The Barton Bulletin
Q1 Recap 2024!
"The real voyage of DISCOVERY is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
Our #BartonExplorers engaged in numerous opportunities to make new discoveries during quarter one. In September our 9th grade students received their blazers and were escorted into the Barton dome for our "traditional" blazer picture overlooking the Downtown Mobile skyline! We also held our PBL launch event where we unveiled our new Barton banners and recited our thematic quotes for each quarter. We wrapped up Q1 with DISCOVERY DAY. Each grade level attended a walking field trip through downtown to make discoveries connected to their first quarter of learning #undertheBartonDOME!
9th Grade Dome Pic
PBL Launch & Banner Reveal
Discovery Day Scavenger Hunt
Q2 Calendar of Events
*This is the most up-to-date list of "major" events for Q2. Refer to weekly bulletins for updates.
Oct. 14-18: Kindness Week (in-school activities)
Oct. 17: Pre-ACT 9th Grade
Oct. 21: Parenting Day Picnic
Oct. 22: PSAT Assessment for Grades 8 & 9; 9th Grade Cathedral Tour
Oct. 23: 8th Grade Field Trip - Playhouse in the Park
Oct. 24: 9th World Language Proficiency Exam Recognition; VEXplorers League @UM; Chess Tournament at Government St. Christian @4:30
Oct. 25 - Nov. 4: Dr. Jones is abroad. Please contact teachers or Mrs. Eaton, assistant principal, if questions or needs arise.
Oct. 25: Magnet Application Closes (Barton WILL fill after the first lottery drawing.)
Oct. 26: Vex IQ Robotics Competition @St. Martin Middle School
Oct. 28-Nov. 1: Red Ribbon Week (in-school activities)
Oct. 28: First Basketball Game @Clark-Shaw
Oct. 30: Choir MCPSS Assessment at Theodore; V5 Robotics Competition @Central Office
Oct. 31: Dress as a Book Character $5 Library Fundraiser; Basketball @Chastang
Nov. 1: All-State Choir Auditions in Fairhope
Nov. 2: V5 Robotics Competition @St. Martin High School
Nov. 5: Virtual Day (Election Day)
Nov. 6: Cheer Regionals
Nov. 7: Basketball Game vs. North Mobile
Nov. 11: Veterans Day (No School)
Nov. 13: National French Week Begins; Soccer Tryouts @ Davidson 5-7 p.m.
Nov. 14: Basketball Game @MCTS; MS Scholars Bowl @Barton vs. UMS; Soccer Tryouts @Davidson; VEXplorers League @UM
Nov. 15: Mid-quarter; JV Scholars' Bowl at Bishop; Freshmen Friendsgiving Semi-Formal @Hallett-Irby House
Nov. 18: Basketball Game vs. Denton
Nov. 19: NJHS Inductions; MCPSS Honor Band MS Auditions at Causey; Barton NBCT Cohort
Nov. 20: Math ACAP Practice Test Grades 6-8
Nov. 21: PTO Fall Festival (during school day); Chess Tournament @Spanish Fort HS; Basketball Game @Washinton MS; MCPSS HS Honor Band Auditions @Baker
Nov. 22: 9th Grade Field Trip to International Festival
Nov. 23 - Dec. 1: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2 - 6: Book Fair in Library
Dec. 3: Soccer Conditioning Begins
Dec. 5: Basketball Game @Scarborough
Dec. 7: Vex IQ Robotics Competition @Gulfport
Dec. 9: Basketball Game @North Mobile
Dec. 11: V5 Robotics Competition @Central Office
Dec. 12: Basketball Game vs. MCTS; VEXplorers League Finals
Dec. 13: JV Scholars' Bowl at Bishop; Winter Concert for Choir and Bands @Murphy
Dec. 14: V5 Robotics Competition @Gulfport
Dec. 16: Basketball Game @Denton
Dec. 17: Civil Discourse Field Trip 9th Grade; Strings Concert @Larkins 5:00 p.m.
Dec. 20: End of Quarter 2!
Dec. 21-Jan. 5: Christmas/Winter Break
Jan. 6: Students Return for Q3; Basketball Game vs. Washington
Our Lady Explorers are Division CHAMPIONS!
Barton Orders (Advisory Groups)
The Barton Orders (Mavila, Kien Tri, Viridis, and Akoni ) family groups meet weekly on Fridays for "family bonding", SEL activities (social/emotional), and to participate in intra-family competitions! Our Barton Orders serve as advisory groups as a way to build community throughout our school. Intra-Family Competitions will happen monthly leading up to our big year-end event: Order Olympics!
