WestWood/ SAGE Family Newsletter
It is hard to believe it is June already! The school year is always filled with many fun and exciting learning events. The end of the year is a great culmination and celebration for students' hard work this year.
We are looking forward to our last all school meeting and spending time with buddies and other students signing yearbooks. There are many other fun events closing out the year.
Please take a look at the resources and updates included in this newsletter to stay connected with what is happening at WestWood Elementary and SAGE Academy.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful end of the year and summer!
Dr. Karoline Warner
Included in this newsletter
Early Release - 6/5 - 12:50 release
End of Year Information
24-25 School Year Information
Congratulations - WordMasters
Summer Reading Opportunities
Studor Stakeholder Results
Community Education Newsletter/Kids Company Spotlight
Upcoming Events
PTC/D.O.G.S. News
Our last day of school is Wednesday, June 5 and it will be a 3-hour early release. All students will be dismissed at 12:50 PM - please make plans accordingly. We request that all students follow their normal routine home as usual on this busy day to ensure that children get home safely.
End of Year Information
End of Year Medication Pickup
Medications/Inhalers/Epi Pens cannot be sent home with elementary students. We recommend leaving rescue medication (e.g., Epi Pens) at school until dismissal on the last day. Please pick up all medications no later than Wednesday, June 5 (by dismissal time at 12:50 PM). Medications not picked up by this time will be discarded.
Report Cards
Report cards will become available to view online on Infinite Campus after 4pm on Thursday, June 13th. For help getting logged into Infinite Campus contact the IT helpdesk.
Media Center Books
Please return all WestWood Media Center books to school as soon as possible.
Lost and Found Items
All remaining lost and found items will be donated after the end of the school year.
2024-2025 School Year Information
2024-2025 Teacher Assignments
Teacher assignments and beginning of the year information will be communicated mid/late-August.
2024-2025 Bus Information:
Bus information will be posted online through Infinite Campus late-August. Once you log in you can view this information under the Transportation tab.
School Supply Lists for 2024-2025
Our school supply lists will be available on the district website for the 2024-2025 school year mid June! Click on Schools, and then WestWood or SAGE Academy. Supply lists are under the Resources drop down.
We again partnered with School ToolBox for prepackaged supply boxes. Visit https://schooltoolbox.com/school-supplies/ to view the boxes that ship directly to your home!
Summer Office Hours
The WestWood Office will be open this summer, but please call ahead if you plan on stopping by as there will be times that we are at meetings and enjoying some time off. To enroll a child at PLSAS, please contact our District Services Center at 952-226-0000.
District 2024-2025 School Calendar
A printable version of the calendar is available on the web site along with Free-and Reduced Price lunch information.
Address or Family Changes:
If you are moving or have any family status changes, please keep the WestWood Office informed. You may call and leave a message on our main number 952-226-0400, or email: cblake@plsas.org.
Congratulations - WordMasters
A team representing WestWood Elementary/SAGE Academy recently earned
Highest Honors in the 2023-2024 WordMasters Challenge™—a national
vocabulary competition involving nearly 125,000 students annually. The third
grade team scored an impressive 188 points out of a possible 200 in the last of
three meets this year, placing second in the nation.
The third graders also placed sixth nationally in the overall competition with a
cumulative score of 528 points out of a possible 600.
Competing in the difficult Blue Division of the WordMasters Challenge™, third
graders Kade Black and Dhriti Jagannadham each earned a perfect score of 20
in the recent meet. Nationally, only 25 third graders achieved this result. Other
students at WestWood Elementary/SAGE Academy who achieved outstanding
results in the last meet of the year include third graders Dhruvan Deepak, Abby
Ely, Tyler Kilau and Hayden Zahratka.
Summer Reading Opportunities
View the Summer Reading Opportunities newsletter put together by Mrs Piper in the WestWood Media Center. https://secure.smore.com/n/2az98
Studor Stakeholder Survey Results
We recently received the results for the Student, Parent/Caregiver, and Staff Experience Surveys that were administered in February, 2024. This was a new survey that we rolled out this year with our partners at Studer Education. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey; your feedback will be valuable to our continuous improvement.
WestWood/ SAGE is currently in the process of analyzing this data to celebrate what is working well and develop action steps for improvement to continue into next year.
We invite you to look over the results below. For both the student and family surveys you will see the overall score we received. You will also see specific areas that were evaluated as glows and grows that will guide our work to look at how things are working at WestWood and help plan for goals next year.
Student Experience Survey
255 students completed the survey.
The WestWood/ SAGE mean was 4.18 on a 5-point scale.
I believe my principal is a good leader. 4.71
I feel my family is treated nicely or with respect at my school. 4.57
I believe my teachers care about me. 4.53
I like going to my school each day. 3.69
I think my school is clean. 3.62
I feel students are nice or show respect to each other at my school. 3.64
Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey
123 parents/caregivers completed the survey.
The WestWood/ SAGE mean was 4.10 on a 5-point scale.
I am treated with respect at this school. 4.40
I believe that school is clean and well maintained. 4.29
I believe the school provides a safe environment for my child to learn 4.26
I believe the school administration make decisions that are in the best interest of children and families. 3.89
I regularly receive feedback from school staff on how well my child is learning. 3.84
I receive positive phone calls, emails, or notes about my child from the school. 3.70
Thank you again for your support and collaboration. We will look forward to taking the next actions and seeking your feedback again next winter.
WestWood Pride
PTC and DOGS Updates
PTC & D.O.G.S.
Contact Info: ptcWestWood@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
3 Kindergarten Graduation
Yearbook Signing
4 5th Grade Graduation
PTC meeting 6pm
5 Last Day of School
13 Report Cards on Infinite Campus
Technology Help
For help logging into any of our online systems contact our IT department by doing one of the following:
Email the helpdesk at ithelpdesk@plsas.org
Call IT at 952-226-0810
WestWood Elementary & SAGE Academy
Website: https://ww.plsas.org/
Phone: 952-226-0400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WWSAGE/
Twitter: @WestWoodPLS