Madison Park Middle School
NEWSLETTER - September 23rd, 2024
Madison Park Middle School
Location: 1431 E Campbell Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85014, USA
Phone: 6026647500
Dear Amazing Families of Madison Park,
Dear Amazing Families of Madison Park,
It’s been an incredible week of teaching and learning here at Park! Thank you to our awesome families and community for helping to make our APEX Color Games a success!
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year for our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). The total amount raised will be shared in an upcoming publication. Funds raised goes directly towards PBIS prizes, recess play equipment, and achievement award incentives that benefit your child and every student at Madison Park. Our PTO is committed to finding meaningful ways of supporting students and teachers.
Kona Ice will also be on campus, Wednesday, 9/25/24 during recess times.
As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Together, we can help them to strive for greatness!
Remember to encourage your child to demonstrate pride in our school by wearing “Blue and Gold” every Friday!
Best regards,
Priscilla Gossett - Principal
Rebecca Galindo - Assistant Principal
Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Being in class every day is super important to your child’s success in school. Missing too many days can make it hard to keep up with learning and can even affect future opportunities. Let’s work together to make sure your child is here on time and read to learn every day!
Arriving to School on Time:
Arriving at school on time is important. School begins at 8:25am and ends at 3:40pm. Students should arrive no earlier than 8:10am. Students who are late to school must be signed in by their parents/guardians in the main office. Student who have better attendance have better grades and better success at school.
Volunteers Needed
Looking for great ways to help our students? Spend the day helping to support our students working together and competing in team building activities on Thursday, October 3rd. Volunteers are needed for our Quarter 1 Team Building Activities/Competitions. Students who have been following our PBIS ROAR Expectations are invited to attend. We need your help for this event to be super successful . Please add your students name and grade level in the comment section. Sign-up Here
Student Safety to and from School
It's important to always teach children good safety habits.
Pedestrian Safety Tips:
Respect the crossing guards, always follow their directions.Look left, right, and left again (before you enter the roadway)
Always use a crosswalk, if there’s one available. Wait for any available signals to indicate you can cross, and look both ways before entering the street, just to be sure.
Don’t walk and text, remove earbuds, headphones, and put away your phone. When crossing an intersection or street, it’s important that you’re able to hear any oncoming cars or hazards. You need to stop, look, and listen for any dangers before crossing.
Don’t stand directly on the curb when waiting to cross. Stand back a few feet from the edge to prevent you from falling or tripping into the street.
Walk, don’t run, across the street. Keep looking both ways as you cross the road to ensure there are no oncoming vehicles.
Make eye contact with drivers, when crossing in front of a stopped car, be mindful of cars in other lanes, too. Make sure they’re fully stopped and that the drivers can see you. Make eye contact with each driver if possible.
A Message from our PTO
"Friday, Movie Night: The PTO’s Friday Movie Night is planned for November 15th, 2024 on the basketball court with an outdoor screen. We encourage all staff, students, parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents, neighbors, and friends to attend this fun night." This is a family night, all students must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
In order to help this event to be successful! We are seeking donations of the following items:
Cases of Water
Items donated will be sold and all proceeds from this event will support Madison Park PTO to host exciting school events!
Parent/Guardian Supervision Required at School Events and Athletic Competitions
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to welcome you and your child to participate in the many extracurricular activities and athletic competitions that Park Middle School offers. These events are a great source of pride for our school and district community, and we value your involvement and support.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone during these events, we are continuing our practice of requiring that a parent or guardian accompany and supervise their child if they plan to attend as a spectator at any extracurricular or athletic event, whether at home or away.
Please note that this requirement applies only to spectators. Students who are actively participating in a club or athletic team, and are under the supervision of their coaches or sponsors, are not required to have a parent or guardian present. However, for students who are simply attending as spectators, we need a parent or guardian to be present for the duration of the event to ensure proper supervision.
Safety is our top priority, and often, extracurricular events and athletic competitions do not have enough staff available to monitor spectators closely. While club sponsors, coaches, and administrators work to ensure the smooth running of these events, additional supervision is necessary to maintain a safe and family-friendly environment.
We ask that all parents/guardians attending these events be actively engaged in monitoring their child’s behavior to help create a positive, respectful atmosphere. These are school-sponsored events, and we expect everyone in attendance to model appropriate behavior and language to maintain a welcoming experience for all.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all members of our community.
Important Dates - Please mark your calendars for the following dates and stay tuned for more detailed information.
- 09/24 Governing Board Meeting 6pm @ District Office
- 09/24 Cross Country @ Santa Maria
- 09/24 Varsity Girls Volleyball vs. Tillman
- 09/24 JV Girls Volleyball @Western Valley
- 09/24 Boys Soccer @ Tillman
- 09/24 Girls Soccer vs. Tillman
- 09/26 Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Glenn L. Downs
- 09/26 Boys Soccer vs. Glenn L. Downs
- 09/26 Girls Soccer @ Glenn L. Downs
- 09/25/24 Kona Ice Fundraiser
Arizona Tax Credit Program
Arizona allows taxpayers to dedicate dollars to education while reducing the amount you owe on your taxes through the tax credit program. For every dollar you donate, the amount you owe on your Arizona taxes will be that much less. If you do not owe taxes, the amount you donate may be carried forward for up to five years to offset future tax liabilities. You can make your donation online here Click Here
Fry's Community Rewards
If you shop at Fry’s Foods Grocery store, please link your Fry’s V.I.P. card to Madison Roar PTO (#GX194). The Fry’s Community Rewards program will automatically donate to our school on your behalf from each of your purchases! This will happen automatically and there is nothing else you ever need to do! Thank you for your support! Please visit:
Silver Apple Award
Nominate your teacher for the Silver Apple Award! In 100 word or less, tell us "Why This Teacher is Special" see forms below for official rules and nomination forms.
Save the Date- Parent Teacher Conferences
October 24, 2024: Parent/Teacher Conferences-Half Day/Evening
October 25, 2024: Parent/Teacher Conferences-Half Day/Schedule
Library Notification
Dear Parents:
This notice is to inform you that we have purchased new books/materials for our library as of Monday, August 5th, 2024. State law requires schools to post a list of all library books and materials purchased after January 1, 2023, on the district’s website and the school’s website for at least sixty (60) days after the purchase of the items (this does not include replacement books/materials). In addition, state law mandates that schools notify parents of the opening and closing public review period within seven (7) school days prior to the opening date. Therefore, this notice dated Sunday, August 4th, 2024 provides the opening date of the public review period for newly purchased library books/materials as of Monday, August 5, 2024 and the closing date as of Friday, October 4, 2024. (A.R.S. 15-721/A.R.S. 15-722).
Steps to Locate Lists
Step 1- Log onto
Step 2- Click on Families and then Family Resources
Step 3- Click on Parent Access to Library materials
Step 4- Select the school
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001
Information for Parents click on the link for more information.
Madison Park Student/Parent Handbook
Please use the Park Student/Parent Handbook link above to access information about the school and find answers to the following questions:
What are the cell phone practices? (pg. 12 & 16)
Can I have lunch delivered to my child? (pg. 11)
Can I have lunch with my child? ( pg. 21-22)
What is the Student Dress Code? (pg. 14)
How do I report an absence? (pg. 9)
What resources are used to teach the different classes? (pg.13-14)
What dates are early release and no school days? (pg. 4)
What is the bell schedule? (pg. 6)
What are the ROAR Expectations? (pg. 7-8)
What are the school fees and what are they used for? (pg. 13)