SWGHS Sunday Parent Updates
Dates to Remember
November 11- School Holiday- Veterans Day
November 11-15- National Career Development Week
November 11-16- Southwest Loyalty Week at Palladium "Nothing Bundt Cakes"
November 12-15- ACT WorkKeys Exams (CTE Concentrators who have taken a second level CTE course during their time at Southwest)
November 13- Round-Up Schedule
November 14- School Based Leadership Team Meeting 8:00am
November 14- Report Cards home (email and 2nd block)
November 14-16- Theater Production
Looking Forward:
November 18- Annual "Spikesgiving"
November 18- PTSA General Meeting (Zoom)
LEARNING HUB- Every Tuesday and Thursday- 4:30-6:30 (must register)
Highlights For the Week
Career Development Week
Hello, Southwest High School families! This is a reminder that we are celebrating National Career Development Week from November 11th to 15th with a series of engaging activities for our students. The theme is Take Flight, encouraging our Cowboys to think about their futures and set career goals. Information can be found on our school website on the Counseling Department page or the Student Services Page (Career and Technical Education).
Here’s a quick look at what’s happening each day:
• Tuesday: Money Matters Day—students are encouraged to wear green as we focus on financial literacy.
• Wednesday: Dress for Success Day—students should dress in professional attire representing their future careers.
• Thursday: Career Exploration Day—students will have the opportunity to research various career options.
• Friday: Career Goals Day—students will create vision boards to help visualize their career aspirations.
Please encourage your child to participate and take advantage of this week’s activities. Let’s help our Cowboys soar toward a successful future! Thank you for your support.
ACT WorkKeys
Seniors who are CTE Concentrators (those who have taken a second level CTE Course during their time at Southwest) will take the ACT WorkKeys exam 11/12 to 11/15. This is a mandatory exam and is used by employers to assess a candidates proficiency with workplace skills and can help your graduate to get a job in the future. Those who achieve a silver or higher score will be able to wear a special cord at graduation. Students required to take this exam were sent a direct Canvas message with a time and location for their testing session.
More information about the ACT WorkKeys assessment can be found here: ACT Workkeys - Job & Career Assessments
Don't Miss the Theatre Production This Week- Shows Thursday-Saturday.
Other Information
- Make-up picture day will be Nov. 25th
- Deadline to buy a senior ad is December 15th. These can be purchased on yearbookforever.com
Mark your calendar for the PTSA meetings and events!
Amazing Cowgirls Flag Football
Our Flag Football team had a great Saturday with a win over the Dudley Panthers. Great work team!
Winter Sports Athletes
Make sure you have a Dragon Fly account with uploaded physical, health forms, and your NCHSAA Gfeller/Waller Concussion Form. All forms must be signed by your parents. Go to www.dragonflymax.com to set up your account.
Upcoming Athletic Events
Upcoming Events for SW Students/Parents:
Nov. 12th SW Booster Club Monthly Meeting - 7 PM Media Center
Nov. 13th SW W. Tennis Banquet
Nov. 14th Winter Athletic Senior Banner Pictures - 8 AM
SW Coggin Gym (this is for senior basketball/wrestling/flag football only)
*Banner costs are $35 per student
Tickets- $8 cash or pre-sold online at www.gofan.co
Debit/Credit Card/Apple/Google at the gate
Parking for Events
Spectator Parking is in the Barrow Rd. lot behind the school for all HOME events. This is the student lot behind the school. Entry to the SW Stadium is on the home side of the field.
The date for Prom has changed. Prom will be April 26.
Freshman Academy Incentive Trip - Planning is in the Works
Mrs. Robinson is currently planning the 1st Quarter Freshman Academy Incentive Trip. Students need to meet the following criteria to be eligible to attend the trip: have Cs or better in each of their 4 classes, no disciplinary consequences of any nature assigned by an administrator, no unexcused absences, and finally, no more than 3 tardies total in all classes. More information will be coming soon!
Is your student in need of additional academic support? Contact Mrs. Curvelo-Valez (curveln@gcsnc.com ) for more information about our SWGHS Learning Hub:
Days: Every Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Location: Southwest Guilford High School, D Building
*Transportation will be provided if needed.*
Southwest Guilford High School Graduation
Thursday, Jun 12, 2025, 04:00 PM
Greensboro Coliseum Complex, West Gate City Boulevard, Greensboro, NC, USA
Out of the Garden Project
FREE Fresh Mobile Market at Mary Perry Ragsdale Family YMCA in Jamestown (Address: 900 Bonner Dr, Jamestown, NC 27282) on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 10:00 am.
The next Fresh Mobile Market at Ragsdale YMCA is on Wednesday, November 13 at 10:00 am. At our Fresh Mobile Markets, we distribute free fresh produce and non-perishable items to members of the community. These drive-thru style food distribution services are intended for all families with school-age children in need of food. ALL families who meet this criterion are welcomed regardless of immigration status.
You can learn more about the work we do at https://outofthegardenproject.org/.
Parking Permits - IMPORTANT
EOS Survey
Students who have not yet taken the EOS Survey will have an opportunity to complete it during Round Up Time on Wednesday, October 23rd. A video explaining the importance of the survey and a link to the survey can be found on the school Canvas page. All students and staff members need to complete the survey. Learn more about EOS HERE.
Policy Reminders
As a reminder, our doors are locked during the school day as an additional safety measure for the school community. If you need to enter the campus to pick up your child, you will be required to buzz in, have identification ready and state your purpose for entering the building. All visitors must check in with our front desk Office Support and she will identify your need and assist you.
Check-outs will need to be done by 4pm. This will allow our staff to call your student out in a timely fashion and get them to you safely while understanding surrounding movement and traffic in the parking lot as we prepare for buses and dismissal. For pick up, please see our Front desk office support
Parents, if you could assist us in reminding your students about a couple of dress code policies that we are seeing take away from instructional time:
Dress Code: We are seeing a high volume of crop-top shirts and holes above the knees. While we know it is warm outside, with our new and improved HVAC work from the summer, the temperature in the building is just fine. If a student has on a crop top or holes above the knees, they need to have something under their garments. Please remind your student of this so that they are able to stay in class and not miss instruction to change.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones: We have a no-cell phones policy in class so that instruction is happening for the duration of the class. If a teacher uses it for instruction then it is upon their discretion. Otherwise, phones need to be put away. They are able to use them during transition and during lunch. Please assist us with ensuring that instruction is the most important part of your child's day. Our teachers don't want to stop their delivery of instruction to ask your child to put their phones away. Please see this Cell Phone Policy below in this blog.
Tardy Sweeps - Class Timeliness
No Outside Food
No Outside Food Allowed
Food deliveries to SWGHS will be turned away. Students are not allowed to order food at school. There is no outside delivery from Door Dash, Uber Eats, or any other type of service. It remains a safety concern to have strangers come to our campus to drop off food and/or for your child to exit the building to go outside to pick up food. Additionally, students are not able to receive outside food, i.e. McDonalds, Chic-Fil-A, from parents, siblings, or family members. Students are welcome to bring their lunch to school, but their lunch should arrive when they arrive at school. Should your child need lunch, we are now a CEP school and all students can eat breakfast and lunch at no cost.
Counseling Info and Assignments
Ryan Schnaith-Ivan – 9th Grade (*Counseling Department Chair)
Brenadette Bruce – 10th-12th Grades A-D
Denesha Horton – 10th-12th Grades E-L
Syreeta Williamson – 10th-12th Grades M-R
Nakesha Varner – 10th-12th Grades S-Z