Dolphin Tales
School Update 05/18/2023
Important Dates
- May 25th: Spring Book Fair Evening Shopping
- May 29th: Memorial Day- No School
- June 8th: *new date* 2nd Grade 'moving up' visit to Sheiko
- June 9th: Field Day
- June 14th: Half Day - all students
- June 15th: Half Day - last day all students
Congratulations to ALL FIVE of our elementary schools and the WB Transition Center for being recognized as Capturing Kids' Hearts (CKH) as National Showcase Schools! CKH recognizes and celebrates schools that go the extra mile each day by improving academic performance, creating accountability, and strengthening trust between teachers and students.
Fun Fact: Scotch Elementary School, six time winner, led the way with Capturing Kids' Hearts in WBSD and has the distinct honor of being the first public elementary school in the state of Michigan to receive this prestigious award.
Book Fair starts next week!
The Book Fair will be running next week in the iCenter! Thank you to all who have signed up to help.
There are still plenty of volunteer slots available. Click HERE!
If you haven't set up your child's eWallet yet, here is the link!
Thank you!
Mrs. Mestdagh
Field Day is coming soon! Helping hands needed.
May is Michigan Moves Month
May is Michigan Moves Month and Mrs. Feguer is encouraging all students to participate by checking off the days they do that activity. A printed copy of this calendar will come home with your students this week. Parents, please help encourage them at home and sign off at the bottom at the end of May! Thank you!
Download and spring your Last Day of School sign. Or use the following link.
Thank you SO much to the PTO and volunteers who have done so much to support
Doherty students and Families 2022-2023 school year!
The time you devote to volunteering no matter how little is really appreciated by the Doherty staff.
Doherty PTO Executive Board Updates
Thank you to this year's PTO Executive Board leadership.
Stephanie Boegler (President)
Angela Smith (President)
Renai Mayle (Treasurer)
Shuna Kenyon (Secretary)
Alicia Bennett (VP of Fundraising)
Congratulations to our incoming PTO Executive Board Members for the 2023-2024 School Year
President- Jessica Geyer
Vice President- Brandeis Bell
VP of Fundraising - Alicia Bennett
VP of Committees- Sheena Emami
Secretary - Shauna Kenyon
Treasurer - Stephanie Boegler
Mrs. Hanifi's Doherty Art Class Blog
After School Activities and Community Events
Bridges Parent Handout
Please check out this document to access parent information about each math unit.
Capturing Kids Hearts Resources
This month we are challenging your student to be kind to others, even when it’s hard. We are partnering with you to help your child grow in kindness. Most children learn new behaviors by copying those around them; we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. This month, model kindness and empower your children to show compassion to those around them with these activities.
2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR
The students love being outside and recess will be outdoors in most conditions throughout the school year. Please send your child to school with weather and outdoor play appropriate clothing and name-labeled outerwear.
Attendance Reminders
Report and Absence with the Doherty Safeline
Save the Doherty Safeline # in your phone: 248-865-6002
Leave a message on the Doherty Safeline if you're child will not be attending school.
Every minute of time at school is an opportunity for your child to be learning and practicing social skills with peers. Please take a moment to review our the district's elementary attendance policy below.
For more information visit,
May Lunch Menu
student conduct and to help answer your questions. It is expected
that students and families will become familiar with its contents.
Please review these important tips to keep our students and staff safe during arrivals and dismissals. It would also be very helpful to screenshot or share this information with anyone else who might be dropping your student off or picking them up. With nearly 500 students arriving and dismissing in short periods of time it's important that everyone commit to a safe and orderly process.
Parking Lot Safety Issues
Unfortunately there has been some repeated instances of cars using the 'exit' lane to enter Doherty's parking lot during our busier times of day. We have asked for and received extra support from the Traffic Enforcement Division of the West Bloomfield Police Department.
Driving in the exit lane is considered careless driving and runs a high risk of creating a head on collision. Please do NOT ever enter the lot in this way.
During the day parents and visitors will need to follow a few important rules to keep our students safe and our building accessible.
- There is no parking in the bus loop between 10 AM and 5 PM. During that time you must park in the parking lot and walk up to the office. The bus loop is a fire lane and a no-parking zone. Buses will be entering and exiting that loop frequently before, during and after school hours and we have students passing by the bus loop for recess for several hours.
- When using the carline for pickup you must pull as far forward as possible when waiting for the carline to start moving or students to be dismissed. It is important to get as many vehicles as possible into the lot and off of Walnut Lake rd to minimize backups.
- Always pack your patience and be considerate of other drivers who are also queued to pick up students. The carline team with your help has been doing a great job of moving the line quickly and safely each day.
Parking Lot Safety Reminders
Each day 200+ students use the car line for arrival and dismissal. In order to keep all students and staff members safe, everyone who uses the parking lot must adhere to the processes in place and make safe decisions. With nearly 500 students at Doherty, the logistics of bussing and car line are a big part of daily operations and a continual focus of the Doherty Team. Refer to diagram above.
- Do not walk your child through the lot or the carline, it is extremely dangerous.
- Parking and standing with your child behind your vehicle is an unnecessary distraction for cars navigating the carline and merge point and also very unsafe.
- Using the bus loop to cut around the waiting cars requires driving against directional parking lot arrows/traffic flow to park is not permitted. There are extremely rare occasions where that is acceptable.
- Some people have driven the parking lot for years, some just a few days. Please be patient and considerate of each other.
District News
Tools and Support
Tools for Immediate Help with Crisis and Reporting
If you or a loved one is struggling, please utilize the support services listed below:
Common Ground - Helps community members in crisis. Call -1-800-231-1127; Or Text “Hello”; to Chat with a crisis counselor.
Oakland County Crisis/Suicide Line - 1-800-231-1127
OK2SAY - We encourage students to talk to a trusted adult if they see or hear something that doesn't seem right. They can also report information anonymously using OK2SAY. Call 855-565-2729; text 652729; or email For emergencies, dial 911.
Talk to Us - The WBSD anonymous communication tool. Tell us what’s on your mind. Ask a question, share a concern, make a comment.
Emotional Support/Mental Health - WBSD has several trained social workers, psychologists, restorative practices coaches, and mental health consultants here to support students and families.
Tools for Families to Talk to Their Children
For families seeking a way to talk with their children about recent events, you may access the following resources as a starting point:
Non-specific safety conversations may be more appropriate for younger students and may begin with presentations like the following on the Johns Hopkins site: “Talking to Your Children About Safety” for children in grades K-2 and children in grades 3-5. Using children’s books that use the power of narrative to teach valuable lessons is also a developmentally appropriate method to help our young one's process information. Some examples include the following:
The Rabbit Listened. A child has their castle wrecked and animals come and talk to her to give her advice. The rabbit comes to listen to her and she shares her feelings and gets brave to build the castle again.
After the Fall. Humpty Dumpty gets the courage to climb the wall again.
Doherty Elementary Information
Location: 3575 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 865-6020
Twitter: @SpitzleyDoherty
Doherty Elementary Office Staff