Memories and Milestones
A newsletter for alumni and friends of St. Matthew School
October 2024
Dear Friends of SMS,
It's a pleasure to reconnect! I am the Principal of our wonderful school, blessed to be a part of this exceptional community where educating minds and hearts matter. I firmly believe in our mission which is rooted in the tradition of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In fact, we were treated to a visit from Sr. Christina Joseph and Sr. Mary Jo who visited with our students this spring as we keep the tradition of our Sisters alive and well on Welch Drive.
We are approaching the one year anniversary of the electronic edition of what you may remember as Memories & Milestones. Please consider this message a warm invitation to always remain connected with your school. As we like to say, #bulldogsforever!
Most kindly,
Liz Plasky Ed. D
PrincipalKate Ricci, Administrative Assistant; Maryann Wisniewski, Director of Religious Education; Sr. Christina Joseph, Former SMS Principal; Sr. Mary Jo, friend of SMS; Liz Plasky, Current Principal
Reconnect with SMS!
You're Invited to our Alumni Mass!
SMS Alumni Mass
Saturday, Nov 30, 2024, 04:00 PM
St Matthew Roman Catholic Church, Church Avenue, Bristol, CT, USA
A scene from our 2023 alumni Mass. Pictured here is one of our altar servers, now an SMS graduate, with Mrs. Howley, Mrs. Dombroski, and Mrs. Pat! You never know who might join us this year!
Throwback...20, 30, and 40 years!
We're growing!
We had a very good "problem" at the school this summer. As our 30th year of Pre-K is underway, we are so proud to announce that we are growing AGAIN!
Just over a year ago, due to increased interest and our promise to families with keeping class sizes relatively small, we expanded our program to include two classes, one section of Pre-K3 and one section of Pre-K4, both housed in the Parish Center, affectionately remembered as the former Convent when it was home to our IHM Sisters for so many years.
This year, we received even more interest. Rather than turn families away, we decided to add a third classroom! We are expanding in the Parish Center once again. For 2024-2025, we are proud to offer three sections of Pre-Kindergarten...one Pre-K3 half day class, one Pre-K3 full day class, and one Pre-K4 half and full day class!
Our children will be taught by our loving team of teachers and assistants. Please know that our commitment to families is stronger than ever and word is certainly out about our exceptional program.
One of the first...
...groups of Pre-K students at SMS!
Keep in touch!
Once a student, you are always a member of our SMS family. We believe that it is important for our alumni, Parish, and greater community to keep up-to-date with all that’s happening at our school. We’d love to keep in touch!
Please let us know how to keep in touch…even if you think we already know how!
Many of our email addresses are for parents of our graduates. Please consider forwarding this message along and/or sending contact updates to advancement@smsct.org.
May God bless you!
In Loving Memory of...
Mr. Mark J. Monnerat
Mr. Mark Monnerat, friend and partner in Bristol Catholic Schools, has passed away on July 2, 2024.
Mr. Monnerat was an accomplished and well-respected leader, teacher, and coach, most recently having served as Principal of St. Joseph School, Bristol, for almost 30 years. Prior to his time at SJS, Mr. Monnerat was a beloved teacher and coach at SMS. He was also the brother of our late Pastor, Father Brian Monnerat.
We extend our most sincere condolences to the Monnerat family and all those who were lead, taught, and inspired by Mr. Monnerat. Catholic education in Bristol is better because of his passion and tireless commitment to our shared mission. We rejoice in the strong foundation he has left for us today.
Eternal rest grant unto Mark, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen!
St. Matthew, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us!
St. Matthew School
Email: advancement@smsct.org
Website: smsct.org
Location: 33 Welch Drive, Forestville, Bristol, CT, USA
Phone: 860.583.5214
Facebook: facebook.com/stmatthewforestvillect