Cleveland Early College HS Weekly
The Week of September 1st
September 2nd Labor Day (all schools closed)
Ardae Perry
A Peace of Mind Now and Fairhill Kinship Program
I served as a Head Counselor for the Kinship Summer Camp Program where I lead, served, and taught kids from the ages of 5 to 12. I was also a data analyst and entry clerk for A Peace of Mind Now. I entered data to bill people who are on Medicaid and using the services of my employer! This was an amazing experience!
Sa'Nessie Brown-Harris
Law And Leadership Institute
This is a law program and this year me and my team won our Moot Court competition in Columbus. I've done this program 5 weeks a year during summer for 4 years and this year I graduate from it. It's a great program to be involved with.
Lyndi Harris
Cleveland Clinic
I had an internship at Cleveland Clinic working in the non-clinical department. My focus was finance, and I got to experience what it felt like working in an office every day. I had a lot of fun and was able to meet people ranging from Cleveland to Akron. At the conclusion of the program, I also met Lori Stokes, Louis Stokes’s daughter.
Shaniya Campbell
Cleveland Clinic Summer Internship Program + NCBW 100
I participated in the Cleveland Clinic Internship Program within the Louis Stokes Program under a non-clinical job within the Buildings + Design Department. At the end of the program, I met Lori Stokes who is the daughter of Louis Stokes, and she gifted us a tie from him. I also networked vigorously through the National Coalition of 100 Black Women and connected with many black women through many professions!
Alicia McDuffie
Summer at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island on a Joyce Ivy Scholarship
I was at Brown University for 2 weeks taking a course about spirituality and religion in the United States. I stayed in a dorm on campus and got to explore Rhode Island. I participated in a variety of campus activities and took a course on a full ride scholarship.
Neil Johnson
TRIO - Cuyahoga Community College Upward Bound
I was in a six week summer program where we did supplementary learning to prepare us for advanced high school studies and for College! I had the rare opportunity to take classes I might not have had anywhere else, met new people from all over the state and went on amazing field trips every Friday!
Harmony Perry
Green Corps at the Cleveland Bontanical Garden
Green Corps focuses on introducing young adults and teens to the world of serving and caring for our natural environment. I worked with animals including turtles, fish, geckos and more by feeding them and cleaning their habitats. We went on many field trips to natural history museums and more, which taught us more about the environment and how to serve it.
Na'Asia Watkins
Harvard University Summer School, Yale University Young Global Scholars, and Joyce Ivy Foundation
Through the Joyce Ivy Foundation, I was funded to go to Harvard and Yale this summer. I attended a 2 week program at Harvard University where I lived on Harvard's campus while taking a Financial Literacy course. I was able to freely explore the cities of Boston and Cambridge which was amazing! I also was a participant in the Yale Young Global Scholars Program, where lived on Yale’s campus for 2 weeks as well. I had a packed schedule which involved taking a Politics, Law, and Economics course. I made new friends from all over the world and experienced campus life at Yale. I really did enjoy this amazing opportunity over the summer!
Kimora Sharmaine Wright
Information Services and Technology Department at the CMSD East Professional Building
Through the CMSD Information Services and Technology Department I was involved in troubleshoot shooting computers, 3D printing, and participated inf a presentation on which devices are best for CMSD scholars. I worked alongside CMSD IT professionals and assisted them in their work!
Keep Sharing Your Summer Experiences!
Interested in the John Hay Debate Team? Reach out to Dr. Adams
Dear Students,
The Cleveland Urban Debate League (UDL) and the Thurgood Marshall Oratorical Debate are working together to bring debate to urban youth in Cleveland. If you are interested please see Dr. Adams and check out the links below.
An informational session will be held Tuesday September 5th starting at 3:15pm in room 345. This is an opportunity to not only compete locally but nationally as well. John Hay has been paired up with one of the top national debaters who will help coach our team. Please see the following links for more information.