Each year, we also elect a new Student Order Senate. Order leaders and representatives meet regularly to make decisions regarding upcoming events for our school and Orders. #bartonexplorers #undertheBartondome
JV Scholars' Bowl Success!
Our JV Scholars' Bowl has been participating in the Bishop State JV league against area high schools and has performed well against their high school competition! We are excited to see how their season progresses! Middle School Scholars' Bowl practices have begun, and competitions begin soon!
Barton Robotics is off to a Great Start!
Our Barton Explorers are leading the way in vex robotics! Mrs. Leousis, Mrs. Bolton, and our Vex V5 students are supporting the growth of robotics within our region by hosting a Vex Robotics League at the University of Mobile! Over 20 teams have joined the league from all across our area. A special thanks to UM for allowing us to use your facility!
Barton Chess Team
One of our club offerings held on Mondays during Explorer Electives period includes chess, and our chess team is growing! Dr. McCall and several Barton chess students visited a competition earlier this quarter and had a great start to their season winning several matches! We are excited to follow their season.
Congrats to Ella Couch who was recognized as Barton's Red Ribbon Leader!
Homecoming Spirit Week Fun!
Minion Monday
Dress Like a Teacher/Teacher Swap
Dress as your grade ("Seniors")
Notes from Dr. Jones -
Hello #BartonExplorers!
We have had an exciting and productive start to the school year and things are moving along well (and FAST) into Q2! Please check our social media regularly for the latest news, events, and a glimpse inside our school. We share on social media regularly! A weekly bulletin is shared on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that gives our "week at a glance" along with upcoming dates and pertinent information! Checking our "official" Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies social media is your quickest avenue to finding needed information. We also have a school website at with links to handbooks, curriculum guides, links to the Barton Broadcast and more! In addition, our Barton PTO has a Facebook page and website with great supportive information.
We have had a busy start to quarter two. October is always jam-packed, and this year is no different! Please help your child stay on-track by checking grades periodically. As a reminder, every Barton student received a FREE planner at the beginning of the year. This could serve as a great resource for students and a great tool for parents! Due to brain development, adolescents can be "scattered" by nature, so the quicker each child learns how he or she can best formulate routines and accept responsibility for his or her own learning, the better served they will be in the long run. We are in this together!
You will receive Q1 report cards October 21st. Please remember that all core classes at Barton are on an advanced and/or accelerated track. We focus on critical success skills at Barton such as how to think critically, evaluate, problem-solve, create, innovate, and EXPLORE! This style of learning requires a deeper level or thinking and understanding than "rote memorization". Sometimes this shift in learning style takes time to develop. Many high achieving students rarely had to "study" in their early years of education. As students progress into more rigorous coursework and higher level thinking, it will become more necessary for them to spend time reading, studying, writing, and considering application of content. I say all of this to reiterate that your child should be commended for "A's and B's" on his or her report cards! A's and B's are "above average". To remain in the magnet program students must maintain a 70+ YEARLY average in EACH subject. We will begin after school tutoring soon for students in need of additional support.
Our school is great for many reasons, and one of those reasons is YOU! We appreciate the support of our parents, families, and community. I've reiterated various policies and procedures numerous times and at this point in the year I expect that everyone should be familiar with Barton expectations. I'm linking the handbook below for anyone who needs to review pertinent info concerning procedures such as approved "walkers", carline procedures, snacks, field trips, uniform guidelines, etc. We have these policies in place to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment. Please know our expectations and support us so we can support our children!
You may have received an email invitation from "CLASS DOJO". This is an app that allows our faculty and staff to award "points" to students for positive behaviors. We are using this accountability system as part of our Barton Orders to keep track of student success by Order (family/advisory groups). We would love 100% family participation through the DOJO app!
The first magnet lottery will take place in the coming weeks. Barton seats will be full after the October magnet lottery drawing. The magnet application closes October 25th, 2024. Our number of 6th grade applications is already over double the space we have to accommodate. We are thankful and blessed to have such a highly sought after learning environment. Our #BartonExplorers should feel grateful to be here, because MANY who have applied over the years have not been so fortunate to have that same opportunity. My goal is that we continue to grow, improve, set a high bar, and SHINE as an example of what education can and SHOULD be!
We ask our families with Barton 8th grade students to complete a brief survey (linked below) about current "intent" for 2025-2026. This survey will serve as a baseline for planning purposes as we begin making plans for next school year. The OFFICIAL "INTENT TO RETURN" will be sent home in quarter three, but I want to gather some preliminary information about next year's 9th grade class as soon as possible so I can begin considering plans for next year.
Thanks again for a great start to the school year. I look forward to continued success with our #BartonExplorers!