Oriole's Nest
September 2, 2022
Avon Middle School South
Email: msattendance@avon-schools.org
Website: https://www.avon-schools.org/mssouth
Location: 7199 East US Highway 36, Avon, IN, USA
Phone: 317-544-5700
Twitter: @avonsouth
ACSC 2022 - 2023 School Calendar
September 5, 2022 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL!
October 6, 2022 - Picture Retake Day
October 10 - 21, 2022 - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL!
7th grade: 9/8 HOME vs. Franklin Central 5:30PM
8th grade: 9/8 AWAY vs. Franklin Central 5:30PM
Good luck!
Boys' Tennis
9/7 HOME vs. Zionsville West 5:00PM
9/8 HOME vs. Plainfield 5:00PM
Good luck!
Girls' Golf
9/6 HOME vs. Franklin Central 5:00PM - Oak Tree
9/8 AWAY vs. Monrovia 5:00PM - Heartland Crossing
Good luck!
Boys Basketball Announcement
Boys Basketball will begin pre-season open gyms starting next Wednesday, August 31st from 8:00 - 9:00AM before school. These workouts are optional and will be held every Wednesday. Please enter door 14.
A physical must have been completed after April 1, 2022 and uploaded to your PRIVIT account. If the student-athlete is not cleared in PRIVIT, they will not be able to participate. The required paperwork can be found by clicking on the links below.
AMS South 2022 - 2023 Fundraiser
Students were given a presentation and information to take home on Tuesday, August 23rd.
Orders are due by Wednesday, September 7, 2022.
Order a 2022 - 2023 AMS South Yearbook now!
Yearbooks for the 2022 - 2023 school year are now on sale!
Below is more information for ordering this years yearbook, there is a flyer and a link to Josten's webpage.
Celebrating Birthday's This Week!
Happy Birthday
to our students celebrating a birthday this week:
Alyssa Lewis
Isabelle Lewis
Preston Miller
Jonathan Higgins
Rebecca Mills
Savannah Parsley
Maliyah Helmick
Paityn Clark
Addison Stevens
Sophia Martin
Weston Hendrickson
NJHS Study Tables - Starting Wednesday, 9/7/2022
Starting September 07, 2022, National Junior Honor Society will offer after school study help sessions on Wednesday’s after school from 4:10 - 5:00PM. Students will then go to the front commons area and wait for the late bus or parent pick-up. During this time, there will be a supervisor with the students while they wait for the late bus to arrive. Students that will be a car rider home on these days can be picked up at door 1 at 5:00PM.
If your student will be staying for the study session and they need bus transportation home they must sign up for the late bus in the Guidance Office at lunch that day. For those students taking the late bus home, the bus will leave AMS South at 5:10pm.
Each week your child's team will give an update about the current week or week ahead. Please find your child's team below for that information. In addition, you will find news from our Encore teachers, Media Center, and PE/Wellness teachers.
Cardinals News
Mrs. Dugan, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Schubert & Mr. Uhl
In Language Arts, students will read chapters 10-12 in Red Scarf Girl and continue working on improving our constructed response writing with the ToSEEC strategy. Science classes will continue exploring and applying the Scientific Method to real-life situations. In Social Studies, we will begin discussing population and what factors play a role in why and where people move. In Math, we will be reviewing for our Chapter 2 Test. Pre-Algebra classes will be learning how to solve and graph inequalities on a number line.
Grizzlies News
Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Boroff, Mrs. Schroer & Ms. Weinstein
In Math, students will be preparing for their rational number computation test on Friday. Pre-Algebra students will be working on solving equations and inequalities. Next week in Language Arts, we will be reading Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of our Narrative Novel, Red Scarf Girl. As we approach the end of this first unit, we will begin preparing for our Unit Assessment and Essay in the coming weeks. In Science, this week we have begun diving into the Scientific Method. We will explore some experiments as we practice these steps making sure we understand Independent, Dependent, Control, and Extraneous Variables. We will also look at how the Scientific Method and the Engineering Design Process is similar and different. *All work related to the Engineering Design Process was due Friday, August 26th.* Social Studies students will be moving into our culture and ethnicity unit! What are our cultural characteristics? How are we alike and different from people around the world?
Jaguars News
Mrs. Cassida, Ms. Hatton, Mrs. Ringham & Ms. Schaber
Ms. Costello, Ms. Gawrys, Mr. Thoennes & Mr. Walker
Language Arts
Mrs. Ringham - Language Arts students will consider mood (how authors make choices to evoke emotion in readers) and will select specific details from three passages and explain how the author's choices convey mood.