Cleveland UDL tournament schedule:
National UDL:
Novice Debate Videos:
See you Tuesday,
Dr. Adams
Key Dates Ahead
September 11th Curriculum Night/Open House 6pm-8pm
*Early Release for Students at 12pm
September 16th Grades updated for student assignments for the first three weeks of the 1st quarter.
September 19th Fathers Walk @ 7:30am
September 27th Homecoming Football Game at Taylor Bump Field
September 28th Homecoming Dance 7pm-11pm
October 7th Grades updated for student assignments for the first six weeks of the 1st quarter
October 11th Fall Recess (all schools closed)
October 18th End of First Marking Period
October 21st Picture Day (9th-11th Grade Only)
October 23rd PSAT Grades 9-11
October 30th High School Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:30pm-7:00pm
*No School for HS Students
November 5th Election Day (no school for students)
November 11th Veterans Day (all schools closed)
November 14th Senior Picture Day
November 18th Grades updated for student assignments for the first three weeks of the 2nd quarter.
November 27th-29th Thanksgiving Holiday (all schools closed)
December 9th Grades updated for student assignments for the first six weeks of the 2nd quarter
December 16th OST Geometry
December 17th OST American History
December 18th Final Exams Blocks 1 and 3
December 19th Final Exams Blocks 2 and 4
December 20th End of Second Marking Period
December 23rd-January 5th Winter Break (all school closed)
January 6th School Resumes
Cleveland Early College School Spirit Store Link
CECHS Dress Code Policy
Seniors are exempt from dress code, unless minimum dress code requirement are not followed! See below.
To help create an environment conducive to learning, students at Cleveland Early College are required to follow the dress code. Our Dress for Success policy is designed to permit students to focus their attention on academics and on those aspects of their personalities that are truly important. **Please note that dress code guidelines will be strictly adhered to throughout the John Hay Campus next year. Students who violate the dress code will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the student rights and responsibilities handbook.
Minimum Dress Code Requirements for Seniors:
NO Shorts
No Crop Shirts
No Tank Tops
NO Strapless Shirts or Dresses
NO Short Skirts
NO Hats, Hoods, Wave Caps or Bonnets
NO Open-Toe Shoes
General Guidelines/Acceptable Dress Code Attire:
• Solid white, royal blue, or gray shirts (no sheer shirts allowed), polo shirts, crew neck sweatshirt, button-down, V-neck or turtleneck style. Please refrain from wearing items with designs/logos larger than 1 inch in diameter (EX, small polo or Izod logos are ok. Screen printed words and designs larger than a small logo are not.) **Please note that the underlying guidance for our policy is professional dress. This does not include sheer shirts, crop tops, undershirts, or the like. Your choices should reflect the distinguished scholars that you all are. Please be sure to wear royal blue shirts, not navy blue. It is my hope that our choices reflect our school pride and the Early College colors: solid white, royal blue, and gray.
• Black, white, royal blue or gray (solid) cardigans/sweaters may be worn over the shirt (no designs, stripes, or print is allowed on the sweater).
• Early College hoodies(only)/Early College shirts/Early College tops can be worn at any time. Once entering the building, hoods will remain down. If the hood goes up at any time while in the building, the privilege to wear the Early College hoodie(only) will be taken from said scholar. This is a safety concern that will be taken seriously; therefore, all scholars will strictly adhere to this policy. Hoodies that are not Early College gear will NOT be allowed.
• PLAIN blue denim pants (no tears, cuts, or slits), solid black or khaki loose-fitting pants or knee length/Bermuda shorts (regular shorts are prohibited)
• Solid denim, black or khaki skirts, knee length or below.
• Shoes may be flat, athletic, casual, or dress shoes with heels no higher than 1 inch. No slides or flip flops.
• Headbands of any color may be worn ONLY if they are less than 2” in width. Headbands that are not within these guidelines are not allowed. Hats, scarves, hoods, and wave caps (or any similar item) are prohibited with the exception of religious items.
• College Credit Plus Students - The school has purchased a specially designed hoodie for every enrolled CCP student that can be worn any day of the week. Students will be able to update their CCP hoodie with CCP patches every time they pass one of their CCP classes! As students earn patches, they can be pressed onto their CCP hoodie in our first ever CECHS spirit store!!!
• Student Athletes – Please adhere to the regular dress code at all times. John Hay athletics jackets, sports uniforms, warmups etc. can be worn on game days only.
• Juniors with only 1 class on campus must adhere to the uniform policy.
• All outerwear (hats, hoodies, coats, jackets, scarves, gloves etc.) must be maintained in the student’s locker during the school day. These items cannot be worn at all while on campus and will not be permitted in classrooms (includes hallways and in between classes).
• Uniform must always be worn under any approved outerwear (sweaters and school-approved/logo jackets)
• Please be sure that the student has a uniform-friendly sweater during winter months. No outerwear other than the allowed solid black or white sweater or school-designated items will be allowed in the classroom. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Violation of Dress Code:
(Parents are responsible for bringing a change of clothes)
1st Offense: Verbal Warning & Parent Phone Call
2nd Offense: Parent Phone Call, Isolation Until Change of Clothes Has Been Received
3rd Offense: Chronic Issue; Meeting w Admin Team Needed In Order to Find a Resolution
Use IXL At Home & At School
Research shows that IXL accelerates learning!
Science & Social Studies Have Been Added For The 2024-2025 School Year!
Research shows that IXL accelerates learning!
Leads To Higher Test Scores
IXL schools score as much as 15 percentile points higher in math and 17 percentile points higher in language arts on state assessments.
Predicts Success
Validity research shows that IXL’s Diagnostic is an accurate measure of student achievement and a strong predictor of performance on standardized assessments.
Benefits All Students
ELLs, SPED students, Title I schools, and urban and rural schools experience similar or even greater gains with IXL.
Cell Phone Free Zone
(Based on CMSD Cell Phone Free Zone Policy)
Personal electronic devices are not to be used during the academic school day. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch if they intend to bring a device to campus. While the Yonder pouch is considered school property, it is the responsibility of each student to bring their pouch with them to school each day and to keep it in good working condition.
The “academic school day” is defined as the start of the school day and throughout the day until the last hour/bell is over. Students are permitted to use cell phones only during the following times: before and after school hours outside or inside the school building and at after-school or sports activities, only with the permission of the coach, instructor, or program director.
The purpose is to ensure that disruptions and interference of the instructional academic climate of the school does not occur. Text messages and photo transmissions are covered by the policy.
Students who violate this policy shall face disciplinary action by the administration including confiscation of the cell phone or other type of electronic devices as outlined below.
Daily Process
As students arrive to school, they will:
- Enter the front doors on the far left side of the entrance.
- Turn off their cell phone and smart watch.
- Place their phone and smart watch inside their Yondr pouch and lock it in front of school staff.
- Walk up the main stairs on the left side, passing the EC main office.
- Store their pouch in their backpack or locker for the day.
- This process may take a few minutes. You are responsible for getting to class on time with a secured pouch.
During the School Day:
- Keep your phone and smart watch inside your Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day.
- If you leave school grounds for an appointment, or an event, unlock your pouch upon leaving and lock it upon re-entry*.
- You may not access your phone or smart watch during the school day anywhere on school grounds unless you are leaving school grounds.**
*Students leaving early will unlock their phone in the Main Office.
**Exceptions will be made for students who need their cell phones for healthcare management and these exceptions will be determined by the Admin team on a case by case basis.
End of School Day:
- When your school day ends, unlock your pouch using the unlocking base.
- Remove your phone and smart watch from your pouch.
- Securely close your empty pouch and place it in your backpack for the next day.
- Students are free to use their phones on school grounds after school ends at 3:00pm UNLESS you are required to attend after-school detention or credit recovery classes.
Unmet Expectations
Each of the following violations will result in the student’s phone and/or pouch being confiscated by school staff and will follow the consequences shown in the chart below.
- If a student’s phone is visible at all during the day (a student is found using their phone, a phone is not in a Yondr Pouch, etc.)
- Physical damage to the pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. (Ex. Inappropriate markings, holes, bent pin, stripped lock, etc.)
- Losing the pouch.
- Damaging or taking someone else’s pouch.
- Using a phone anywhere on school grounds during school hours.
The teacher will refer the student to building administration. Breaking the cell phone policy will result in one of the following corrective actions:
- Written notification to the student's parent, guardian, or legal custodian by the building administrator, and/or
- Confiscation of the cell phone or electronic device until end of the school day or until the student's parent guardian, or legal custodian comes to the school to retrieve the cell phone or electronic device.
Refusal to turn in or store a cellular phone or electronic device to school personnel attempting to collect, store, or confiscate it pursuant to this policy constitutes a Level 2I offense.
Repeated or chronic violations of the cell phone and electronic device acceptable use policy constitute a Level 2Q offense.
In rare cases, students who chronically violate this policy even after attempts by the school to resolve the concern through communication with the student's parent, guardian, or legal custodian may be subject to confiscation of their cell phone or electronic device by a building administrator until the end of the academic year.
Use of cell phones or other types of electronic devices to take pictures is not permitted on school property without the expressed consent of the administration and the expressed consent of the individual whose photo, picture, or electronic image is taken.
Yondr Emergency Protocol
We want our students to be engaged in their learning. Students are in possession of their phone, in their Yondr Pouch, for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpack. In case of an emergency at home, parents or guardians can contact their child during the school day by calling the Main Office at (216) 838-8250.
In the case of a school emergency (i.e., Perimeter Lockdown), we direct our students to safety first, following our school emergency protocol. All parents will receive notifications from our school-wide communication system, JupiterEd.
In case of a medical emergency, we have a school nurse on site in our Nurse’s Office. Parents/Guardians of a student who experiences a medical emergency are notified by the school nurse and/or an Administrator.
Class of 2025
The Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony Is Set For Saturday, May 24th, 2025 at 1pm!!👨🎓👩🎓
Fall impact!- Test Prep & College Exposure Opportunities
Dear Scholars,
Fall impact! registration is now open!
This program will provide students with ACT or PSAT test preparation as well as guide students through college and career research. Students that complete an impact! session are eligible to receive a stipend ($400 or $500 stipend upon completion) and will be able to participate in college exposure opportunities. Please see the attached flyer for registration and more information!
The Fall 2024 impact! Program is in-person at each site and attendance is required to participate. Dates and sites are as follows:
9th-12th Grades: Bedford High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
9th-12th Grades: Euclid High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
9th-12th Grades: Garfield Heights High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
9th-12th Grades: Cleveland Institute of Art, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
9th-12th Grades: Maple Heights High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 3:10 PM - 6:10 PM
9th-12th Grades: Lincoln-West High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Friday, 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
9th-12th Grades: Cleveland Guardians, ACT Prep
Monday-Friday, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
9th-12th Grades: John Marshall High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
9th-12th Grades: Mansfield Senior High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 2:45 PM - 5:45 PM
9th-12th Grades: Wellington High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
9th-12th Grades: Normandy High School, ACT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
8th Grade: Warrensville Heights Middle School, PSAT Prep
Monday-Thursday, 2:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Ms. E
Ipek Ergonenc
Senior College Now Advisor, John Hay Campus
Text: 216.264.7246
Scholarships & Opportunities
THE GATES SCHOLARSHIP! Deadline September 15th!
The Gates Scholarship Application is Now Open!
About The Gates Scholarship
The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential.
Selected Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance to earn a bachelor’s degree, that is not already covered by other financial aid and the Student Aid Index, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the methodology used by a Scholar’s college or university. Costs covered include tuition, fees, books, and food and housing, and may include additional personal costs.
