Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
January Newsletter
January Upcoming Events:
Please note that the following events are scheduled as listed, however, are subject to change.
- Monday, 12/23-Friday, 1/3: Winter Break- No School
- Monday, 1/6: 1st Day Back to School from Winter Break
- Wednesday, 1/8: Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Friday, 1/10: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
- Wednesday, 1/15: Basketball vs. Hornbrook in Hornbrook @ 5:00 PM
- Monday, 1/20: Holiday- No School
- Tuesday, 1/21: LCAP/Parent Advisory Committee/SSC Meeting @ 3:00 PM
- Wednesday, 1/22:
- Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Basketball vs. McCloud in McCloud @ 5:00 PM
- Monday, 1/27: Basketball vs. Golden Eagle S in Gazelle @ 3:30 PM
- Wednesday, 1/29: Basketball vs. Gazelle in Gazelle @ 5:00 PM
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Here is a link to our January Breakfast and Lunch Menus: https://5il.co/34601
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
MVL Basketball Schedule 2024-2025
December Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from December
Find below pictures of some of the activities from the month of December.
Holiday Spirit Week- Grinch/Green Day
Holiday Spirit Week- Grinch/Green Day
Holiday Spirit Week- Christmas PJ Day
Holiday Spirit Week- Go Christmas Crazy Day
Holiday Spirit Week- Go Christmas Crazy Day
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Holiday Spirit Week- Hot Cocoa
Music with Mr. Silber
Music with Mr. Silber
Science Day with Mr. Birch
Science Day with Mr. Birch
Science Day with Mr. Birch
TK/K Class Winter Artwork
Holiday Performance Practice
Holiday Performance Practice
Holiday Performance Practice
Holiday Performance Practice
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Cookies and Cookie with Santa Night
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Holiday Performance- The Littlest Christmas Tree
Monthly and Trimester Awards Assembly
Monthly Awards Assembly Information
Our next Monthly Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, January 10th at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria. A parent invitation letter was sent home to the parents of the students that will be receiving awards the week prior.
Student of the Month Awards
One student from each class is chosen by their teacher as Student of the Month for working hard on exhibiting both the Monthly Value and our Positive Behavior Expectations. Student of the Month Award winners will receive a certificate, a small trophy, and a book of their choice at the assembly.
Our Student of the Month Winners for the month of December that will receive their award on January 10th are:
TK-K: Keanan Ball
1st-2nd Grade: Emery Poole
3rd-5th Grade: Aiden Stout
6th-8th Grade: Christopher Bonifield
Pictured below are the Student of the Month Award Winners from November that received their awards on December 13th.
Perfect Attendance Awards
Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are given to students that were able to attend school every day for the entire month. These students will receive a certificate, pencil, and a perfect attendance brag tag. We encourage perfect attendance on a regular basis as "the more students are here, the more they will learn".
Our December Perfect Attendance Award Winners that will receive their award on Friday, January 10th are: Keanan Ball, Braelynn Borba, Hunter Borba, Axel Bruce, Kai Ghiotto, Navara Gonzalez, Noah Gonzalez, Madison Goodrich, Kaylee Hernandez, Elijah Kulak, Muira Nicora, Skarlett Parham, Jesse Perry, Emery Poole, Jace Poole, Wesley Poole, Orion Riddle, Pierce Roberts, Elijah Smith, Aiden Stout, and Kayson Stout.
Pictured below are the students that had Perfect Attendance for the month of November:
Trimester Awards Assembly held on December 13th
Each Trimester our students are able to earn awards for meeting academic, behavioral, and attendance expectations. Congratulations goes out to the following students that received their Trimester Awards on December 13th:
TK-K Class Super Hornet Award Winners: Ezra Smith, Fin Apple, Braelynn Borba, and Keanan Ball
1st & 2nd Grade Class Super Hornet Award Winners: Axel Bruce, Ella Johnson, Elijah Kulak, Ivy Cottini, and Emery Poole.
3rd-8th Grade A & B Honor Roll Award Winners: Navara Gonzalez, Madison Goodrich, Kenzie Johnson, Jacob Pudwill, Orion Riddle, Pierce Roberts, and Edward Windus.
3rd-8th Grade A Honor Roll Award Winners: Kaylee Hernandez, Paityn Mellon, Wesley Poole, and Cloie Swartz.
Trimester Perfect Attendance Award Winners: Elijah Smith, Jesse Perry, and Jacob Pudwill
Below are pictures of all of the Trimester Award Winners from the awards assembly on December 13th.
TK-K Trimester Award Winners
1st-2nd Grade Award Winners
3rd-8th Grade Award Winners
6th-8th Grade Award Winners
Monthly Attendance Reminder
New Year's Resolution: Attend ALL Day, EVERY Day
This is a great time to make school attendance a family priority. This builds a strong work ethic and personal responsibility and contributes to children’s overall academic and social success. Work with your child’s doctor and dentist to schedule appointments when they least affect the school day.
Here is a great video regarding the importance of school attendance from the Shasta County Office of Education/Reach Higher Shasta: https://youtu.be/6Iq_OiQ8B4c
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a safe and healthy Winter Break, and that your holidays were filled with warm, happy, memorable moments with your families. The new year is always a time of reflection and renewal. This school year we have put an even greater focus on our students' academic, physical, and social-emotional growth. What that means to us is that each day we strive to deliver the best instruction based on each of our students individual needs. This is done in each of our classrooms through engaging one on one, small group, and whole class instruction, as well as support from our reading and math intervention staff. Our students also receive individual support in both reading and math through iReady, which adapts to each students specific needs and growth.
The colder weather is definitely here! Make sure to bundle up your students warmly! An extra pair of labelled socks and gloves in their backpack is always a great idea! Research shows that regular fresh air and exercise increase student learning. Our students will go out to play unless it is raining, snowing, icy, or really cold outside. With that, I would like to remind all families of our playground expectations during this winter weather. In order for students to play in the snow on the playground they must have snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves. In the event that a student does not bring boots or snow pants to school, they will be allowed outside, but will have to remain on the sidewalk and blacktop area where the snow has been cleared. As we will have snow and ice over the next few months keep a lookout each morning for text messages, emails, and phone calls in case we need to inform you of late start or school closures for inclement weather (snowy/icy) days.
On behalf of all the Castle Rock Staff, we send our best wishes to all of our families for a safe, happy, and healthy 2025!
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017
Find us on Facebook: Castle Rock School-Castella