Whispering Ridge Community School
September 2024 Newsletter
Whispering Ridge Community School
Website: https://wrcs.pwpsd.ca
Location: 10320-149 Ave Grande Prairie
Phone: 587-771-2180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whisperingridgecommunityschool
Principals Message
Dear Families,
As we embark on a new school year, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you. Our school isn't just a place of learning, it's a community, a family where every student, parent, and staff member plays a vital role in nurturing and supporting our children. The culture we've built together is one of warmth, respect, and high expectations. We believe in the potential of every child, and it is through our collective efforts—teachers, parents, support staff, and caregivers working hand in hand—that we guide them toward success. Your involvement, dedication, and support are deeply appreciated. You are our partners in this journey, and together I know we can handle the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Thank you for trusting us with the education and growth of your children. Let’s continue to make our school a place where every child feels valued, inspired, and ready to succeed.
With gratitude,
Abby Stilwell
New Ministerial Order re: Cell Phone Use in Schools
The government passed a new ministerial order last June regarding cell phone use in schools, which can be found HERE. Our school currently has a cell phone policy in place, which states, “Students are not permitted to have their cell phones or airpods out during the school day, and they should remain safely locked in their lockers.” This aligns with the requirements outlined within the ministerial order and we will continue to adhere to this policy moving forward.
New for the 2024-2025 school year, social media platforms will no longer be accessible on PWPSD networks, and we will be working collaboratively with the district and our IT department to roll this out.
- Adhere to the Ministerial Order from the Government of Alberta
- Minimize distractions
- Maximize learning time
- Avoid personal property getting lost/misplaced
- Promote healthy interactions
Thank you for your kind cooperation in helping us build and maintain a distraction-free and engaging educational space for all students. We appreciate your continued support.
School Fees
SCHOOL FEES In order to ensure we can continue to offer enriching learning experiences and optimal programming for our students, we are instating a small school fee for students in grades 1-8. The school administration team worked with our School Council group to weigh the pros and cons, and to ensure that this decision was supported moving forward. School fees are $30 per student, and these are payable cash, check, or online (link will be shared on our website). Options Grades 4-8
To pay online, you need to have a PowerSchool Account.
How to create an account:
163858-32ebe56a-9a96-4be3-96a6-d6b1a274a1b8.pdf (edl.io)
How to pay online:
220912-2bfecd4c-1cc8-459a-9e33-6c69a4d6f0f4.pdf (edl.io)
Please contact the office 587-771-2180 if you need any assistance.