by TVI Lisha Jo Yochimowitz and parent Tracey, the site features introductory information about CVI, videos, lists of recommended apps, printable forms and papers, and other materials to support teachers and families.
The website was inspired by the journey of Sadie, who is now 10 years old and who has CVI, Phase III.
2023 Pennslyvania Department of Education (PDE) Conference
The 2023 "Making a Difference: Educational Practices That Work!" is being held March 1-3, 2023 at Hershey Lodge and Convention Center OR through a virtual webinar. Families are invited to attend and learn from the speakers. There is a Family Scholarship that is available to family members who want to attend in person and to those that want to attend virtually. The application and additional information are here. The deadline to apply for a family scholarship is Feb 1, 2023. Questions? Please email inquiries about scholarships to parentscholarship@pattan.net. Here is the schedule of events for those days and some frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ).
PaTTAN "Literacy for Every Student" Survey
The PaTTAN Literacy for Low Incidence workgroup is asking for YOUR support in understanding literacy instruction for students with complex learning needs.
The survey will ask questions about the current status of reading and writing instruction for your students. The survey information will help PaTTAN develop and provide continued and targeted literacy support for educators and caregivers.
Thank you in advance for all your hard work and for providing us with information that can support students, educators, and families. YOU are making a DIFFERENCE!
New Animated Videos about ALL the IEP Team Members
Have you ever wondered who should be at an IEP meeting? Or, why someone was at the IEP meeting? Or, whether someone else should be at the IEP meeting? Check out this new series of short animated videos that explains the many people who can, or should be, part of the IEP team. The Family Member is an important team member! Two new videos are released each week until the series is complete. Follow PaTTAN on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to see the new releases or check out this YouTube playlist to see them all! Don't miss the Student Video that is coming, they are the focus of the team! In addition to the ones that were featured last month, the Teacher of the Deaf, the Speech Language Pathologist, and Paraprofessional videos were released this month!
Family's Quick Start Guide to Special Education
Do you or someone you know have a child that qualifies for special education, but doesn't know where to start? This bundle includes several different publications that provide essential, comprehendible information to families who are new to special education!
Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Roadmap
We need to know the roads, landmarks, and direction we want to go if we want to end up in the right place. Secondary Transition is about helping our children get to their best future after school. We need to know the steps along the way and how things connect with each other to give our children the supports they need. The PASecondaryTransition.com website has a new road map drawing that will help explain some of those connections. This website is geared to professionals who help students prepare for their future. The Transition Discoveries website is for students and youth who want to learn and grow to lead their future.
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.