The Panther Prowl
Principal Hyde
The mission of Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is to engage all learners in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and develops responsible, respectful leaders and citizens
Hyde's Headline
MAP testing begins this week:
All Grade levels will test MAP Reading on Tuesday, 8/27 and MAP Math on Thursday, 8/29. Please make sure your student is present and on time for testing. Please remind them to get a good night's rest before each test and to bring their Chromebook fully charged with them both days.
Here’s a link to the MAP practice test: https://practice.mapnwea.org/#/practice-landing.
User Name: grow Password: grow
Thank you to White, Greer, and Maggard
We are so grateful to White, Greer, and Maggard for their generous donation of Edythe J. Hayes t-shirts. Our students were thrilled to receive their new shirts on Thursday, and we distributed over 1,100 in total.
Electronic devices (i.e., cell phones, tablets, etc.):
Our current cell phone policy states mobile device use will be allowed in the cafeteria and classrooms prior to the start of school, and during lunch. Educational use is allowed at teacher discretion. If electronic devices are confiscated by school personnel, the teacher will return it to the student on the first offense. On the second offense, admin will keep the phone until the end of the day. On the third offense, a parent must pick up phone. Phones may be kept for five school days for additional offense, per the Fayette County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct (pg. 33, section X.). If a student has continued issues with a device during the school day, administration may develop an individualized plan for the student. However, we recommend students keep electronic devices in their lockers or back packs during the school day. We will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
We're working to create a classroom environment that maximizes learning time. Your help in encouraging your student to silence and put away their phone during class and hallway transitions would be greatly appreciated.
State required Bullying and Suicide Presentations will take place for all grade levels on Friday, September 6th. If you would like to opt your student out of hearing these presentations, please email your grade level Guidance Counselor no later than Wednesday, September 4th.
Students attending school sporting events must be accompanied by an adult to enter. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed entry. Please note that adults are responsible for the behavior of students under their supervision. Admission prices are $4 for adults and $2 for students.Thanks in advance for your understanding and support.
Please review the FCPS Student Code of Conduct and the EJH Student Handbook.
Monday, August 26, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Cross country practice at the front field after school
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Gold practice at Meadowbrook at 5:00 pm
- Girls basketball game HOME vs. Morton
- Panther Men of Quality parent meeting in library at 5:30 pm
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team will have an informational meeting in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- Reading MAP TEST
- Girls basketball practice in the gym after school
- Football practice on the football field after school
- FFA will meet in room 910 after school
- SBDM meeting at 5:00 in the library
- Cross Country at East Jessamine at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Cross country practice at the front field after school
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Girls basketball game AWAY at LTMS
Thursday, August 29, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team will have an informational meeting in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- Cross country practice at the front field after school
- Girls basketball Home vs. Southern
- Football game AWAY vs. Winburn
- International trip parent meeting in the library at 6:00 pm
Friday, August 23, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Girls basketball practice after school in the gym
- Football practice after school on the football field
- Wyldlife club after school in the cafeteria
- Kiddie Cheer Camp in the gym at 6:00 pm
Helpful links
Upcoming events
Aug 26 - Girls basketball hosts Morton
Aug 27 - SBDM Meeting
Aug 28 - International trip parent meeting
Aug 29 - Girls basketball hosts Southern
Aug 29 - Football at Winburn
Sept 2 - No School (Labor day)
Sept 4 - Girls basketball hosts Jessie Clark
Sept 5 - Football hosts Morton
Sept 11 - Girls basketball hosts BSMS
Sept 12 - Football hosts BSMS
Sept 19 - OPEN HOUSE
Interested in being an observer on your students canvas account?
You can learn to navigate and observe all of the content your students will be exposed to through their classroom canvas pages. Please follow the link to learn more.
After school tutoring
We will begin holding after school tutoring on Mondays & Wednesdays beginning on September 4th. Please review our tutoring expectations.
Please see our tutoring schedule and sign up for dates here.
Interested in donating to our Panther estore?
Panther Store Help
If you are able to help stock the Panther estore for our students to be able to redeem the ebucks they earn for good behavior and going above & beyond, please click the link below. We appreciate your support!
Sports information
Parent and player pre-tryout meeting will be September 23 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Tryout dates will be announced after that meeting, but we do not yet have those finalized. Everyone trying out must have a physical.
Information about clubs
BETA invitation letters have been distributed to 8th grade students who met the GPA requirements. Please see Ms. Maggard or Ms. Snodgrass for the QR code to complete the application. ALL applications are due by August 30. The BETA induction ceremony will be on September 10 at 6:30 in the EJH cafeteria.
Please direct any questions to Ms. Snodgrass
susan.snodgrass@fayette.kyschools.us or Mrs. Maggard kelly.maggard@fayette.kyschools.us
Student Council
Get involved and make a difference in our school by joining the Student Council, which is open to all students. The first meeting is Sept. 12th at 8am in room 1007 front portable. Any questions, please reach out to bonnie.litteral@fayette.kyschools.us
Diversity Club
Diversity Club meeting is scheduled on September 3rd from 4 pm - 5 pm. Any questions, please reach out to Kylie.qualls@fayette.kyschools.us
Art Club
Art club will start September 4th. This will take place every Wednesday from 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm in room 513. Any questions, please reach out to Charissa.riley@fayette.kyschools.us
Academic team
Coach: Ms. Sarah Van Vooren
Assistant Coach: Ms. Belen Morera de Paz
Meetings: Tuesday & Fridays - BEGINNING AUGUST 27
Time: 07:30 am - 08:30 am
Location: Room 1001 (Portables)
Interested students:
SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/EyYqaUbTaUm8rg1v7
SOMOS PANTEROS (Spanish club)
Coach: Mrs. Morera
Meetings: Mondays - BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9
Time: 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Location: Room 1006 (Portables)
Interested students:
SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/mwf7jirhgMxRRgqD6
Open House 9/19
Interested in traveling abroad?
Our International Trip meeting is Thursday Aug. 29th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center. Parents can register for meeting at: https://bit.ly/3y8FJ5t
This Locust Trace Fundraiser will help our EJ Hayes FFA Program pay for events and trips throughout the school year. There are 8 in pots, which are $12, and 14 in pots, which are $34. There are 5 colors available: yellow, red, bronze, lavender, and white. All colors are available in both sizes. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Bischoff ( william.bischoff@fayette.kyschools.us ).
*** Money and orders are due Sep 1st . Pick-up will be the week of Sep 18th at LOCUST TRACE. Pick-up details will be sent to your email.
Cross country team was visited by the copsicle van!
Attendance numbers from last week:
Monday 8/19: 97.71 %
Tuesday 8/20: 96.39%
Wednesday 8/21: 97.07%
Thursday 8/22: 95.34%