Mr. Thoennes - In Language Arts, we will continue to read Red Scarf Girl while we practice ToSEEC Writing.
Math & Pre-Algebra
Mrs. Cassida - In Math, students will wrap up Chapter 2 with a test on Friday over fraction to decimal conversions, fraction operations, and adding integers. In Pre-Algebra, will continue working on equations and inequalities with Algebra tiles.
Ms. Costello - In Math, we will be reviewing our chapter on fractions and Integers, then we will take the Chapter 2 Test on Friday (9/9).
Ms. Schaber - In Science, we will be continuing to learn about the scientific method by doing a fun lab and through activities.
Ms. Gawrys - In Science, we will be doing a lab to help us better understand the scientific method!
Social Studies
Ms. Hatton - Social Studies students will wrap up population with a population pyramids activity and also talk about culture next week. We will end the week with an intro of types of governments.
Mr. Walker - In Social Studies, we are starting a unit on human geography specifically populations.
Foresters News
Mrs. DeBow, Mr. Gullion, Ms. Tobin & Mrs. Zimmerman
Ms. Costello, Ms. Gawrys, Mr. Thoennes & Mr. Walker
Language Arts
Mrs. Zimmerman - Students will be exploring perspective as we read "My Mother's Garden" and practice using the R.A.C.E. response.
Mr. Thoennes - In Language Arts, we will be reading “My Mother’s Garden” by Kaitlyn Greenidge and will take a vocabulary quiz over the Unit 8A vocabulary words at the end of the week.
Pre-Algebra & Algebra
Mrs. DeBow - Pre-Algebra students will make predictions based on linear relationships. Algebra students will learn about parallel and perpendicular lines and test over Chapter 2 on Friday.
Ms. Costello - In Pre-Algebra, we will be beginning our chapter on graphs and equations.
Ms. Tobin - Students will take a Wednesday quiz over unit conversions and mean, median, mode, and range.
Ms. Gawrys - In Science, we will be continuing our math in science unit with unit conversions and a lab!
Social Studies
Mr. Gullion - Students will be looking at the life of Benjamin Franklin and then we will be on to the French and Indian War.
Mr. Walker - In Social Studies, we will be learning about the 13 colonies.
Greyhounds News
Mrs. Warthan, Ms. Kegley, Mr. Casey & Mr. Osen
In Science, students will be investigating density. Biology classes will continue their bio-bottle experiment. Pre-Algebra students will extend patterns and find their rules. In Algebra, students will write equations for parallel and perpendicular lines. Chapter 2 test on Friday! Social Studies classes will study the Great Awakening and Enlightenment. They will also be studying for their Unit 2 test. In Language Arts, students will finish up “My Mother’s Garden” and will be planning for their personal narrative.
Greyhound Team Information:
If you are absent, make sure that you are checking into Schoology.
Panthers News
Mrs. Hood, Mr. Rodgers, Mrs. Taylor & Mr. Williams
Pre-Algebra classes will continue solving equations which include multi- step equations and equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign. We will have our Review/Preview on Friday. As always students will be working on IXL this week. They must complete 10 diagnostic questions and move 4 skills to 90. In Algebra, we will be finishing up our unit on linear equations with our final top of parallel and perpendicular lines on Monday. Our unit test will be Friday. This test will cover writing and graphing linear equations from multiple representations and will include material covered on the first unit test. This spiral is effective in helping students move the information they are learning from short term to long term memory. Language Arts classes will be analyzing the narrative essay “My Mother’s Garden” by Kaitlyn Greenidge. They will have a vocab quiz over the 30 words from Unit 8A. Finally, they will begin writing a personal narrative later in the week. In Science, we will finish our Density investigation and work on metric-to-metric conversions. Biology students will continue working on Bio-bottles, finish the radish lab, and investigate symbiotic relationships between organisms. Social studies will be looking at the life of Benjamin Franklin and then we will be on to the French and Indian War.
Encore News & World Languages
Señora Barker (Spanish), Mrs. Hauptmann (Japanese), Mr. Parr (Computer Science), Mrs. Leonard (Art), Mrs. Gleissner (FACS), Mr. Hamsley (Engineering and Technology), Mr. Wolf (Robotics) and Mrs. Snyder (Flight & Space and Medical Detectives)
Next week students will be working with expressing the day, and date in Spanish. They will have to know how to spell the months and days of the week.
Next week in Japanese, students will be learning about birthdays, after school activities, begin hiragana characters.
7th grade: Students will design a landscape with the elements and principles of Unity, Emphasis, and Scale in mind. Students will learn to mix tint, tones, and shades to create the illusion of depth in their painting.
8th grade: Students will work on their second mixed media formalism sculpture, this time with Wire, Nylon, Gesso, and Paint.
7th & 8th grade FACS
7th grade: Students will wrap up the Nutrition and Cooking unit by preparing Macaroni and Cheese from scratch. They will begin the Sewing unit.
8th grade: Students will present their Special Needs Diet projects to the class. They will prepare breakfast burritos in the food lab.
7th grade Engineering and Design
Students will be beginning construct on their boats.
8th grade Gateway to Technology
Students will be continuing work on their solar light animals.
Flight & Space
Flight and Space classes will be exploring liftoff and testing "rocket fuel."
Medical Detectives
Medical Detectives will be dissecting sheep's brains!!!! Yay! Please contact Mrs. Snyder with any questions, but more information will be going home soon.
Students will continue building testbeds to learn the basic programming skills used to operate various motors and sensors.
Computer Science
7th grade: Students will be finishing their first side scroller game.
8th grade: Students will be finishing their Safe project and starting Shark Tank project.
Below are some pictures from Mr. Parr's Computer Science classes. Students are learning to code their safes in the first set of photos, and in the 2nd set the are building their safes and putting their code to the safe design.
PE/Wellness News
Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Lucas & Mr. Jackson
PE students will continue their new rotations of fitness, soccer, and flag football. Please remind your child to bring their clean clothes on Monday!
Music Department News
Mr. Abbey (Band), Ms. Szymkow (Band), Mr. Zimmerman (Choir) & Mr. Miller (Orchestra)
For all band students, Pep Band and Jazz Band will begin the week of Labor Day! Make sure your forms are turned in for either band if you plan to participate!
Students have their first voice test coming up! We will have a new sight-reading factory assignment in both 7th and 8th grade. 8th grade is working on Veteran’s Day music and 7th grade is working on part-singing and December concert music.
Classes have been working hard on playing tests and auditions.
Ask your students what they have been working on in class, and have them demonstrate something for you at home!
Media Moments with Ms. Sever
Media Center
Ms. Sever
Students visiting the library this week and next will learn about using Sora, a reading app, to access our digital collection of eBooks and audiobooks through the library. Students can access Sora through an app on their phone/tablet/other home device or through a website on their school laptops.
AMS South's Attendance Policy & Early Dismissal Proceedures
If a student is absent from school, the PARENT must call the school by 10:00 A.M. to report the absence. If no call is received, the automated school system will make an effort to contact the parent, but if NO PARENT CALL has been received by 3:00 P.M. the day following the absence, the student will be charged with an unexcused absence. You may also send an email to us to notify us of your child's absence at msattendance@avon-schools.org.
** Please be advised that we cannot take early dismissal information over the telephone. **
If your child needs to leave school early during the school day please send a note in with your child to bring to the office first thing in the morning or email us at
msattendance@avon-schools.org with all the necessary information: students name, date and time picking up, and the name of the person picking your child up if someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up. This email will go directly to the front office secretaries and they will be able to get your child an early dismissal pass so that they can be in the front office when you are ready to pick them up. If you are unable to email us we will need you to come into the office with your valid ID, once we verify it is a parent/guardian picking up we will be able to call the student down for dismissal.
If someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up your child we MUST have this information in writing from a parent/guardian. Please include his or her name on the note or email. Once we verify their photo ID then the student can sign out and leave.
If leaving early for a doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment, please provide verification note from the appointment to the main office to ensure that the absence is excused.
Using this email will ensure your child will get a pass out of class to be in the office. Please do not use Parent Square to send a message to your child's teachers as we cannot guarantee that this message will get to the front office to get your child a pass. Our teachers are very busy throughout the day and may not be able to check Parent Square often, or if the teacher is out that day we would not get that message in the front office in time to get your child an early dismissal pass.
We want to make sure that your information is getting to the right person in a timely manner, and hopefully prevent any miscommunication or missed messages.
