We wish all our PMES families a fun and relaxing summer!

Lost and Found
2024-2025 Transportation
Please complete the Transportation Parent Authorization fillable form if you meet any of the criteria below for the 2024-2025 school year. Please email the completed form to Michele Kay at Michele.Kay@gcpsk12.org by June 5th.
- Riding school bus to a location other than your home address
- Walker
- Car Rider
- Day Care Bus
No action is needed if you ride the school bus to your home address or if you have already submitted the form to Ms. Kay for the 2024-2025 school year. Please submit one form for each student attending Puckett's Mill Elementary School.
Student Registration
- Kindergarten: Do you have a new rising Kindergartener coming to PMES in the fall? Follow these steps to get them registered.
- Returning Students: Residency Affidavits are due July 12th. Letters and emails were sent to families that need to complete this task the week of April 15th. For more information , please visit the county website HERE.
Free and Reduced Lunch 2024-2025
Just a friendly reminder that every year a new free/reduced application must be submitted. Please try to fill out the application before school starts since it can take 10 days to process. Any meals purchased before you are approved will need to be paid for. You can start filling out the application online on July 17th, 2024 at: http://www.gwinnett.schoollunchapp.com/
Please wait until July 17, 2024. Otherwise you will be filling out an old application and will need to reapply. If you have any questions, you can contact the help line at 678-301-6307. Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
Dawn Greve, PMES Cafeteria Manager
Summer Reading
Rising 1st-5th Graders:
Would you like to earn an invitation to our Bookmobile Party when we return to school in the fall? Keep reading and using Beanstack this summer from May 23 - July 31 and earn badges for logging your reading, completing activities, and earning BINGO online. Then celebrate all your hard work with a free book at our Bookmobile Party!
Click here to learn how to log all your summer reading and activities online for our school Beanstack challenge.
Click here to post a picture of your summer reading.
Click here for summer reading information from the public library.
Happy Reading!
Digital Summer Support
Summer Hours
2024-2025 Open House
Summer Camps
Puckett's Mill Elementary School
Email: mina.banfield@gcpsk12.org
Website: pmesonline.org/home.htm
Location: 2442 S Pucketts Mill Rd, Dacula, GA, United States
Phone: 678-765-5110
ITI Coach at Puckett's Mill Elementary School