Greetings from Groveport Elementary
May 10, 2024
Principal Message
Many, Many Thanks!
I wanted to give a huge thank you to our AMAZING PTO for making the entire staff feel special and appreciated this entire week. . You went above and beyond for all of us and we are truly grateful!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there - enjoy your special day!
April :)
April Bray
614.309.3250 (cell #)
614.836.4975 (school #)
Countdown to Summer!
One of Ms. Tomblin's favorite end of the year activity is to make a Countdown to Summer Chain. Each student in class designs a link for the chain and they remove a link each day with her link being the last. When a students link is removed, they share their favorite memory of the school year that morning.
Math/Science State Testing Raffle Winners!
We are so proud of all of our students and how hard they worked on the state tests last week! Students were eligible to earn tickets for showing up each day, spending a specific amount of time on the test, and putting forth strong effort (based on the effort rubric). Students accepted the challenge and almost every student earned all their tickets. Students entered their tickets on Tuesday morning and the winners were announced Tuesday afternoon. Check out these ecstatic kids below.
$50 Starbucks Gift Card
Kattaleya Jones
$100 Amazon Gift Card
Blane Graham
Lululemon Crossover Bag
Charlie Grubbs
Edwin Berry
Harry Potter Complete Set
Juelz Scott
Johnathan Hill
Stanley Cup
Lizzy Epps
Stanley Cup
Abryn Cason
Football Gloves
Carson Ryan
Smart TV - Jaiden Ware
Student Council Food Drive
The Student Council is hosting a food drive for our Groveport Food Pantry. The food drive will be held next week May 13-17, with items to be delivered on May 17. Listed below are items needed at the pantry. The class who brings in the most items will receive an ice cream sandwich party!
Canned Beef Stew
Chicken Noodle Soup
Cans of Fruit Mix
Cans of Mandarin Oranges
Cream of Chicken Soup
Progress Soups
Sloppy Joe Sauce
Saltine Crackers
Beef Ramen Noodles - not the single serving size
Cans of Mixed Vegetables
Canned Tomato Products
Mark Your Calendar
10th = 5th Grade Discovery Day at ECC
17th = 4th Grade Historical Field Trip / 5th Grade DARE Graduation 2:15 (parents are invited to attend)
17th = Family Fun Night starting at 5pm - food trucks, play activities, information tables with prizes and give-aways, raffle baskets, sand art, blankets and t-shirts for sale, movie outside at dusk. Free admission! Sign-up to Volunteer for this event here -
22nd = 4th and 5th grade Career Day
23rd = Rec. Center Field Trip (3rd-5th)
24th = Rec.Center Field Trip (K-2)
28th = Talent Show
29th = Field Day
30th = Last Day of School and 5th Grade Clap Out!
Happy Birthday To You!
Lunch Choices
Monday = Chicken Sandwich
Tuesday = Turkey Hot Dog
Wednesday = Fiestada Pizza
Thursday = Breaded Chicken Drumstick
Friday = Cheese Pizza
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Anayah Palm
Wednesday = Brennen McKissack
Thursday = Lilly Kuhn
Friday = Markaila Brown
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray