Madonna Catholic School News
December 1, 2024
Dear Madonna Families,
This weekend marks the first week of Advent and with it brings a sense of joyful anticipation. The halls buzz with excitement as students and teachers prepare for the upcoming Advent Concert. In classrooms we are going to see the soft glow of the Advent wreath carefully placed on the prayer tables. Next Monday we will gather in the gym for our assembly and remind our students of the significance of the first candle, a purple candle that serves as a gentle reminder of the season’s focus on hope and the coming of Christ.
The cooler weather adds to the festive mood, as children are wearing multiple layers and chatter eagerly about holiday plans. Advent music fills the air near the office where we can hear the beautiful preparations for the upcoming concert. Student voices practicing carols and reciting scripts to help support our mass and concert in two weeks is so incredible. The shared sense of community and purpose transforms the school into a place of spiritual and creative preparation, setting a tone of peace and joy for the weeks to come.
We as a staff are greatly looking forward to seeing ALL of our families at our school mass on Thursday, December 13 at 6:15pm for mass followed by our Advent Concert. Please keep an eye out for information from our music teacher, Mrs Fortier regarding details about when to be at the church, what is expected of your son/daughter, etc.
We hope you can all join us after mass in the OLPH basement as we celebrate the talented students we are all supporting and have a chance to socialize for a short time.
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
Sunday, December 1
- First Communion Mass at 12:30
Monday, December 2
- Bear Tracks Ice Melt Pick-up 3:00 to 4:30 back field off of Malvern Dr.
- First Advent Assembly - All welcome 8:50am
Wednesday, December 4
- Spirit Day! Festive (Christmas) Sweater Day at Madonna
- Early Dismissal
- Lunch recess choir practice
Thursday, December 5
- Clergy VIsits
- Rosary Club at first recess
- Last Day - Swimming Lessons Grade 3's and 4's
Friday, December 6
- Feast Day of St. Nicholas
December 13 - Advent Concert @ OLPH Parish
December 20 - Last day of classes before Christmas break begins
January 15 - Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00pm
Bear Tracks Ice Melt Pick Up Monday, December 2, 2024 3:00 - 4:30 PM only.
If you are unable to pickup at this time, please arrange for someone else to for you.
Thank you ...........Madonna Parent Council Chair
Wreath Building Night @ Madonna
Deacon Lynn from OLPH visited this week
Wondering what Advent is all about? Check out this video!
Meet the Staff - Mrs. Cholak
This week we are featuring Mrs. Cholak, our Tuesday-Thursday Cogito ECS teacher. When Mrs. Cholak is not working you will probably see her driving her son or daughter to their sports activities. The Cholak family loves hockey and both Cholak kids play on local teams. Travel, sports and spending quality time together as a family are very important to Mrs. Cholak. She and her husband cheer the loudest for their own kids but they are also true Oilers fans. She in in her second year at Madonna and we are lucky to have her on our team.
St. Nicholas Assembly with 2L
Our 2L class was able to lead the school in learning about the beloved Saint Nicholas. They also shared some exciting news abotu an Advent acitivity called "Shepherd on the Search" which your child can tell you about in the coming days. We have been asked to keep our eyes open for this special shepherd who will be popping up in all of our classrooms and learning spaces. Stay tuned for more news next week!
Snow Much Fun!
Author Connection
As part of our Linking Generations program we had the pleasure of Grandpa Walt, who is a published author, come and share a few of his stories with 4O last week. Then in the pictures below, you can see Grandpa Bernie who worked with 4G to conduct some science experiments.
Do You Know?
Do you know of a workplace, a community centre, business or other space that would be willing to help promote our amazing school to other families? Do you have a place in yoru neighborhood that could support us in putting up a poster advertising our school programs? Please email Mrs. Wimmer to let her know or write it in your child's agenda. We would be thrilled to share the good word about our school community and partner with you!
You can reach Mrs. Wimmer @ fiona.wimmer@eics.ab.ca
OLPH Parish News
Community News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.