FJVD Weekly Info...
We Live the Word!
Friday, December 14, 2018
The prayer blankets, which were blessed by Father Fleming at our First Friday Mass, may be given to those who are seriously ill, grieving, or are otherwise in need of our prayers. The recipient's name will be placed in the prayer center in the school lobby and they will receive a prayer card with our pledge of love and prayers.
Mrs. Brusic, recently retired, started making blankets with students a number of years ago. Now that more teachers have mastered this skill, we are ready again to share it with our students! On Thursday, December 13, teachers and students together created more prayer blankets. We plan to offer more of these opportunities for students to participate in the months to come!
While this effort is still in its infancy stages, we already have 17 prayer blankets to share! If you know someone who would benefit as a recipient of a prayer blanket, please contact Mrs. Smith or one of our teachers.
Teachers' Ugly Sweater Facebook Contest!
Voting ends Sunday night @ 8PM!
FJVD Basketball this weekend!
Please join us in the J. Robert McDermott Gymnasium to cheer on:
- Girls Grammar vs. Bishop McVinney @ 11am
- Boys Juniors vs. St. Joe's @ Noon
Please note - the schedule for the rest of the season isn't available yet. We will share it with you as soon as it comes out!
Thanks to all who filled out the PTO survey!
A few things to remember:
- sneakers MUST be worn on gym days - but feel free to add your crazy socks!
- NO open back or open toe shoes may be worn on any day!
Student Lectors, Offertory, and Ushers needed for Catholic Schools Week Mass on January 27, 2019
We are already busy planning for Catholic Schools Week which will be held at the end of January!
The week will begin with Mass on Sunday January 27, 2019 at 11:30am. We hope all of our school families will be able to attend and celebrate together!
We are currently seeking student volunteers for various roles in this Mass. If you would like your son/daughter to participate, please send an email to Mrs. Smith. In your email, please indicate whether they would like to greet people at the door, read during the Mass, or bring up the gifts at offertory.
Thank you!
Testimonials wanted...
School Board invites you to the next Open Session...
Thank you to all who attended our Open Session of the School Board meeting on Monday, December 10!
The next School Board meeting will be held on Tuesday January 29, 2019 in the rectory conference room and the Open Session will begin at 6:30pm. Space in the conference room is limited. For seating purposes, please let Mrs. Smith know if you plan on attending. Thank you!
Lunch Menu for January 2019
The Lunch Order Menu can also be found on the Parents' Page of our website!
Be prepared for Snow Days & Delays by signing up for alerts from RIBA!
Snow days and delays for Father John V. Doyle School are announced through the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association. FJVD follows the Coventry public school system snow days and delays. Before Care opens at 8am on a Delay Day.
If you haven't already signed up to receive text and/or email alerts, please do so through this link... RIBA
RIBA will send text and email alerts as well as post the information on local TV and radio stations.
Don't forget to order a YEARBOOK!
OR Online:
Code: 1866619
Silent/Live Auction Basket Donations Needed... click on the document below for information!
Join the FJVD PTO Facebook group to keep on top of all FJVD info!
The PTO would like to invite parents, teachers, and families at Father John V. Doyle School to join the PTO Facebook group! Our PTO team will maintain the group to provide an online community where families can get information about events, share volunteer opportunities, be able to ask questions, and have a chance to give your opinion through surveys and open discussions.
If you are on Facebook, please join the group at:
The FJVD PTO Team provides a text messaging service to assist in communication of some school events and due dates. If you are interested in receiving text alerts for school events and due dates, just text the number below to get started. You do not need to download the app... just message us!
We hope to get your thoughts and feedback on this new service!
Send message to: 81010
The message is: @fjvd
RI Catholic School Parent Federation
The Rhode Island Catholic School Parents Federation organizes parents to assure equal opportunities for quality education to all who desire it. It is committed to educating, advocating and mobilizing Catholic school parents, public policy-makers and the public at large to ensure that Catholic school students and parents receive all the rights and privileges to which they are entitled. Its primary purpose is to maintain state and federally mandated services which include student transportation, health and special education services, textbook loans and federal entitlement grants and services. A secondary purpose is to provide parents with access to public tax funds which may include tax credits, tax deductions and educational opportunity scholarships.
For more information, call the Catholic School Office at (401) 278-4550.
Dates to Remember...
15 Girls Basketball vs. Bishop McVinney 11am @FJVD
15 Boys Basketball vs. St. Joe's 12pm @FJVD
19 Spelling Bee 8:15am in the gym
21 Christmas paraliturgy 1:15pm in the gym
2 Faculty/Staff PD - No School for Students
4 First Friday Mass 10am
5 First Penance, Saturday, 11am
x STAR Mid Year Assessment (1/7/19 -01/25/19)
15 Our Lady of Guadalupe 1:30-2:15pm
25 Progress Reports
27 Catholic Schools Week Mass 11:30am & Open House
x Catholic Schools Week (1/27/19 - 2/2/19)
6 PD dismissal at 11:35am
8 Middle School Dance
13 Mass 1pm
x ACRE Testing, Grades 5 & 8
TBD Pasta Dinner to benefit DC trip
1 First Friday Mass 10am - grade 5
2 Silent/Live Auction - Celebrate Mardi Gras!
4 Lenten Food Drive Begins
6 Ash Wednesday prayer service 10am
6 PD dismissal at 11:35am
9 Ladies' Choice Event
12 End of Trimester 2
15 Dress "Green" For Charity
22 Report Cards
x Parish Mission
TBD Learning Fair (judging & viewing during school day; awards 6pm)
TBD Spring Picture Day
TBD Reconciliation grades 6, 7, 8 @ 1pm
TBDReconciliation grades 3, 4, 5 @ 1pm
x Read-a-thon (4/1 - 4/15)
x Scholastic Book Fair (April 1 - 5)
2 Music Festival @ Mount
3 PD dismissal at 11:35am
5 Grandparents' Day
5 First Friday Mass 10am
7 Open House for Prospective Students
x Reading Week (April 8 - 12)
12 Living Stations 9am (gym) & noon (Church) w/ Fr. Woolley
24 Administrative Professsionals' Day
26 Progress Reports
x Grades 7 & 8 Class Trip to DC (4/25-4/28)
Pennies For Patients
1 PD dismissal at 11:35am
4 First Communion, Saturday, 11:00am
x STAR Summative Assessment (5/6/19 - 5/24/19)
7 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
8 School Nurse Appreciation Day
10 Faculty/Staff PD - No School for Students
13 May Crowning 1pm
17 Middle School Dance
18 Drama Production of Peter Pan
24 Dress For Charity
30 Ascension Thursday Mass 10am
TBD Gentlemen's Choice Event
4 Awards Night
8 Eighth Grade Graduation, Saturday, 1pm
11 PreK Graduation & Kindergarten Celebration, 9am
13 Last Day of School Mass (TENTATIVE)
Fun in the Sun Camp (snow day dependent)
Theater Camp (snow day dependent!)
Book Camp (snow day dependent!)
Art Camp (snow day dependent!)
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756