TGS also provides Scholars with various online support services designed to help them excel in their degree programs, graduate, and make a successful transition to their chosen careers. These include career services, mentoring, leadership development, wellness, and knowledge building.
Eligibility requirements:
- A high school senior
- From at least one of the following ethnicities: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian/Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American
- Pell-eligible
- A US citizen, national, or permanent resident
- In a good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)
*For American Indian/Alaska Native, proof of tribal enrollment will be required.
An ideal candidate will also have:
- An outstanding academic record in high school (in the top 10% of his/her graduating class)
- Demonstrated leadership ability (e.g., as shown through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities)
- Exceptional personal success skills (e.g., emotional maturity, motivation, perseverance, etc.)
Application deadline: Phase I of the application opened July 15, with a submission deadline of Sunday, September 15, 2024, 2:00 PM PT.
The Gates Scholarship Team
Attention Seniors - September Scholarships
Hello Seniors,
Here are some scholarship opportunities with September deadlines. Some of them are offered monthly. I will be sharing various scholarship opportunities with you all throughout the school year.
The Gates Scholarship, deadline: September 15
GoSkills Scholarship, deadline: September 15
QuestBridge National College Match, deadline: September 26
BigFuture Scholarships, deadline: Check the website for deadlines for each step
Innovation In Education Scholarship, deadline: Monthly- 20th of each month
Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship, deadline: Quarterly (March, June, September, December)
Because College is Expensive Scholarship, deadline: September 30, Next one December 31
The Home Depot Foundation Path to Pro Scholarship, deadline: September 30
The "No Sweat" Scholarship, deadline: September 30
Courage To Grow Scholarship, deadline: Monthly- End of each month
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Ms. E
Ipek Ergonenc
Senior College Now Advisor, John Hay Campus
Text: 216.264.7246
2024 Healthcare Policy Competition
CMSD Parent Newsletter & Family Engagement Opportunities
MyPowerHub - AKA "Electronic Gradebook"
Individualized flyers for parents will be distributed during Curriculum Night/Open House.
For information and assistance, parents can also refer to the CMSD website which has additional information about how to set up accounts, and features of the MyPowerHub for parents.
Safety & Security
Students and Families- Please remember the following safety and security procedures to ensure a successful and safe school year
● Enter ONLY via the approved main entrance (The Point) facing Stokes Blvd.
● Never open ANY door for other students, strangers, or delivery persons!
● Door Dash (or food delivery of any kind) is NOT allowed at ANY time!
● Place all cell phones and personal items inside your bookbags before entering the building to ensure our entry line runs smoothly and efficiently every day!
● ALL visitors must have an ID upon entry to the building!
● Pick-up and Drop-off in the Deering Road Parking Lot or the Carnegie Lot, not on Stokes Blvd…there is no stopping on Stokes!
● Do not block traffic by parking in the pick-up lanes…if you are waiting for your student, please use a parking space!
● Students do not bring bags filled with chips and candy as they will be taken. You are not permitted to sell ANYTHING during the school day.
John Hay Athletics
Helmet Swepstakes
The Cleveland Browns is providing an Ohio high school with the opportunity to win $25,000 worth of football helmets. Use the button above to vote for John Hay.
Go Hornets!
Interested in Women's Rugby? Contact Sa'Nessie Brown-Harris via Jupiter
John Hay Coaches Corner
Are your interested in participating in a fall sport? If so, please email the John Hay Campus Athletic Director, Mr. Morrow, at
For any questions about VOLLEYBALL, contact Coach Stewart :
BOYS CROSS COUNTRY practice will start Tuesday, July 30. Meet point: Oval (Carnegie lot). Please bring proper practice gear (tennis shoes/pants/shorts) and water. If you have any questions contact Coach Hawkins:
If you are interested in SOCCER, please contact Coach Magistri:
If you are interested in FOOTBALL, please contact Coach Decipeda: