TuES News Family Newsletter
October 25, 2024
A Message From The Principal
Happy Friday Tuscarora,
We have three school days remaining for the October attendance challenge with our sister schools in the Battle of Ballenger Creek. Our September 2024 plaque looks great on the trophy as it sits in our main office!! Being at school on time every day to receive the best first instruction from Tuscarora staff is essential for grade level success! Keep it up Timberwolves.
We have closed out the first marking period, with report cards being distributed on November 8. With that said, this is a perfect opportunity to embrace the three day weekend (no school Monday, October 28) to reflect on those practices that were successful this first marking period and how to upgrade what you have been doing for the coming marking period. My oldest son and I had this very conversation last evening on the way home from football practice. He shared he knew he could have done better by setting his alarm and ACTUALLY getting up when it goes off, as well as coming home and getting started on his home assignments before getting on the gaming system. While he is a tenth grader, these lessons of reflection and upgrades have been part of our families practice since all four began school. The win as the adult leading our children on a positive path to success is the opportunity for conversation with the child(ren) and allowing them to think about how they contribute to their success. My hope is our families pause and discuss the successes of this first marking period and set goals for marking period two.
We have a spirit week in the coming week - be sure to check out the details in the newsletter below. We will kick off Tuesday with our Cozy Comfy day; this can look like pajamas, sweats, flannels...all those materials that feel just right for a great day!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Carrie Zimmerman
Tuscarora Elementary School PTA Update
Thank You for a Great PTA Playdate!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the PTA Playdate on Tuesday afternoon! We were thrilled to welcome Andy the Armadillo, who loved seeing the kids and handing out free meal tickets to Texas Roadhouse. We’d love to host more family-friendly events like this, but we can’t do it without your support. Please consider joining the PTA today and help us continue to bring fun and valuable events to our school community. Purchase your family membership here!
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser — Ends Soon!
The Charleston Wrap Fundraiser ends on Monday, October 28th. Please place your orders this weekend! Haven’t registered yet? Visit www.registercw.com and use our Organizational ID: 28324. Encourage friends and family to support our school by sending email and text invitations through your dashboard. Don’t forget to pick up your Coop Crew collectibles for selling items and grab your Coop Crew pencil topper for dashboard views Wednesday morning during school arrival. Our goal is $10,000, and we’re nearly a third of the way there!
Food Drive Kicks Off November 1st
We’re excited to announce our upcoming food drive, which begins on Friday, November 1st, and runs through November 19th. This effort directly supports families from our own school community. Please send in non-perishable food items, and if you’re interested in helping with sorting and distribution, reach out to us at team.tuscarora@gmail.com.
Family Movie Night - November 8th
Join us for a fun-filled Family Movie Night on Friday, November 8th!
- Food Trucks: 6:00 PM
- Doors Open: 6:30 PM
- Movie Starts: 7:00 PM ("Despicable Me 4")
Tickets are just $1 per person. Bring a non-perishable item for the food drive and get entered into a raffle for a special prize!
Next PTA Meeting: November 12th
Our next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the media center. Due to schools being closed for the election on the first Tuesday of the month, we’re meeting the following week. We’ll be discussing the annual budget, hearing from the Principal, and planning for upcoming events. We need more members to take on active roles—events like BINGO and movie nights can’t happen without volunteers. Come join us and get involved!
Fall Clubs Update
We currently have two active fall clubs: iSteam Club and Chess Club. We’re planning more clubs for the Spring to cater to our students' varied interests. If you’d like to volunteer to help with a club, please email us at team.tuscarora@gmail.com.
Stay Connected
Visit our website at tues-pta.givebacks.com for more information, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates!
Thank you to our TuES PTA for having
Mike Green The Science Machine at Tuscarora
The students & staff loved the show!
Friday, October 25: End of Term 1; 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Monday, October 28: Schools Closed for Students; Teacher Work Day
Tuesday, October 29 - Friday, November 1: Tuscarora Spirit Week
- Tuesday, October 29: Cozy, Comfy Day - dress in PJ's or comfortable attire.
- Wednesday, October 30: All Mixed Up Day - Wear it backwards and/or inside out (safely)
- Thursday, October 31: Hat Day - wear a wild or favorite hat.
- Friday, November 1: Team Up Day - wear your favorite team attire.
Tuesday, November 5: Election Day - FCPS Schools & Offices Closed
Thursday, November 21: Tuscarora Elementary School Math Night 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Tuesday, November 26: 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Holiday; FCPS Schools & Offices Closed
Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1: Winter Break Holiday; FCPS Schools & Offices Closed
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) has updated expectations for use of personal mobile devices (PMD). These are devices NOT provided by FCPS which include: cell phones, headphones, smartwatches, smartphones, speakers, and/or cameras. Non-FCPS issued laptops are NOT permitted. Exceptions will be made under special circumstances, including but not limited to documented accommodations.
For more information visit the FCPS Student Code of Conduct
Holiday Food Assistance
Housing and Human Services
Nymeo Field at Harry Grove Stadium, 21 Stadium Drive, Frederick, MD 21703
- Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 12pm – 4:00pm
The Community Table
100 South Market Street, Frederick Md, 21701
- Hot Meal 5-6:30 day of Thanksgiving Thursday November 28th 2024
- Hot Meal 5-6:30 Christmas Day, December 25th 2024
Rescue Mission:
429 West South Street
Frederick MD 21701
- 2 Hot meals to be served on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, 2024
- Christmas Meal for Home Distribution is Saturday December 14th, 2024
- 2 Hot meals to be served on Christmas Day, December, 25th 2024
Seton Center: 226 East Lincoln Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727
- Thanksgiving assistance applications- & Christmas at the same time.
- Call to schedule an in-person appointment to apply- 301-447-6102 x 11 or x 20
*** Thanksgiving Meal will be provided at the Vigilant Hose Activities Center
November 28th 11 am to 2 pm.
(17701 Creamery Road, Emmitsburg, MD 21727)
Christmas Gift Assistance
Rescue Mission - Online Sign Up & Walk Up Registration
429 West South Street
Frederick MD, 21701
Toys For Tots: Frederick Md - 10/1 - 11/1 Open Application
Online application: https://frederick-md.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/request-toys.aspx
Salvation Army of Frederick County Holiday Assistance: All Frederick County residents that demonstrate financial need.
FCPS 2024 - 2025 School Meals Information
Families must be approved each new school year. Even if your student has been approved every previous school year, please contact the FNS office to verify current meal benefit status. Last year’s benefits only carry over for the first 30 school days. Without a 2024-2025 meal benefits approval, your student(s) will have to pay for meals starting Friday, October 4.
Information and the way to apply for meal benefits can be done by visiting the FCPS Food Service online parent portal at www.linqconnect.com and click on School Services and then select Free & Reduced Meal Application. Type Frederick County in the District box, then choose Frederick County Public Schools (MD) (Frederick, MD). Parameters to qualify for Free or Reduced-price Meal benefits can be found in our press release. Some families will receive an email or letter stating they do not have to fill out an application because they have already been qualified or directly certified by Maryland State because they are receiving other government assistance. If you are not sure if you qualify or have already been approved, please call the Food and Nutrition Services office at 240-586-8152 before completing an application.
Transportation – Walkers, Bus Riders and Car Riders
In order to get your student(s) to and from school each day, we need to know what this will look like. Confirm how your student(s) arrives at school and how they depart from school on a regular basis while at Open House, Monday, August 19 4:00 - 5:00.
Clarification about each modality is listed below:
A walker is a student who walks on/off school property to/from their home or care provider.
A car rider is a student who arrives/departs from a vehicle that enters/exits the school through the car rider line; the driver ALWAYS remains in the vehicle.
A bus rider is a student who arrives/departs using FCPS transportation and the Tuscarora bus loop. Bus Information will be available on or before August 10.
Please visit the TuES Family Handbook for additional specifics to our arrival/departure times, procedures and how to make a change if needed.
Physical Education at Tuscarora
Hello from the PE Team,
Please and thank you for continuing to have your children wear sneakers/tennis shoes on their Physical Education (PE) days! This allows your children to be the most active and safe during our lessons in Physical Education class.
We wrapped up our soccer/kicking unit (2nd-5th) and locomotor movement unit (PreK-1st). We will continue to revisit various concepts/games from those units throughout the school year.
However we are moving on to our throwing/catching units (2nd-5th grade) and rolling and tossing units (PreK-1st grade). We will continue to go outside for class (weather permitting) until Mid-November, so please have your child/children bring jackets/sweaters to PE class if they need them.
Finally, We are super excited to welcome Cameron Lauer to our PE team. Mr. Lauer will be our student teacher from Towson University! He will be teaching with us from Mid-October until Mid-December.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr. Hahn and Mr. Keimig
2024 - 2025 Tuscarora Elementary School Sponsored Events
Thursday, November 21 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Math Night
Thursday, January 9 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora Literacy Night
Thursday, January 9 7:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Feeder Concert at Tuscarora High School
Thursday, March 13 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora STEAM Night
Thursday, April 10 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Multicultural Night
Thursday, May 15 Field Day (during school hours)
Tuesday, May 20 7:30 - 8:30PM Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5 Spring Band Concert at Tuscarora High School
Wednesday, May 21 7:30 - 8:30 Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5
Spring Orchestra Concert at Tuscarora High School
Girls & Guys Running & Inspiring Together (GRRIT) Race Saturday, November 2 at 8:30 AM
The fourth and fifth grade GGGRIT after-school running program has taken place on Tuesdays from 3:45-5:00 PM for the past several weeks. The culminating race day is Saturday, November 2 from 8:30-10:00 AM. (The rain date for the race will be on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 8:30-10:00 AM.). We hope our community will come out and cheer on the runners on this November morning.
Here Is What You Need To Do To Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Tuscarora Elementary School. The first steps are:
- Step 1: Take two trainings - Follow these detailed directions (instrucciones detalladas en español) on how to create an account in Unified Talent and then how to complete the two required trainings.
- Step 2: Register in Volunteer Registration Platform - Use the link provided in the volunteer training resource documents to register to the FCPS Volunteer Center. This link is also provided in follow up confirmation email after completing your training.
- Step 3: Notification of Completion - You will receive an automated email that you have completed the volunteer registration process from the FCPS Volunteer Center.
Please be aware that the process can take 72 hours and MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR to you volunteering for FCPS.
This link will provide additional information that may be helpful in completing the process:
Please contact Marcie Bell at Tuscarora if you have further questions (Margaret.Bell@fcps.org )
Car Rider Family Number Visor Tag
Parents whose children are daily car riders may request an additional car tag for a second vehicle by completing this form. We are unable to provide more than 2 car tags per family. This is only to request a second tag for families that already have an assigned family carline number.
If You Want To Volunteer In FCPS, The Volunteer Handbook Is Where To Start
Anyone who wants to volunteer in FCPS must complete the FCPS required volunteer training. The process to be a volunteer can take up to 72 hours once training has been complete to be eligible to volunteer. Check out the FCPS Volunteer Handbook to get started today.
FCPS Expectations and Student Code of Conduct
Every student deserves a safe and supportive space to learn and grow. In Frederick County Public Schools, one of our core goals is the safety and well-being of all students. FCPS fosters an environment of respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
FCPS Communication Update
Recently, several school districts in our region, including Frederick County, VA, and nationwide, have been addressing concerns related to vague social media posts. We want to assure you that there are NO safety threats to our schools.
If you have any safety concerns, please report them immediately to school staff and/or local law enforcement.
FCPS Communication Methods During Crises:
- Emergency Alerts: We use FOF/SchoolMessenger for emails and text messages with real-time updates.
- Website Updates: Information is posted on fcps.org.
- Social Media: Official FCPS channels on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) provide timely updates.
- Local Media: Important updates are shared with local news outlets. Please note the difference between FCPS, Maryland and FCPS, Virginia.
Thank you for helping us keep our community safe.
Email: TUES.Attendance@fcps.org
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/tues/home
Phone: 227 - 203 - 1260
Location: 6321 Lambert Drive, Frederick, MD 21703
Twitter: @TuES_Pack