An Update from Hough Elementary

February 4, 2025 Newsletter
Principal Update
Character Strong Trophy
A BIG shout out to Mrs. Kotel's first grade class for working hard to earn the Character Strong trophy on January 30th!
Student Council Valentine's
The Hough Student Council will sell paper hearts for $1.00 each. They will be on sale from Monday, February 10th - Wednesday, February 12th in the lunchroom. Hearts will be delivered to students on Thursday, February 13th. All proceeds will be donated to Tommy's Troopers (details below on the flyer). PARENTS...if you want to surprise your kiddo, the office will be selling these $1.00 (cash only) hearts in the office from Monday, 2/10 - Wednesday, 2/12 (we will sneak you in to keep your valentine a surprise). Please contact Mrs. Goitein or Mr. George with any questions.
Kindergarten Pre-Registration for the '25 - '26 School Year is Open
It was wonderful to see so many new and returning families at Kindergarten Round-up on February 3rd. If you have a child who will turn five by September 1st, 2025, please click here for lots of important information concerning Kindergarten. Kindergarten pre-registration is open. Pre-registration for the "standard" kindergarten program should be completed by February 28th
PTO Update
Room Parent Leads, Thank you - A giant THANK YOU to our fantastic Room Parent Leads. Their creativity made our classroom parties a hit. As we dive into more upcoming events, there are plenty of fun ways to get involved, from volunteering to donating. Every bit of your participation helps make Hough Street School a wonderful place for our kids.
Student Service Opportunity and P.O.P. Sign-up - Sign up here to help assemble fun St. Patrick’s Day care packages to be included in the March Packs of Plenty! We will meet on Wednesday, February 19th after school 2:10 - 3:15 in the Art Room. This opportunity is open to the first 25 students who sign up. We also need four adult volunteers. And please check out this link for newly added packing dates for the remainder of the year.
Jersey Day and No-Stress Fundraiser - Let’s get into the Super Bowl spirit! On Friday, February 7th, any student who would like to participate can wear their favorite sports shirt or jersey to school. We are also combining this dress up day, with a “no-stress fundraiser” where students can bring money in their lunch boxes and donate to the playground fundraiser or parents are welcome to donate here: hough25.givesmart.com
Fundraiser Community Meeting NEW DATE Thurs., February 13th 6:30-7:30 PM - We NEED YOU to help make this year’s fundraiser a huge success! Do you have an awesome idea or just curious about how you can get involved? Come join us for a free, informal, fun meeting at Kate Fanselow’s home (350 Westwood Drive) from 6:30-7:30 PM! There will be appetizers, refreshments and plenty of time to brainstorm, ask questions, and be part of something amazing. Please RSVP here.
Dine and Share at Culver's - Join us for dinner at the Fox River Grove Culver's on Thursday, February 20th between 4:00- 8:00 PM. Culver's will be generously donating 15% of all proceeds during that time period to Hough, so enjoy an effortless dinner along with a frozen treat!
The Hough Fundraiser - Join us for an unforgettable evening of fun and philanthropy at our school fundraiser on Saturday, April 5th from 5:00-10:00 PM. Enjoy exciting games, bid on unique items at our silent and live auctions and dance the night away. Don’t miss this chance to support our students while making memories that will last a lifetime. Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all of our prizes and the highly sought-after Teacher Treasures. Tickets go on sale March 1st! Help us reach our fundraising goal by making a donation here.
February PTO Meeting - Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 6:30-7:30. Babysitting is available in the gym. Grab dinner at Culver’s and then head over to Hough.
Fifth Grade Save the Date - Is your fifth grader ready to be locked inside of the school with Principal Schumacher or will he or she figure out how to escape? Save the date for the annual Fifth Grade Escape Room the evening of Friday, May 16, 2025. More details to follow.
Field Day Save the Date - It’s cold outside but spring is coming! First grade through fifth grade will have Field Day at Citizens Park on May 22, 2025, with a rain date of May 23, 2025.
Dates at a Glance
-Tuesday, 2/4
- Winter Chess Club 2:45-3:45 PM
-Wednesday, 2/5
-Thursday, 2/6- ESC/Extended Field Trip
- Girls BBALL at Lines 3:00-5:00 PM (make-up)
- No Stress Fundraiser/Wear a Jersey or Sports Shirt and donate to the PTO
- Chess Tournament at Roslyn Road School 10:00 AM start
- 4th & 5th Grade Drama Club Begins (gym) 2:45-3:45 PM
- K-1st STEM Club Registration Opens 8:00 AM (check email on 2/7 for details)
- Winter Chess Club 2:45-3:45 PM
-Thursday, 2/13
- Valentine's Day K-5th Assembly 12:55-1:25 PM
- Valentine's Day Classroom Parties 1:30-2:30 PM (room parents set-up 12:55)
- Drama Club 2:45-3:45 PM
- MAP and FastBridge results sent home in backpacks
- NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE (Institute Day for Teachers)
- SCHOOL CLOSED (President's Day)