Pre-Arranged Absences
It is our belief that students can best achieve academic success by being in school every day. We also understand that a student may occasionally have an opportunity to experience extraordinary opportunities that may result in a missed day of school. The principal or designee may grant a pre-arranged absence, if the absence provides an extraordinary opportunity for the student and/or family. The request must be submitted at least five school days in advance of the requested absence. The student will be required to complete all missed work upon his/her return to school.
No more than three days of pre-arranged absences will be approved each year. Pre-arranged absences may not be granted during the following circumstances:
- I-Learn
- During semester exams
- When the requested absence would push the student’s attendance record into excessive absence status or if the student has surpassed the allowable number of absences.
AMS South Visitors Policy
For Visitors to our Building
Avon Schools require all visitors to check-in at the front office using our visitor management system, Safe Visitor. This system requires visitors to scan their driver's license or state identification card for a check of their record. A temporary badge is provided to all visitors to wear while in our buildings. As our visitors leave school, they scan and return that badge to front office staff.
Entering the Building
Anyone entering our building beyond the front office will need to have a valid photo ID with them so that they can be checked in through our Safe Visitor Solutions system. You will be given a badge to wear while in the building so that you are identified as a visitor. When leaving you will return to the front office so that we can check you out of Safe Visitor Solutions and take your badge.
Visiting Students during Lunch
At this time, we are allowing parents/guardians to have lunch with their child during their specified lunch time in our commons area outside of the cafeteria. Parents must follow our policy for entering our building listed above; present a valid photo ID and be checked into our Safe Visitor system. Please take note that this process may take a few minutes to get you checked into our system so please allow for a few extra minutes for that process.
**If someone other than a parent/guardian would like to have lunch with your student, we MUST have that information in writing in advance from a parent/guardian. You can either send a note in with your student to bring to the office when they arrive at school in the morning, or you can email our attendance line with the information at msattendance@avon-schools.org
Please be prepared to identify yourself, provide a valid photo ID, and provide a reason for your visit when you arrive. Thank you for your patience in adapting to the updated and more secure system.
7th and 8th grade parents: Your children may be eligible for a college scholarship!
View the form below for more information.
Worth Ave. Group Laptop Insurance
Avon Community Schools has chosen Worth Ave. Group as the vendor of choice to insure school-issued laptops rented by students. Insurance with Worth Ave. Group will protect the device against: Accidental Damage, Theft, Fire, Flood, Natural Disasters, Power Surge and Vandalism. This insurance policy will provide full replacement cost coverage and will protect the item worldwide (on and off school grounds). The policy is also transferable to a replacement unit. Insurance plans may be purchased online.
- Coverage Term: July 18, 2022 - July 18, 2023
- It is up to you to renew yearly.
- Deadline to Purchase Coverage: September 5, 2022
- Yearly Insurance Rates:
- 6th-12 Grade: Lenovo 11e Laptop $45.00
- Costs are prorated for enrollment after September 5.
Avon Education Foundation Upcoming Events
Homework Hotline
Need help with Math and Science homework?
Call the Homework Hotline
Click below to visit their website
Avon High School Athletic Events
The Avon High School Athletic Administrators asked us to pass along the following information regarding middle school students attending football games. Please read carefully as students must purchase tickets online prior to showing up at the stadium.
Students must have a digital ticket or All Sport Pass for entry. Tickets are $7 this year for Varsity events. To expedite entry, the ticket should be purchased ahead of time via the link with a credit card. Ticket info for purchasing online single event tickets and/or All Sport Passes (which will be sent to the purchaser’s phone) can be found at https://websites.eventlink.com/s/avon-high-school/Tickets. Tickets can be purchased on the link provided for Home and Away events throughout the school year.
K-8 STUDENTS ATTENDING FOOTBALL EVENTS AT AVON HIGH SCHOOL - It is highly encouraged that all elementary and middle school students be accompanied by a paid adult. Unsupervised students will be required to sit in the middle school section on the SW corner of the Football Stadium and will not be allowed to wonder around. Backpacks, shoestring bags, and sports equipment (footballs, frisbees, etc.) are not permitted at AHS athletic events.
Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry Information
The Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry is available to Avon school families and employees.
Every Thursday from 5:00 - 6:00PM (when school is in session)
at Avon Intermediate School East
Please do not arrive before 4:30PM due to AIS bus/school traffic
Enrollment is simple. Please complete your 2022 - 2023 enrollment before you shop. Below you will find more information for enrollment, please click the link below.