GHS Counseling Monthly Update
November Deets from the Den

A Look Back at October
College and Career Readiness Day (October 9th):
- Freshmen took a practice digital PSAT test
- Juniors took a practice digital SAT test
- Sophomores and Juniors who registered for the NMSQT (not a practice exam) can expect to receive their scores directly from College Board, mid-November. Scores will be accessed by students online through their College Board account.
Seniors chose from a variety of post-secondary planning opportunities and took advantage of the day to focus on their post-secondary goals. Opportunities offered to our students included:
- Completing the ASVAB: (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery)
- College Application Assistance: The library was full of students working on their college applications.
- College Essay Assistance: 50+ seniors worked with 4 of our amazing English teachers to get feedback on their college essays!
- Metropolitan State University of Denver: application workshop
- Scholarship presentation: Hosted by University of Northern Arizona- see attached presentation.
- ASCENT/TREP info session
- ACT Work Keys
Grade Level Updates
- Students should know how to request official transcripts, letters of recommendation, and understand the college application process. This presentation can be found on Schoology (under Materials).
- Students should continue to work with their counselors to get support in meeting their graduation and post-secondary goals.
- See more information about the college application process below.
Juniors: Counselors will be visiting US History classrooms on 11/18 and 11/19 to begin researching post-secondary options, exploring a variety of career, college, and/or military options.
Sophomores: Sophomores should continue to explore career and post grad options as they work on their sophomore seminar tasks in Naviance.
Freshmen: Freshmen should continue to work on their seminar tasks in Naviance and four -year course planning.
College Application Process
Letters of Recommendation: Students MUST give teachers at least 10 school days notice before a letter of recommendation is due. Teacher letters are due two weeks prior to transcript request deadlines. We have a 4 step process for ensuring that letters of recommendation are completed correctly.
- Step 1- Student completes Teacher/Counselor Conversation Starter in Naviance. Students should waive rights to see letters of recommendation. Print off the survey once it is completed. (About Me > Survey > Surveys From Your School)
- Step 2- Student schedules time to meet with teacher/counselor and go over the request. Print out and deliver survey from Step 1.
- Step 3- Student confirms with TEACHER that the letter has been written and uploaded in Naviance.
- Step 4- Once Teacher Letters of Recommendation are uploaded to Naviance by the teacher, students can submit the Transcript Request Form to the post grad office. Transcripts must be requested two weeks prior to application deadlines. (Be aware of Thanksgiving and Winter Break. We DO NOT work during school breaks).
Transcript Deadlines: Transcript request forms MUST be submitted to Ms. Wilson in the post grad center no later than 10 school days/2 weeks prior to the College/University deadline. Pay attention to school breaks as we do not work during these times!
- November 15th deadlines--- Transcript request forms due November 1st.
- December 1st deadlines-- Transcript request forms due November 13th (Due to Thanksgiving Break).
College Visits/Post-Secondary Research Resources
- The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal student Aid) opens December 1st. Families can start preparing by creating an account prior to December 1st at 2025–26 FAFSA® Form Coming Soon | Federal Student Aid.
- SAVE THE DATE: FAFSA Workshop January. 13th. This workshop is designed to help families complete the FAFSA. A link to sign up will be sent out prior to winter break.
- All students are invited to visit with colleges and universities that come to our campus to talk with prospective students. These visits take place in Post Grad in the back of Counseling. Visit information is posted on Naviance, and students are encouraged to sign up for the visits via Naviance.
- There are many great resources available to students/parents/guardians to assist in the post-graduation planning process. Check out The College Tour's First-Gen focused class based online here:
Academic Resources
Grandview offers academic support in all core areas. Please see the attached schedule.